
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

The Start of the End 2


The portal was swirling even faster, then something came out. A black figure as large as a building came crashing down the ground. Fortunately there are no people on the place it landed on.

Dust rose in the air, the people can see it, a pitch black faceless Humanoid Giant, it has no eyes but they can feel it looking at them.

Simultaneously the people gathered let out their powers. And when they were about to attack the giant.


It suddenly shouted, an entertainer like voice surrounded the area. Everybody stopped at the same time.

The Giant suddenly shrunk to an average human height, and then it snapped it's finger, and he was suddenly wearing a red tuxedo with white gloves. Another snapped a top hat with a monocle appeared. It snapped again then a cane appeared with a vultures head designed at the handle.

It breath out a sigh of relief and started talking.

[ Congratulations to all of you! ]

Then confettis suddenly burst out from the portal.

[ You have survived to this day, I am so proud of you all. ]

Then it suddenly wipe tears of joy from its non existent eyes.

Raven thought of one thing.

' Who is this clown?' as he look towards the crowd, ' They might be thinking the same thing.'

[ Ok looks like you guys are curious on who I am so let me introduced myself ]

A Grand staircase suddenly emerged from the ground, as it walk down while saying.

[ I am one of the bureau's employees and your assigned supervisor. I am the ever so charming ]

And it suddenly started walking down. As a nonexistent audience began whistling and cheering, and suddenly floating white gloves appeared and started clapping.

[ The ever so kind ]

Then the steps in the staircase became flat, and it slid down on it's knees all the way down to the ground.

[ The Greatest Showman. ]

As he was now on the ground still on his knees and spotlights appeared in the air and just shone at him, the gloves and the nonexistent audience cheered louder.

[ A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R ]

The crowd had a flustered reaction.

[ Well not the reaction I was expecting. Hey shouldn't you guys be clapping your hands. ] Alexander asked the crowd.

No one answered.

[ You guys are boring. ]

It just ignored the crowd's reaction, as it snapped it's fingers again, the staircase, the gloves and the other props it used vanished in thin air.

[ Ok as I said I am the supervisor of this area. ]

The crowd had faces with a question mark.

[ Seems like you guys don't know what I am talking about, well for short, I will make you guys my actors and entertain ]

As he pointed his cane and looked at the skies, [ The GODS!! ]

The crowd heard him they are now filled with anger. Others shouted their complaints.





The crowd continued to shout their complaints at him.

Then Alexander turned his gaze at the angry crowd. And he suddenly laugh maniacally having his hand on his face as he laugh upwards, and the crowd fell silent at his laugh. The he stopped and it gaze back at the crowd.

[ It is you who should think, 'Who the hell you think you are?' , all of you are nothing but mere insects. ]

The crowd flinched at his words, then he continued,

[ I could've killed you, but here I am giving you a chance to live. ] Then he shift his gaze to some of the complaining people.

Then he released his killing intent, everybody can feel it. Everybody trembled and suddenly the killing intent paused for a brief moment as he glanced at someone and continued with a more pressuring killing intent. And he continued speaking with a cold voice.

[ If you people don't agree to be my actors, well then you are not needed here. ] as he snapped his fingers.

Over 300 people popped like a bubble and blood splattered everywhere. And he cancelled the pressure and spoke in a cheerful voice again.

[ Well we don't need plenty of people anyway. Now let us continue with the program. ] A One person stage emerged from the ground, it looked like a capsule because of the barrier surrounding it, and then he continue his explanation. [ This is a measuring tool, it measures your mana and it also shows your Title. ]

The crowd didn't react. The scene earlier had scarred them, because their loved ones, friends and comrades just popped like a bubble and their blood covered them. Their faces was frozen in fear. They cannot even mourn, they were stiffed, not knowing what to do.

No one has the right mind set in the moment, even Rea and the others cannot believe it. Only one person can represent the people. He raised his hands, Alexander looked him and thought ' Oh it's him.'

[ Yes you, do you have a question?] as he pointed at Raven, the crowd reflexively shifted their eyes at him.

" What are these Titles you speak of?" Alexander smiled with his nonexisting mouth.

[ Great question, Titles are the source of your power, for example. ] He snapped his finger and a man suddenly appeared on stage, it was Natsu, and screen messages are floating in the air.

[[ Mana: 7,184

Title: The Fire Dragon Prince

Power Level : Red - Catastrophic ]]

Alexander look at the messages and smiled as he explained.

[ Look his Title is the Fire Dragon Prince, so you would've guess it already that his power is related to fire. Oh this is also a good time to explain to you all, as you can see he is a Fire Dragon Prince, it means he is more powerful than other Fire Attributes other than the King. ]

" Can he surpassed the king?".

[ Yes, your Titles hold your current position around the world, if you slacked off your Title might be taken by others. ]

" I have another question." As he looked at Natsu tearing up inside the stage.

[ Ok ask away.] As he was satisfied with Raven's last question, he let him ask again.

" What if there's another Title like Fire God King? which one is stronger?" Alexander smiled and really enjoys the questions asked.

[ Your Title is also related to your species, If an individual is a god then out of other god with the fire attribute he is the strongest. But there are no Gods participating, yet. And also your species also holds your position in the hierarchy, as the Dragon, Demon and God holding the highest position. ]

' Yet?' he thought if he heard it currently, and he looked at his other companions, but no one seemed to get it then he looked at Carla, she nodded in response as if saying he didn't heard it wrong. Then he asked again.

" Isn't he a Dragon Newt, how can he be compared to a real Dragon?"

[ A Dragon Newt has a blood of the Dragons, and he has the qualifications of the Title at the moment. Ok do you have another question? ]

" Yes." he replied and then ask " The Power Level what does it mean and what is the scale of the measurement?"

[ Well we have a scale for the measurement and it is related to the strength of your Title, as I told you, your Title is your power. Here I'll show you the scale of power.] He snapped his fingers again and screen floated in the air.

[[ Green - Normal

Blue - Strong

Yellow - Transcendent

Orange - Disaster

Red - Catastrophic

White - Heavenly

Black - Apocalypse ]]

[ This are the power scales. It is very self explanatory. Also I'll explain Mana, Mana is the energy source you consume to use your powers, magic or abilities whatever you call them. ] He scoffs at his own explanation then continued [ It's a simple formula, You run out of Mana, you cannot use your power. The more power you use, the more you consume your Mana. Every individual has a fixed amount of Mana Storage, and if you ever run out, you just have to rest and replenished it. So use your Mana efficiently. ]

" I have another question, why did you appear now and not at the very beginning?" The crowd wanted to know the answer at Raven's Question, as the crowd who is still half shocked thought ' why not start it then, why does it have to be now?'

' I have already have a theory based on the Apocalypse Dragon's word. Though it's not a 100% plausible.'

[ It is to see your potential, your adaptability to your situation, if you even have the qualifications to live in this new world, look at this person. ] as he pointed at Natsu who was still inside the stage. [ He was already in a Catastrophic level, he honed his skills and survived to this very day. ]

' So I was right, it was to test us.' then Alexander continued.

[ Those who worked hard will be rewarded, we try to reward everyone and make this a fair fight, and your luck must also play a part of it too, look he has a natural high amount of Mana Storage.] as he pointed his cane at Natsu again, and turned his head to Raven [ Do you still have any questions?]

Raven shook his head and said " I already ask what I wanted to know. Thank you."

[ You're welcome, so I guess you already have a hint about what's going to happen next, right?]

Raven nodded in response.

[ Ok everyone. ] as Alexander clapped his to get everyone's attention. [ All of you will have your power levels be measured in this stage. And as for the reason why your power levels needed to be measured is here.] He snapped his finger and Natsu was in the middle of the spotlight. [ Hello to the Gods, we are starting to showcase our Contestants, and here is our first Actor.] Then the information of Natsu's Power Level floated in the air. [ Who amongst you will be chosen by our Actor's Manager? This is your time to negotiate. ]

As Alexander finished his words, Raven thought to himself.

' As expected, but you guys won't have it your way, I will make you pay for it, someday.' as he looked at the kids, his mother, his newly acquired ally and the person on stage.

' I'll play your little game for now.' a sinister smile appeared on his face.