
The Exiled Vampire

It sucks when the place where you grow up, meet and make your friends, play, first had a crush, all your firsts is the same place where cannot go now. Your own hometown disowns you, your family loathes you, and the one that you love disgusts you. In the first place, I didn`t want any of these. And I don`t want to be like this. I just want to be a normal human being who eats greeny veges, fresh fruits, eat cooked foods. I wanna meet someone in the future whom I will marry, have children and build a family. I wanna grow old. And when time comes, I wanna die in the arms of someone I truly love. But why can`t things be that normal? Why can`t I do all of those things? Is this a kind of punishment for all of my unwanted sins? I was a teenager back then. I was just playing with Floopy-- my dog. When these evils came and ended up everything I planned for the future. When they all turned me into who and what I am now. A so called killer. Vampire. A vampire who doesn`t grow up anymore, can`t make any friends. Hates veges, dislikes fruits and doesn`t even recognize cooked dishes as foods. A vampire who will not be able to marry, carry a child and die because of age. It sucks, really. But it doesn`t with me being a vampire. I discovered more and deep history who I really am.

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3 Chs

The Substitute

Perks of being a 'vampire' is that all your senses are enhanched. I tend to hear distant noises, move faster than some athletes, also I can see better during night time.

When I reached the exit gate of MTU (Maximillan Town University), I can feel my heart pounding so fast. I don`t know if it`s because I ran and I can`t use my vamp speed right now.

I fixed my coat and started walking normally when someone called me from behind. I looked back when I saw that it`s the blondie.

"Hey! I`ve been looking for you around the campus." she said while catching her breath. I heard her heart beats so fast and the flow of her blood, it`s too noisy.

I turned my self back at her because if I won`t, I might suck her blood for good. And it will kill her.

But instead of letting me walk away, she grabbed my bag causing me to frown at her.

"Why?" I asked. She seemed shock by the tone of my question but still manage to speak.

"I-I just wanna be friends with you. You`re the first one I`ve talked to here and besides, you look like an angel." She said while smilling, hiding her nervousness.

I sigh and looked at her. "Well, looks can be deceiving miss."

She smiled wider and said, "I doubt that. By the way I`m Katerina, but Kate will do."

"I`m Ira." And I started walking away.

Good thing she isn`t persistent as I thought and I like her for that. When I reached home, I went directly to my fridge and got my self some A+ bloodbags.

Yes. I am a vampire but not killer. Although I`m a thief because I steal bloodbags from MTH, the town hospital. I just consume one bag per day, making it seven bags per week.

As I laid myself on bed, I remembered the professor`s tattoo. I know I`ve seen it somewhere and wherever it is I know it`s dangerous. Because all I feel is de ja vu.

The next morning Katerina waited for me in school. I saw her seated in one of the benches playing something with her hands. When she saw me, she immediately fixed her things and ran towards me.

I managed to be with her for the three classes and I think, it isn`t really bad for me to have a friend. She`s very talkative to me but when it comes to other, she`s just like me.

While sitted here in the cafeteria, I looked out at the large glass window. Outside all I see are houses from the distance and the large oval that the school owns.

A few minutes later, Katerina came carrying foods in the food tray.

"Here`s yours." She then put some bread like biscuit in front of me.

I stared at her while thinking of a way to say that I`m not a 'normal food' eater. But then I think again, 'I have to manage myself and learn to eat foods of humans.'

"Thanks, Kate." I smiled and started eating. The food is caramel flavor-it says in the cover- it`s soft in the mouth but it really sticks to my gums. However, I don't really know what it tastes like. When I asked Kate about the food`s flavor, she said it`s Delcao Biscuit.

"So, Ira can you tell me something about yourself?" She said after finishing her food.

"There`s nothing about me, just ask and I`ll answer you." I shrugged. She sighed and looked at the cafeteria`s door. I noticed the rush of her blood through her face.

"Holy wow." She exaggerated. "Ira, Ira look." She pointed her mouth. I rolled my eyes and turned myself around to see who`s the 'holy wow.'

There I saw a man in black hoodie and fitted jeans. His pale white complexion matches his hazel chocolate colored eyes and a perfect jaw. I mean, he's perfect. His hair is a bit messy that made him looks like he just woke up.

He started walking like a pro model to the cafe`s counter. I have no interest of what he`ll do so I decide to get my attention back to my food.

It seemed like Kate forgot about her question and answer portion a while a ago. I then finished my food and get ready for my next class.

"Why do you think Mr. Hunter isn`t here yet?" Kate asked while tapping her ballpen.

"Ran some errands?" I answered unknowingly. I actually heard him talking to some guy and I didn`t lie to Kate because the guy really asked for Mr. Hunter to ran some errand.

It`s already 1 in the afternoon and almost every students now are in their respective rooms. That`s why I can easily hear if there is someone walking from the distant.

I was looking outside the window when someone barged in our room. Almost all girls gasped to who we saw. He`s the man we saw a while ago at the cafeteria. And now I noticed he looked like Paul Wesley from some movie that I have watched when I was young.

"I`m sorry, Gray went to some village for a project." The man spoke in a low voice. I heard some girls sighed. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"So let`s get started, by the way I`m Nikolei. I`ll be substituting Mr. Hunter for today." He folded the sleeves of his hoodie up to his elbow.

Thank you so much for giving this story a chance to be discover. Enjoy reading!


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