
The Enchanting Secrets of Crimson Moon Manor

After my life took a turn for the worse, a tremendous opportunity for a new job presented itself, and I decided to embrace it. I arrived at the Crimson Moon manor to embark on my new life and work, encountering four captivating girls under the guardianship of Mistress lara, a mysterious figure with secrets beyond imagination. The girls I met were Lisa, Maria, and Lola and audrey. While working in the mansion, I began to notice Mistress Clara using a kind of magic, and strange events unfolded inside the manor. As I delved deeper, I uncovered several secrets that added an element of suspense to the unfolding story. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel contains erotic chapters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you.

Black_shadow_ol · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 3: Unexpected Welcomes and House Rules

Upon reaching the doorstep, Lorus stopped and began speaking, saying, "There are some rules you need to know before you start working." 

I replied, "Alright, I have ears wide open."

 Lorus pulled out a paper and started, "First rule: Do not disturb the peace and quiet in the manor. That means no loud music or loud noises." 

I responded, "I know what disturbance is, Lorus. Now, continue."

 I noticed a look of surprise and annoyance on his face, and he said, "Lorus??? Oh, whatever. I don't care about the name." Realizing my mistake, I apologized, "I'm sorry, Alfred . Lisa told me that, and it slipped from my mouth."

It's not a good start, oh me, calling him Lorus. Why did I do that? He looked at me and smirked, saying, "Girls like to call me that, and I don't mind." My eyes lit up upon hearing his words. Oh, girls, so there's more than one. Lucky me. Lorus opened the door, and I asked in surprise, "Wait, Alfred , you pulled out a paper, and all you said was one rule?" Ignoring my comment, he entered, and I followed. 

Upon entering a large room, Loruce astonished me, saying, "This room is yours; I hope you find it comfortable." I looked around; it was a spacious, beautiful room with a fireplace and a cozy-looking double bed. Two windows made it perfect. 

After a moment, I told Lorus, "Yes, it's a good room, thank you." And he continued, "The girls are responsible for the decor, anything new or needing changes." I actually liked the decor, and the room gave a great feeling. I had expected an old cabin or a room with a bucket as a toilet, but this place was even better than a hotel.

I looked at him and said, "Alright, I'll take it." After a brief silence, Lorus's expression changed, and he looked at me, saying, "Also, there's a very important rule. The mistress doesn't like snooping around the house, so don't go to places you're not supposed to be. Understood?" 

I asked, "What are these places I should avoid being in?"

 He replied, "Did I take you to my room?"

 I said, "Um... no?"

 He said, "That's an example."

 I told him, "Okay, I understand. I shouldn't go to a place without an invitation." 

He responded, "Yes, you're a quick learner, young man." 

I laughed and said, "Because I have a great teacher." 

Despite his limited laughter, I found Lorus enjoyable to talk to. He may be older, but he knows how to communicate and interact with a younger person.

After moments of silence and contemplation of the room, Lorucs interrupted my thoughts and said, "Did you bring any belongings with you?" 

I replied, "Yes, I have a bag with my things in the truck." 

He then told me, "Why don't you go and grab that bag And Bring it to your room. Afterward, go to the main house."

 I responded, "Alright, Lorus, I'll go now." 

He added, "Knock on the main house door and wait for me to answer. And stop calling me Lorus, okay?" 

I decided to tease him a bit and said, " and Who invited you to the main house? I was told we're not allowed to snoop around without an invitation." No smile appeared, but he replied, "That's great. We got ourselves a worker and a comedian at the same time... but unfortunately, you didn't make me laugh." 

I told him, "Come on, admit it, it's a funny joke." At that moment, I caught him on the verge of a smile; I think that's progress. Lorus went towards the door and said, "Alright, I'm going now." 

I replied, "Alright, I'll go get my things to the room. Then I'll come to the main house."

Lorus went towards the main house while I headed to my truck. I grabbed my things and returned to the room, thinking, "Well, this is good. I have my own respectable and beautiful room. A clean room. The job is real. The salary is real. And there are some girls living in this house. Okay, time to go to the main house."

 I exited my room and walked towards the house, feeling a bit tense. I stood in front of the door for a moment. After feeling some relief, I knocked on the door, "Knock, knock, knock." But there was no answer or door opening. I bet Lorus forgot that I'm here; maybe he's currently serving tea or whatever task the butler is supposed to do. But, truth to be told, I don't mind waiting and prefer to start working immediately. Curiosity devours me to know about this job and explore this place.

 I waited for a while and didn't get any response. Oh, this is taking longer than I thought it would. I'll knock one more time . If there's still no answer, I'll sit in that chair; I'm tired of standing in front of the house waiting. I knocked on the door once more, "Knock, knock, knock." After a few moments, I heard footsteps approaching from behind the door. Oh, finally, someone. The door opened, and it wasn't Lorus who opened it, it was a ...


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