
II: Reawakening

Jun Jie was still dazed when the physician walked in. Lost in his own thoughts, he barely noticed the presence of the physician who had entered the room. 

He still found it hard to believe that he had actually been reborn. In a different country and timeline at that. This must be ancient China. This was something he believed only happened in TV Series. But what if he wasn't resurrected and crossed into a book and was now a character like in those Online Novels? 

"Young Master, I need to conduct a check-up," the physician said, breaking through Jun Jie's reverie. 

Startled, Jun Jie looked up at the physician, who seemed equally surprised. Jun Jie's eyes had changed from the last time the physician saw him. One eye was a deep, rich brown, while the other gleamed with a vibrant shade of green. Even the young assistant, whose name Jun Jie found out was ZheLiang, leaned in, shocked, to get a closer look at his eyes. 

"I didn't notice that before," ZheLiang muttered, "I was so distracted by the mere fact that he woke up." 

Jun Jie realized there must be something wrong with his face, but he had a more pressing question. 

"H-how lo-ng sl-slee... ping?" 

"Oh, how long you have been asleep?" 

Jun Jie nodded. 

The old physician gently held Junjie's hand. 

"Two years," the physician replied solemnly. The physician's response sent a chill down Jun Jie's spine. 

"We barely sustained you with spiritual energy." 

Spiritual energy? Jun Jie mind was swirling in confusion. What was that. 

Just then, the door burst open, and an elderly couple rushed in, their faces etched with worry. "Jun Jie!" the woman yelled as both ran to his side. 

As the man and woman enveloped him in a tight embrace, Jun Jie felt a surge of warmth flood his heart. It has been a long time since he felt the love of someone. 

"Jun Jie we were so worried about you," the lady said, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's been two years, I'm so glad you have come back to us. Thank the Heavens." 

Two years? It felt like only moments ago that he was in his own world, his own time. 

"W-ho ar- you?" 

The couple was horrified, "You don't remember us?" 

The physician stepped forward, "What else do you not remember?" 


The lady stumbled slightly as her face paled, her husband holding her up. 

The Physician checked Jun Jie's pulse again and turned to the couple, "It is possible that he is experiencing memory loss due to the accident." he explained gently. 

Jun Jie cluelessly looked towards the physician and then the elderly couple. 

As if they understood, the woman sat next to Jun Jie at his bedside and look his hand, "My child, it's me your mother, Huang Jing Lian. And that's your father, Huang Zhou Yang. Your name is Huang Jun Jie. You got into a terrible accident a two years ago which is why you were in a coma for so long." 

"W-what ac-ci-dent?" 

Jun Jie's parents exchanged worried glances before his father spoke up. "You were at your Sect," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "During the monthly battle between the students, you were badly injured by one of your fellow disciples you were battling. The blow was severe, and you fell into a coma." 

Jun Jie listened in disbelief as his father recounted the events that led to his current condition. 

Suddenly, his head felt like it was splitting open, and he got a flash of memories. He clutched his head and let out a groan of pain. This aggravated his parents who started to panic and tried get rid of the pain that was antagonizing their child. The image of his Sect, the fierce battles, faces of the disciples of his Sect and his fight with the strongest disciple in his year that caused his coma. Bits and pieces of Junjie's previous life came rushing back to him and as that had finished, his headache slowly subsided. 

His parents were still on edge, "Master, why is my son in pain. Please do something to stop it" 

Jun Jie looked up, "M-om, I- ok-ay" 

When she heard the voice of her child, she rushed to his side again to embrace him. 

The physician thought for a while. 

"Sir, Madam. I don't think your son is ready to go back to the main house, much less school. He should stay here for a while longer to rehabilitate. His body has always been weak but due to not moving for 2 years, it's dangerously weak. He is unable to use his voice either. I suggest you let him stay here for another 1 or 2 months to recover." 

Jun Jie's parents exchanged anxious glances; their concern woven deeply into their furrowed brows. After a moment of silent deliberation, Jun Jie's mother nodded reluctantly. "If it's what's best for him, then we'll agree to it," she said, her voice revealing that she did not want to be separated from her son. 

The physician nodded in understanding, his expression grave. "I'll make the necessary arrangements for Jun Jie's continued care," he assured them, his tone reassuring yet tinged with concern. 

Jun Jie's parents worked in the capital and were unable to stay with Jun Jie for a long time. So, after a night passed the couple had to unwillingly set off again. 

"Don't worry, he'll come to us in 2 months. He's not going to disappear again. This is the safest place for him." Jun Jie's dad comforted his mom, who was close to tears. 

Jun Jie knew his parents needed to be comforted and therefore took the initiative to hug them, which made them burst into tears again. 

They were very emotional. Jun Jie wasn't sure if he could deal with so much crying. 

As Jun Jie's parents prepared to leave, they cast one final glance at their son, their hearts heavy with worry and uncertainty. Jun Jie reached out weakly, his eyes filled with gratitude and affection. He waved at them sweetly. 

Alone in his room, Jun Jie lay back on the uncomfortably hard rectangle pillows, his mind swirling with a mixture of emotions. 

He wondered what happened to his original body. His siblings, were they okay? Did they know he was dead? 

Luo Yan shook his head. No, he should not think about that anymore. It would only hurt him more, that that life of his had already ended. He was given another beginning. He'd been reborn into a 17-year-old young master with a face of beauty and the body of a toothpick. 

He almost cringed. If he was going to be reborn, why couldn't the Lord God pick a manly young adult. With this body, the wind could blow him away. 

Jun Jie sighed. He shouldn't be complaining. He'd survive this. Just like always. He'd become the new Jun Jie. 

Jun Jie looked out of his open window. 

The ivory butterfly was sitting on the same flower on the window, basking in the morning sun just like the day before.