
The Reality Known

This world has nothing different from earth. There is no magic, no cultivation energy, no super natural beings from the beginning.

Technology and education were at it highest point in the lives of the people on this planet. The world was led by two military superpowers.

The world was peaceful, everything was going on smoothly even though it is not everyone that is happily in this world, there were religions but there was no magic everyone work hard but the gap between the higher social hierarchy and lower social hierarchy is very huge. Even at that the people are the lower social hierarchy try to live happily,, they have water , food everything that life need to happen can be found in this world.

However reality turns to horror in the 31st century When the world leaders who have huge military in their commands decides to bring terror by starting war . This war bring everything from grace to grass. The word that was peaceful and graceful now turns into a horror .

Tina is a simple lady that complete her universal education she's from the lowest social hierarchy . She's a teacher who actually hate her job but have to do it for survivor until the war turned everything outside down not only does she lost her job, even what to eat becomes a problem. Things were getting bad and bad the war was getting close to the village that Tina leaves and everyone started to panic.

On the 8 of April 3,024 something happened the war stopped and everything went back to normal just that the population has reduced to 10% of it original population and Tina happens to be one of the luckiest ones to survive with her mummy and everything went back to being as peaceful as it was originally . There was more job opportunity everybody try to do what they loves the social hierarchy has no influence us it used to have in the world, the planet is rule by only one powerful super power, that control the lives of everyone in the planet.

However what ever happened that day that cause weapons to malfunction has change the history the nature of the planet forever they will never go back to how the world use to be, the world has changed forever and forever it has changed.

Simple story about life where we all start from the beginning.

Sedinam_1120creators' thoughts