
The Enchanting Secrets of Crimson Moon Manor

After my life took a turn for the worse, a tremendous opportunity for a new job presented itself, and I decided to embrace it. I arrived at the Crimson Moon manor to embark on my new life and work, encountering four captivating girls under the guardianship of Mistress lara, a mysterious figure with secrets beyond imagination. The girls I met were Lisa, Maria, and Lola and audrey. While working in the mansion, I began to notice Mistress Clara using a kind of magic, and strange events unfolded inside the manor. As I delved deeper, I uncovered several secrets that added an element of suspense to the unfolding story. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel contains erotic chapters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you.

Black_shadow_ol · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 9 : beauty of lust

She placed my hand on her vagina. I began to notice her heartbeat rising, and mine too. I felt the urge to take charge as a man, but decided to give her the freedom for now. 

She started biting her lips and making sounds like "mmm." She used my fingers to rub herself. I couldn't help but feel aroused. I began making sounds too, "ahhh... mmm." Lisa then spoke, "You like this, don't you?" After a moment, she moved away from me. "Wait, what did I do wrong?" I started questioning myself. She got up, sat on my lap with the cover lifted; I could see her naked body. She's gorgeous . 

she began to say, "I think you're sexy, and I also think you should start getting rid of some clothes to cool off a bit." Without hesitation, I started removing my clothes while breathing quickly. Before I could take off my pants, she stopped me and said, "Let me do that." Her perfume engulfed my senses. I'm now in the middle of a hormonal storm, and her scent is intensifying it. I started trying to think, calculate my next move, but I failed at that.

After I undressed, she cuddled beside me and said, "Now that's better." Then, she took hold of my penis and began to rub it in her hand. She started saying, "Don't you think so?" I replied, "Hmm... yes, I do think so." I didn't even know what I was responding to; I was here, in the intense moment. She spoke, "Are you shy?" I answered, "No, I'm not shy. Are you?" She replied, "No, not at all." 

Her heartbeat accelerated, indicating her shyness, yet she tried to put on a brave face for me, perhaps to impress me with her sexuality. In a moment of clarity, I decided to take the lead, at least for a little while.

So, I climbed on top of her, and she exclaimed in shock, "Ohhh... hello there." I replied, "Hello there." I placed my hands back down on her vagina. I started moving my fingers, but it felt like I had more than five. Maybe I was a bit shy. Perhaps my racing heart and hormones got the better of me. Lisa began to sigh and breathe rapidly. It doesn't matter; I'm doing well, taking the lead. She moans. I took a deep breath and started controlling my fingers. I've done this before. I know how.

She continued to moan, saying, "Ohhh... okay." I asked, "Is this better?" She couldn't even speak; all I heard was, "Hmm, th..t...'s go.....d." Her moans told everything. I started feeling like I was in control of my emotions and her body.

 Suddenly, I felt a bright light in my face. This is likely gonna lead us to have sex. I'm not in a relationship. Nevertheless, I'm not sure if I want one. I've only known her for a few hours. "Does this mean we're in a relationship?" Those words slipped out of my mouth unintentionally. I didn't want to ask her that, but she answered, "No, I hope not . I barely know you." After hearing what she said, I decided to continue.

She started talking, "Ohhh, this is really warm. Come on, let's do this outside." I threw the cover and said, "Is this better?" She began saying, "Wooow, yes, this is better. Mmmmm." 

I can't believe my luck. I got a job, and now I'm having sex. This must be my lucky day. Her moans boost my confidence. I'm doing this right. Her wet vagina tells the same story. I can't wait to grab my penis and enter her. As my hands were down, I noticed she's not tight. Well, this should work out wonderfully.

I have previous experiences. Some girls rejected me because of the size of my penis, but that won't be an issue here. I believe that. After a moment, she pushed my hand away and said, "It's my turn now."

 She stood up, and pushed me down, holding my penis, saying, "Now, I know we can do better." I didn't even complain . I started sighing, "Hmm, yes we can mmmmm " As she rubbed, I felt my penis becoming harder and harder. As she rubbed, she started breathing quickly; she is enjoying this as much as I am, if not more.

She continued until it was fully erect. She knows what she's doing, no doubt about it. My penis is erect and pulsating in her hand. She enjoys that sensation; I can tell by the way she's pressing on it. Then she said, "I think you should put it inside." I replied, "I think so too." She's not a beginner in sex; that's for sure.

I got up on top of her and began pushing my dick inside her while we both moaned. Despite her being wet, I still find difficulty put it in.

She's a small-sized girl. And I have a big penis. I started slowly inserting it, being cautious not to hurt her. I'm afraid she might change her mind and leave. This has happened to me before. That's the problem with small girls; everything about them and inside them is smaller, while everything around them is bigger. 

But then she spoke, "Come on, don't be afraid. I won't break." Well, I'll move slowly at first for her. I began to move, hearing her sighs and saying, "Oh my god. Mmm." And me also moaning. I'll continue moving at the same pace until she gets used to it. She moans from pleasure and some from pain, but she enjoys it. I can hear the sound of her wet pussy swallowing my penis. This is a significant transformation for me.

After a while, she got up and sat on top of me, saying, "Let's do this for a while." I responded, "Alright, let's do that." She is still taking it slowly, but I don't mind. I'm engaging in sex, and it feels incredibly great. Her movements may not be fast or wild, but she's doing well. She takes almost all of my penis. I can have amazing sex with this girl, and this is just the beginning. Both of us started breathing quickly as we exchanged kisses.

I always loved seeing the action, but until now, I kept looking at her or closing my eyes. Sometimes, I thought looking might be a sign of disrespect. But I don't care about that now. I decided to look. Oh, that's nice. I remained fixed in my gaze.

 She noticed and leaned closer to me, breathing in my ear and on my neck. "You like watching this, don't you?" she whispered in my ear. I responded, "Mmm... yes, I love it." She said, "I love it too... hahaha." The speed she moves at, breathing in my ear, her touch. She's trying to seduce me, but she's skilled at it so far. She can seduce however she wants.

I felt that she was tired, so I decided to stop and take her from behind. I entered and began moving. After a while, I knew I wouldn't last long.

 I haven't had sex for a while, but I'm not ready to finish. It's been a long time since I had sex, and I want to make this last. She now just moans and breathes quickly from pleasure. I was trying to decide if I should go further or not. She started speaking, "Oh hahaha, this is great, don't stop." I don't know much about this girl, just her name and that she comes from a rough family. Nonetheless, I jumped onto my bed and joined her.

 with all my focus on not climaxing. My penis slipped out of her vagina and pushed towards her butthole. Oh damn, she might think I did that on purpose. I'm waiting for her to scream , but wait ,she's ....

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