
The Exotic Conqueror

Kasper Gelt, a powerful sorcerer was killed when his planet was invaded by a superior race. His soul was transmigrated into the body of a certain Alfred Elrod in another planet named Nolmar, of a distant universe. The planet was still young, peaceful and had abundant mana and natural resources. Unfortunately for Kasper Gelt, Alfred Elrod was a nobleman tried and found guilty of treason and was locked up to be executed in the most excruciating manner. Kasper Gelt, managed to escape but was the most wanted man in the empire, he would later go on to uncover the darkest secrets, mysteries of the seemingly harmless planet. Conquering the dark forces of Nolmar and uncovering shocking conspiracies.

AM_Raphael · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Bitter Victory

General Falric and his remaining troops fought on with unwavering determination. Despite the overwhelming odds, they managed to hold their ground against the relentless horde of vampire-like creatures. The forest echoed with the clash of steel, the crackle of magic, and the defiant shouts of the soldiers.

General Falric himself stood at the forefront of the battle, his sword a gleaming beacon of leadership. He rallied his troops with fierce determination, directing them to defend their positions and strike back at the creatures with every ounce of strength they could muster.

The soldiers, their numbers greatly reduced but their resolve unbroken, fought with a tenacity born of desperation. Swords and spears flashed in the dim light of the forest, and arrows found their marks with deadly precision. Mage Sylas, his magical prowess undiminished, continued to cast spells of protection and destruction, creating barriers of light to shield his comrades and unleashing torrents of magic to scatter the attackers.

As the battle raged on, the forest seemed to come alive with the fury of combat. Trees shook and branches quivered as the two forces clashed. Blood stained the earth, and the air was thick with the scent of battle. The remaining troops of General Falric's army were a tight-knit unit, bound together by the shared struggle for survival.

The vampire-like creatures, though numerous and relentless, began to show signs of weariness. Their attacks grew less coordinated, and their movements slowed. The soldiers seized this opportunity, pressing their advantage with renewed determination. They fought with the knowledge that their kingdom's honor was at stake, and they were not willing to yield the forest without a fight.

Mage Sylas, in a display of his immense magical skill, conjured a blinding storm of arcane energy that swept through the ranks of the creatures. A powerful wind raged, sending the monsters tumbling and scattering. It was a momentary respite, but a crucial one.

General Falric seized the opportunity, leading a daring charge against the disoriented creatures. His soldiers followed suit, their battle cries echoing through the forest. Swords met claws, and the creatures were pushed back with each swing of steel. The soldiers fought with a ferocity born of desperation, determined to reclaim the ground they had lost.

The battle continued to rage, but the tide had shifted. The soldiers of General Falric, inspired by their leader's unwavering resolve, pressed forward, steadily driving the creatures back into the depths of the forest. The creatures, now on the defensive, hissed and snarled, their crimson eyes filled with fury and frustration.

As the moon rose higher in the night sky, bathing the battlefield in its silver light, the soldiers' determination did not waver. They fought with every ounce of strength they possessed, their hearts filled with the hope that victory was within reach. General Falric's leadership and Mage Sylas's magical prowess proved to be a formidable combination, guiding them through the darkest hours of the battle.

But victory would not come easily. The creatures, despite being pushed back, fought with a tenacity that defied their monstrous nature. They rallied, regrouping in the shadows of the forest and launching counterattacks with renewed ferocity.

The battle reached a climax as the soldiers and creatures clashed in a final, desperate struggle. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the very trees standing witness to the epic confrontation. Swords clashed, spells exploded, and the fate of both the soldiers and the creatures hung in the balance.

In the midst of the chaos, Mage Sylas tapped into the deepest reserves of his magical power. With a thunderous incantation, he summoned a blinding pillar of light that pierced the night sky. The magical beacon served as a rallying point for the soldiers, filling them with renewed strength and resolve.

General Falric, his blade bathed in the radiant light of Sylas's magic, pressed forward with unwavering determination. His troops, inspired by the mage's display of power, followed suit. With a coordinated effort, they pushed the creatures back, step by hard-fought step.

The creatures, their numbers dwindling and their forces in disarray, finally began to falter. Their crimson eyes lost their fierce glow as defeat loomed. The soldiers of General Falric, sensing victory within their grasp, pressed their advantage with relentless determination.

As the first rays of dawn broke over the horizon, casting a warm and golden light upon the battlefield, the last of the vampire-like creatures were defeated. The forest, once a place of serene beauty, was now a battlefield strewn with fallen foes.

General Falric and his surviving troops stood victorious but weary. They had defended their kingdom's honor and prevailed against the relentless onslaught. Mage Sylas, though drained of much of his magical energy, had survived the battle, his skills a vital asset in securing victory.

The forest, scarred by the battle, gradually returned to a state of calm. The towering trees stood sentinel once more, their branches swaying gently in the morning breeze. The soldiers of General Falric, their armor battered and their spirits tested, gathered to take stock of their losses and offer gratitude for their survival.

General Falric, his voice filled with pride and gratitude, addressed his troops. He praised their bravery and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds, reminding them that their actions had not only defended the kingdom but also upheld its honor. The soldiers, though weary, stood tall, knowing that they had emerged victorious.

Mage Sylas, though drained from his magical exertions, offered a reassuring smile to the troops. He acknowledged their valor and the importance of their unity in the battle's outcome. His magic had played a crucial role in turning the tide of the battle, and his presence had been a source of inspiration to all.

With the battle won and the forest slowly returning to its natural state, General Falric and his troops began the solemn task of tending to the wounded and honoring the fallen. They built a makeshift camp in the heart of the forest, a testament to their victory and a place of rest for the weary.

As the soldiers tended to their comrades, a sense of relief and gratitude washed over them. They had faced the darkness that lurked within the forest and emerged victorious. Their kingdom's reputation had been upheld, and their actions would be remembered as a testament to their bravery.

But even in the midst of their celebration, General Falric knew that their mission was not yet complete. Kasper, Martel, and Elara remained at large, their whereabouts unknown.

General Falric made the decision to press on, to continue the pursuit of the elusive travelers. With the surviving soldiers by his side and Mage Sylas ready to lend his magical expertise, they would embark on a new phase of their journey, determined to capture the trio and bring them to justice.

The forest, having borne witness to the epic battle, seemed to whisper its secrets to those who would listen. Ancient trees and hidden paths held clues to the whereabouts of Kasper, Martel, and Elara, and General Falric was determined to follow the trail, no matter where it led.

And so, with the rising sun casting its golden glow upon the forest, General Falric and his determined troops prepared to resume their pursuit.