
The Etherian Castle and It's Kingdoms

Tempesttruous · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Peaceful Country

Once upon a time, there was a king named Espadian and a queen named Paladin who was beloved by many.

They were living peacefully doing what they want through the Kingdom of Estala. The Queen ordered their Jackian to scout around the Kingdom.

He went to do so. They found a cave 500 meters away. So they went back to report to the Queen the cave. The Queen ordered some of their miners to go with Raider to the cave. Raider says "Queen! I will go with the Defenders to cover them from danger." The queen nods. They walk. The knights say "May us set camp, sire?" Raider nods and says "Let's sleep." It's the next day. Raider says "Send Builders to build Barracks!"

The knights say "Sir, Yes, Sir!"

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Then the warriors are split into 3 teams, the Swordsmen, the Bowmen, the Guards (goes inside the cave with the miners to protect the miners)

Raider sends the Guards to deliver a message to Queen Paladin saying 'We need help, Queen Paladin, we requests builders for barracks.' A few hours later. The Queen sends a message back saying 'I will send calvaries to send the builders to the cave you are talking about, Get back to protecting.' After Raider goes 100m away to read the message. He goes back and enters the cave seeing the Miners frightened. The miners says "Sir! We saw people shooting at us from 200-300m away!" Raider says "I'll be sent the builders we need to defend, don't worry." The Miners nod.

They all sleep. Raider wakes up and sees the rogues they were talking about. He orders the bowmen to stand behind the trees with their bows ready to fire. Raider says "Go when i say 'fire!' alright?" The bowmen nods.

Raider says "Ready?" The Knights and Bowmen say "Yes, sir!" Raider goes to the rogues. The rogues hold the miners hostage and says "Give us your loot!" Raider says "I will give you half!" The rogues say "ALL THE LOOT OR I KILL EM!" Raider says "Half and that's it! Or..." The rogues say "Or what?" Raider says "Or FIRE!" The bowmen shoot completely missing the miners. The miner say "Thank you, sir!"

Raider says " Thanks for your coordination, if it wasn't for you. Our plan wouldn't work, now send those off to queen Paladin."

The miners say "Yes, sir!" They go back to the Kingdom and keep the cave.