
An Average Day In DXD

Rias glanced up from her tea to her friend and co-king Sona Sitri. The petite devil pushed her glasses up and stared at her cup. The pleasantries were nearly over, and they could get down to business. But, for now, she watched her target through her familiar's eyes. A beastly 8ft tall monster of a man waited on a rooftop watching the stars.

"So, you're sure he isn't a fallen or affiliated with the church," Sona said. Rias rolled her eyes in confirmation.

"No, he doesn't appear to be a priest or a fallen. Keep watching and see what he does next." Rias said.

Sona closed her eyes and focused, and Rias joined her. It was always this time of night. The air shimmered around her target, and he vanished.

"Is that teleportation without circles or a displacement of air?" Sona asked before tapped her chin. "He could be a servant of the Shinto gods. But this isn't their territory; we have a treaty." Sona said.

"He'll return a few hours before dawn covered in burns and ripped clothes. Afterward, he'll return to his home, go out to run errands, or go to a game café. I want more information, but it feels too soon to confront him while I'm working on Issei." Rias said.

Sona shrugged. "Have you tried handing out summoning fliers on his path?" Sona said.

Rias slumped in her chair. She had tried that with every member of her peerage. Each time he pocketed a flier. "He doesn't use them."

Sona shook her head. "Rias, if you really want this guy, then make an excuse to get close to him. Find out where he sits or shops and go there. Make your prey believe you belong, and when you go to strike, he'll never see the blow coming. Then make the offer and welcome the giant to your peerage. I mean, he'd at least make a good meat shield." Sona said.

Rias nodded her head slowly; she'd just have to make herself available.

I didn't know why but this event held events within it in the form of mini-dungeons. They were realms hidden within realms that only opened at certain times. This world also ran on its own timeline outside of my normal universe, giving me all the time I could ever need to enjoy the event.

After a few days grinding the fallen angel dungeon for loot, I found all kinds of items. Fallen feathers, heavenly light burned armor, and tons of rings and amulets grant light damage bonuses and resistances, to name a few. Unfortunately, none of the loot boosted Parameters by much, but that wasn't the draw.

The dungeon itself was only C rank, but the material drops were worth it. I even found a Light Mastery skill disc.

That would open a path to learning all kinds of light-based skills. This whole event had turned out to be nothing but easy money. With nothing but easy dungeons as far as the eye could see and no time limit, life had become easy.

I flipped on my glamour and watched my image return to that of a boring man in his late 20s. Even my beard looked well-oiled, and my mustache curled upward stylishly. My head was well shaved, and my coat didn't have a hole in sight. Best of all, my height under the glamour was a comfortable 6ft. In contrast, my natural form was an 8ft tall, muscular brute dressed in mismatched armor. My hair had grown out of control, and my beard needed a washing.

Parameters really had a bad habit of changing a user's body. I shook my head and promised to get cleaned up after I gamed a little.

"Hello Red, did work let you out early?" Ito Renji, the café manager, asked. I had become a regular in the past few weeks. Yes, I knew that system users shouldn't enjoy games because that's our life, but it felt cathartic to put someone else through the grinder for a change. Even if that person was an avatar, I felt a little perverse enjoyment out of someone else fighting for a change.

I found my favorite spot popped a tab on a java monster, and looked over to see Rias fucking Gremory losing horribly on an old copy of resident evil 4. That wasn't in the manga, I was sure of it, but the manga went basically from Issei's perspective. Maybe this was a peerage team exercise, or she was secretly a gamer.

With all things main plot-related, I decided to ignore it. Yes, a harem would be great, but I could reload the event and get that anytime. I wasn't one of those weirdos who obsessed over a particular waifu and inducted them into a party. It was basically a copy of the peerage system.

To that end, I said no, thank you to giving Rias pointers in the village encounter. She'd either get better, or she'd give up.

Still, for a high school girl, she was well developed. Telling her the goal wasn't to kill them all but to survive until the bell rings would have helped her. But I enjoyed the sounds of teeth grinding and Leon's deaths too much. I had a chainsaw to the neck once the chain dulled to ruin before it broke my barrier. Leon needed to suck it up and focus on better Parameters and Skills.

Did that sound insane? Not everyone had the system. Well sucks for them.

I finally had enough of my game and turned it off. While I enjoyed borderlands, I'd played it for weeks; maybe it was time for a different genre. So Rias took her headphones and stared at her latest death.

"You should try to survive instead of killing every enemy," I said and left.

Maybe it was time to swap dungeons to something with a little more kick. There was a devil dungeon near the school, but it only opened at midnight. My glamour was ok, but it wouldn't stop the cluster fuck of wards surrounding Kuoh academy. That place was a stronghold, and if my glamour failed, the students would panic at the sight of an approaching bigfoot.

"I don't need your advice. I can handle this on my own." Rias said.

"Whatever, it's your game to lose," I said.

Wasn't that the same for me? I came here to enjoy the event and life in a semi-modern world. Ruining my lazy fun by hanging out with miss destruction would be lame. A few users had actually been converted into devils, and they were shamed for it. I didn't want to end up a slave to a high school girl. That sounded like hell.

I needed things from the market and then a nap before midnight. Then, hopefully, the rest of the devils would be in school or something. I checked my phone only to realize it was Saturday; they wouldn't be in class anyway. When was the last time a day of the week mattered to me?

Oh, yea, I forgot that the holy dungeon opened today at the old abandoned church. Hopefully, the fallen weren't taking residence there yet.

I really wanted to go into a pure angel dungeon and get some more light-based skills. Learning Light mastery by itself wouldn't be helpful at all. And if my memory served t, light spears can get pretty intense. They even scaled with spiritual energy or QI. I could also be wrong, and they could scale with magic. I haven't learned the skills yet. While the fallen light spear was available from a fallen drop, I wanted to see if the standard light spear drop was different. It was also possible that not all light spears were created equal. I remember seeing on Reddit that someone found a Legendary Light Spear Skill Drop with an S rank Light Spear Skill. While that could be a lie, it meant that not all light spears are created equal.

The angel dungeon was only C rank. So, I wouldn't get my hopes up. But I had something to do before I went for the holy dungeon.

At the grocery store picking out the newest creamer to drop on the shelves, sea salt ice cream, I saw Sona Sitri. Once was a coincidence twice is a pattern. I thought about exposing that I knew about them before telling her off. But that would have been retarded.

There were easier ways to kill myself than death by Serafall Leviathan. But, of all the annoyances this world had to offer, she was the greatest.

Why were the devil girls stalking me? I haven't stepped on any toes, killed any devils, even strays, or stepped within 10 miles of Kuoh Academy. So, what was her deal? I just wanted to run dungeons and collect loot and skills. Was it too much to ask to be left alone?

I checked my phone, I needed to get to the old church soon, and if I recalled correctly, devils didn't like churches. Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't have it bulldozed for a strip club or something. I couldn't think of a better way to un-holy the ground.

"Old men shouldn't use such sugary creamers; it will make you fat," Sona said. I felt my eye twitch. So she cut deep and called me fat. Did she know I was originally American?

Well, fuck it.

I turned and gave a quick 15-degree bow. "Thank you for worrying about my health, young lady." After adjusting my glamour slightly, I ensured that, yes, it was working. No, I wasn't fat under the glamour but seeing an 8ft user would be shocking. "I'm sure you have better things to do than worry about an old man like me." That was the nicest fuck off I've ever given.

Glamours worked best by creating an illusion that looks similar to the original. Despite my rugged appearance, my glamour appeared like I would without the game. Most people accepted a 29-year-old man for what they were here in Kuoh. Even as a foreigner, people generally left me alone as long as I tried to follow the local customs. This was my first encounter with Sona, and it was freaking me the fuck out.

Had she seen through my glamour? By the glare in her admittedly adorable glasses, she wasn't looking at my glamour's face but an approximation of my own. Was the plot trying to suck me in kicking and screaming?

"Nonsense, even someone like you deserves a little care. You don't look like the type who appreciates a balanced diet." She pulled a flier from her pocket and handed it to me. It was crinkled and warmed by her pocket. "Make a wish, and a cute devil will come to help you cook. I promise it works every time. Do you like redheads, mister?" Sona said.

This was becoming far too personal for my liking. I looked around for the nearest Karen to shout pedophile at me. At least the commotion would give me an excuse to never see this person again. But, unfortunately, I had shit to do, and dealing with devils wasn't on the agenda. I hadn't messed with the plot at all, and no butterflies should be flapping their wings. So long as I only focused on dungeons and gathering loot, the world should leave me alone.

I hadn't even murdered Issei, which was the first step in the instructions for the harem takeover. There were lets plays on Reddit for the record for the fastest run time. On all of them, their first step was killing Issei and Saji. That created two holes for the user to fill if one didn't work out.

I avoided that, and with no hole to fill, I shouldn't be stalked. Why did this happen?

"I'll be sure to summon a devil to do my cooking for me. My microwave could use a break." Sona moved forward and gripped my hand with hers, and I knew the glamour wouldn't hold up to it.

Her eyes widened when she held the great baseball mitt that was my hand. They were strong enough for things like crushing skulls, dexterous enough to game without crushing equipment, and tough enough to take baking sheets out of the oven. She took my hand in both of hers and stared at the glamourless flesh.

As a result, my glamour began unraveling at an incredible pace. I reapplied it, but the process repeated itself. Once the illusion was found out, the glamour broke. No matter how I leveled the Skill, it couldn't hide me if I'm found out.

"If you're done staring at my hand, I have things to do," I said.

"Play a game of chess with me. You've played before, haven't you." Sona said.

Great, did she have a hand fetish or something? Then again, she's a devil, so such a strange fetish wasn't impossible. Ugh, all I wanted to do was grind a unique dungeon, get home, take a nap and go back to the fallen dungeon at midnight. The hell was up with this world. I've had weeks of nothing then bam hand fetish.

"Why should I? What do I gain with this game? I have things to do and little time before I'm needed elsewhere. You, students, might not get it, but I have responsibilities." I said.

My only hope to escape this nonsense and the Serafall landmine was to play it annoyed and get her to back off. Social norms should prevent her from being too pushy on a stranger, especially an older man she never met. But, instead, her eyes narrowed in determination.

"Oh well, another time perhaps. Don't forget to use the pamphlet preferably between 18:00 and 20:00." Sona said.

The young devil smiled and walked away. Once she passed out of sight, she teleported away. No, I didn't see her teleport, but her presence vanished.

Should I use it to see how well the Gremory heiress could cook, or should I ignore it with the rest? Either option might lead to more encounters of the devilish kind. Did this world really want to draw me into that nonsense that badly?

I purchased all the ingredients for curry and some salmon. Odds were good; she wouldn't have her own ingredients, and my apartment had only instant ramen, toaster pastries, and peanut butter. I had just enough left in the bank to buy the ingredients and pay rent. I'd have to find another stream of revenue soon.

I could only pawn off so much gold before people grew suspicious. The gold to yen exchange on the user market was horrible. That's where the real money was.

Users were spending lifetimes here instead of their worlds gaining experience and powering up skills. There were so many powerful opponents in the DXD world that life was seldom dull. Still, the plot wasn't something I was interested in. Taking the protagonist's place didn't feel right to me, and I didn't want to tag along to someone else's adventure.

I wanted to wait a year and relax with light dungeon raids before I really started grinding my skills with Rias and then Sona's sudden attention that didn't seem possible. Of course, I was in Japan, the holy land of fetishes, gaming, and anime; this was where I wanted to be, but I'd get sucked into the plot if things continued like this. Well, I could just derail it.

That was something to think about before I made a decision.


Dragon, that's what he was and not a sacred gear user. Some poor woman had lain with a dragon, and this guy popped out. Just touching him had been like grasping a typhoon; there was so much power hidden beneath the surface. She grabbed her head. Why did she challenge him to a game of chess? That was so stupid dragons are notoriously sore losers and didn't care who they threatened.

Why was he here, and why did he keep vanishing? A thought occurred to her the Great Red existed in the dimensional gap and had the power to move between dimensions. His name is Red, from what her sources told her. He wasn't the Great Red; he was Red Jr; it was insane, and who could the guy's mother even be to have caught the Great Red's eye. She shook her head; the idea was too ludicrous and needed to be benched before she actually moved on it.

Ok, she snatched a knight from her board. It wasn't an evil piece; she wouldn't play a game with something so valuable. If she lost a piece, then she wouldn't get another one easily.

The door opened to her office, and Rias stomped in. "I hate that game; just survive. I'll show those villagers what I can do." Rias yelled.

Sona took a little joy at her fellow King's stress. It was better to be stressed over something as simple as a game than an obscenely powerful dragon wandering in their territory. She hadn't been able to sense him at all until she grabbed his hand. It wasn't a power she had encountered before; it felt pure and, at the same time, endlessly deep.

She returned the piece to the board. "I take it you had a good time stalking a potential peerage candidate," Sona said.

Rias slumped. "I don't know he isn't cute like Issei at all. He seems stuck in his ways, grumpy, and too serious." She said the last words with distaste.

Rias had no idea what they were dealing with, and before she grasped the dragon man's hand, she wouldn't have known either. The illusion was another mystery. Dragons were known for their shapeshifting capabilities, but outright illusions weren't standard. The proud creatures preferred to show off their strength rather than hide it. Or that's what she once believed.

Still, she was her friend, and Rias needed help getting away from Riser. Sona couldn't just challenge Riser for Rias's hand to give it away later to one of Rias's choosing.

"He's a dragon, not a human with a sacred gear, an actual dragon. I think he might also have sacred gear. He's powerful like as strong Saji's sacred gear." Sona said.

What would her friend do with that information? Would she try to love bomb the dragon and appear in his bed? That could prove disastrous, especially for an older man. A dragon might not think twice about taking Rias's virginity. The Phoenix family would demand satisfaction for such an insult; a young dragon might not think twice about dueling Riser for Rias's hand. Sirzechs would definitely get involved, and she could see it all turning into a cluster fuck. Even the Civil war was likely if it caused a breaking in the Gremory Pheonix Sitri power block.

Still, Rias was her friend, and while the deadline was coming up, she knew better than to poke a dragon. "I hope you handle this with care, Rias. He accepted a summoning pamphlet from me and knows to summon you from 18 to 20. So please be careful dragons; young ones especially are temperamental." Sona said.

Any dragon under a thousand years of age could be considered young.

Rias brightened up and rushed in for a hug. Sona stared enviously at Rias's boobs while being rubbed between them. "Thank you so much, Sona; what is his request?" Rias asked.

"He just wants you to cook for him. So don't bother with anything too complicated. His cart was full of ramen and toaster pastries. It won't take much to impress him." Sona said.

Rias snapped her fingers as if she'd just figured out some great mystery. "Sona, you're a genius. The easiest way to a dragon's heart is through their stomach." Rias said.

As happy as Rias was, Sona felt that it would be impossible to add Red to any peerage. But she didn't want to ruin this moment with her friend.

Noon was fast approaching, and once inside, I'd have to move fast. So as a precaution, I stepped in an alleyway a little ways from the church and sorted out my loot. C-rank dungeons could occasionally spawn B-rank loot, but they were rare drops and always from the floor bosses. Of my B-rank Gear, I had completed the Judged set. Nearly every piece added a +20% light resistance boost. Ten rings, the gauntlets, pauldrons, cuirass, grieves, boots, medallion, and winged helm together increased the boost by another 10% per armor piece. Though my light resistance skill worked on MAG, my weakest Parameter, it was still quite powerful at lvl15.

To that end, my system gave me a Light DEF bar that needed to be surpassed before I took light damage. Once that defense hit 0, I had to get away from the DPS for 6.2 seconds before it began regenerating.

L DEF: 21k

That didn't sound like much, and it wasn't a boss who could still wipe that out in two hits. But it was growing steadily. So once my armor set was on in all of its stylish ebony glory, complete with a tarnished blue cape, I made my way towards the church with plenty of time.

The abandoned church was gated, which was to be expected. I shook the gate a little until the iron door jumped off its henges. It was just like a troublesome vending machine in that way. All it took was a little force. I let the bars drop.

When some random human stepped out from a bush and pointed a gun at me, I figured I'd gotten my timeline wrong. That or I'd found a random mugger in Kuoh. "What the fuck are you doing here?" A man dressed as a catholic father said.

I turned to see Freed Sellzen of all people. He wasted no time pulling the trigger.

The light gun dealt a grand total of 9.65 L DMG, which wasn't a surprise. The Skill lessened L DMG as well as added defense. Unfortunately, my barrier broke, revealing me in all my badass armored glory.

Instead of looking impressed, Freed fired off more rounds, gripped his light sword with both hands, and charged like a maniac. I blinked before knocking him back with a wave of QI. This man was a stray exorcist and completely human, if my information was correct. No one would care if he died. He's also integral as an antagonist for the early plot.

I expanded my glamour to hide my action from the outside world.

A spectral hand rose and pulverized Freed's very human skull. Then, it burst like a rotten pumpkin, blasting skull fragments and brains all over the hill leading to the church. I tossed a tiny fireball on the remains with a shrug and watched them burn to ash in seconds. Afterward, I took my shovel out of my inventory and pilling some dirt over the brain matter.

Once the ground was level once more, I returned my old grave digging shovel to my inventory and continued as if nothing happened. Now that I knew the plot was well and truly broken, it was time to enjoy a few relaxing hours in a new dungeon.

The second I opened the door to the abandoned church, light bullets and spears smashed into me. It had me thinking, was the dungeon really tied to the church? If I just cave in the building, would the entrance vanish? Or could I find another dungeon entrance at another church?


Light Resistance lvl16

I closed the door behind me even as they chipped away slowly at my L DEF. Then, with a flick of my finger, I unleashed a Death Ray, a beam of concentrated QI backed by my intent to kill. Where it touched flesh practically melted away along with the walls of the church. A horrible shrieking sound accompanied the Skill as people were sliced apart.

When the gunfire died away, the only ones left were the four black-winged fallen chucking spears at me. Each of the spears only dealt 50 to 100 L DMG; they weren't much of a threat.

"Come on, guys, you aren't going to do me any harm with those anytime soon. Let's talk this out." I said.

My feet left the ground as my QI took me up among the angels. They stared at me as If I were some kind of terrible monster or something. But that's what users were in the end. Parameters and Skills had turned us all into something less than human. Our powers twist us even if we pretend to be normal. Eventually, the power will demand to get out.

"Look at what you made me do. I came here in peace, but you forced my hand. If you didn't want to die, you shouldn't have shot first." I shook my head at their silence. For fallen, they sure were quiet fellows. "Who are you working for, and do they know you're here working out of an abandoned church and attacking anyone who passes by?" I asked.

"We are under Azazel sama's orders; if you touch us, the full might of the Gregory will fall upon you." A black-haired fallen said.

"Well, then it's a good thing you're all very much alive. Run along now. The door's open. I don't have any business with you anyway." I said.

I floated up to the rafters where the gateway hovered closed off. After crossing my legs, I reached into my inventory and pulled out a monster energy drink. Then, after checking my stocks to see I'd lost a shit ton, I closed the app and turned my attention back to the still frozen fallen.

"Do we have a problem?" It was still five minutes until the portal opened, and I felt a little nervous. What if all the loot here was unusable? That would have made this entire trip a waste?


Hundreds of stray exorcists were dead bisected by a fucking laser. Red was a remorseless killing machine, and he was gone wherever he went. The 8ft tall mass of destruction had worn some sort of anti-light armor and tore through the abandoned church. Like well, a dragon through a communion. Usually, this would be a good thing. But, she didn't want fallen in her territory, and Red wasn't technically a part of her peerage yet.

Red had thoroughly demoralized the fallen with a flick of his finger. She'd seen it through her familiar's eyes how he ended the exorcists with pitiable ease. Then he floated up to a random spot in the church and waited.

When she thought about it logically, it made some sense. What would a dragon care about human life? A bunch of ants tried to kill him, so he destroyed them. The fallen had cried; daddy Azazel and Red had decided they weren't worth his time. So that led her to believe he wasn't here to kill any of them.

Slowly she tried to fit her mind into the position of a dragon man going to the equivalent of his job when a random naked ape attacks. After dealing with that one, he moved on until a whole crowd of naked monkeys attacked. From there, he used just enough power to kill all of them, and when the fallen stopped attacking, he left them alone.

"Fufufu, are you sure you want to add him to your peerage, Rias sama," Akeno asked.

"It will be him or Issei. Of course, Issei might have more potential unless Sona's theory is correct. But if that's the case, I probably couldn't make Red into a devil even with a whole set of evil pieces." Rias said and looked back at the empty air where Red vanished into. "Who should I choose, Akeno?" Rias asked.

Her queen and best friend seemed to think about it. "Tannin was able to reincarnate with a single piece, so why can't Red?" Akeno said.

"So, I need to make him accept becoming a devil. If it's something he wants, then the price of conversion goes down massively." Rias said.

"Don't think about it too much; you'll have all the time you need to convince him while you're making him dinner," Akeno said. Rias rolled her eyes at her friend's antics.

"Then I'll make a meal for him fit for a Devil King," Rias said, now if only she knew how to cook.

My armor was in tatters, light spears, arrows, swords, and lances laid in piles along with the corpses of hundreds of angels. They ranged from two to six wings with various roles and armor sets. Stack upon stack of angel feathers, wings, and organs filled my inventory in case I ever got the alchemy or blacksmith skills. Of course, Angel feathers didn't sell for what they used to, but I could still sell a stack for 15 ounces of gold.

What interested me more than physical loot was the skill card and the spells I gained.


New Skill

Summon lvl1

Type: MAG +5

Rank: B

Spell Cards

Summon Angel

Summon Warrior Angel

Summon Healer Angel

Summon Mage Angel

Summon Cultivator Angel

Summon Pegasus

Summon Light Sword

Summon Light Bow

Summon Light Arrow

Of course, there was a price to summoning. Besides the mana cost, each summoning required light orbs. Something I've never heard of until I looked it up. At the cost of 200G or 200 ounces of gold, I gained a small light orb. With this, I could summon an angel. Well, a low-level one but an angel all the same.

No, I wasn't stupid enough to summon it here to fight a bunch of angels. That would be stupid. I'd wait until I found a demon dungeon, dark resistant armor, and equip it with light-based weapons. That is if they leveled up and they weren't mindless NPCs. If that was the case, then I'd summon them and use them as disposable tools. It would still be demoralizing to summon one to fight against angels. They probably have hang-ups over killing their own.

I checked the time. I had only been here for about an hour. I would need to power nap for two hours before I summoned Rias. With that in mind, I should leave at 15:00, but first I changed equipment. While the fallen armor was stylish and gave ok bonuses to light resistance, boosted Strength and Constitution, and gave a bonus against angels, angel armor gave a drop bonus and higher L RES.

After wiping out every angel on the floor, I made my way to the boss chamber. The entrance was a literal glass stairway to heaven leading through a bright white cloud covering a higher realm. I climbed up with my eyes closed because the next floor was blinding. Even raising my aura did nothing, leaving me blind midway up to the boss chamber. All I could sense was the boss's QI. Not even my system helped because I couldn't see the angel to look at its status.

For a C-rank boss, this angel was perhaps my trickiest opponent. Regenerators or tanks could still be fought, and DPS types were easy enough to either corner and debuff. For once, I had to fight blind. I pointed my finger and unleashed a Death Ray fully powered.

I heard flesh-tearing, and then the light died down. My opponent revealed herself to be a giant womb filled with liquid light attached to a woman's face with three sets of wings. It dropped a glowing golden fruit before fading into motes of light.

Forbidden Fruit Of Life – Grants the devourer the VIT and WIS Parameters starting at 300 and the B-rank Skill Garden Of Eden. Adds 300 PP if the user already possesses those parameters.

I tossed the fruit in my inventory and booted up the marketplace. The Forbidden Fruit Of Life sold at around 0.001G. That was only because the price couldn't drop further than that. Everyone knew the VIT Parameter was a trap. Well, everyone who wasn't dead.

Anyone who gained the VIT Parameter inevitably becomes a life-devouring monster. The last update hadn't patched that to my knowledge. Unless WIS countered that in some way, it wasn't worth it. Just in case, I bought 5000G worth of fruits and stashed them. For VIT users, this fruit would be like crack. But no one wanted to put their name on such a purchase.

My name was already terrible, so what would buying a few FFOLs matter. The system might successfully patch VIT eventually, and then the FFOLs would be valuable.

With the boss defeated, the mini-dungeon opened the next floor. I went on hoping to eventually find better loot.

The tenth-floor boss was a liquid metal tree-shaped slime with golden angel wings instead of branches. Its description pissed me off.

Feather Of God lvl???

We don't measure power in levels anyway; only raw Parameters matter. Or was the Feather of God one of its skills, and it was leveled above the cap? As a believer in humanity first, it really pissed me off. So, I started using the good debuffs, Enfeeble, Curse, and Grudge.

The light from the boss blinded me even through my 10,000G pair of fallen sunshades. Even through my heavenly ringed full plate mail helm, it felt like the top of my shaved head was sunburned. So, no, I wasn't having an easy time of the fight. Every other Death Ray failed to hit because of the illusions crafted by the creature or its infinitely dexterous body.

Thankfully it had one weakness the boss couldn't fly. So high above the arena out of reach of the boss's AOE attacks, I lobbed down debuffs, fireballs, and death rays. All the while, its massive health bar slowly chipped away.

When the tenth-floor boss turned to light particles, and another fruit dropped. Yes, the boss fight was anticlimactic, but in my defense, I was here to loot.

Forbidden Fruit Of Knowledge – Grants the devourer the WIL and INT Parameters starting at 300 and the B-rank skill Fall Of Eden. Adds 300 PP if the user already possesses those parameters.

I checked the marketplace to find the fruit sold out at 200,000,000G.

"Talk about price gouging." If I put it up for auction, then I'd gain quite a lot of gold. Too bad there wasn't a good way to launder any of it. Eating it didn't have as many consequences as the FFOL. Intelligence turned users into robots, and Will turned them into idiots. Still, it would really boost my effectiveness and open a new world of Skills.

Ok, if not even thousands of tons of gold could convince someone to put an FFOK on the market, then I'd hold on to it for a while.

With the last boss of the mini-dungeon slain, the dungeon began to fade. Then, fortunately, it would open in the same spot to hand me another fruit.

With nothing else to do, I might as well get a nap and summon Rias for a meal that wasn't ramen.

No my previous book Red Dead To The World isn't abandoned if you're new to me please check it out. This is just something to do maybe once a week for fun. Enjoy the good stuff starts next chapter.

Ultimatedaywritercreators' thoughts