
The Enchanting Secrets of Crimson Moon Manor

After my life took a turn for the worse, a tremendous opportunity for a new job presented itself, and I decided to embrace it. I arrived at the Crimson Moon manor to embark on my new life and work, encountering four captivating girls under the guardianship of Mistress lara, a mysterious figure with secrets beyond imagination. The girls I met were Lisa, Maria, and Lola and audrey. While working in the mansion, I began to notice Mistress Clara using a kind of magic, and strange events unfolded inside the manor. As I delved deeper, I uncovered several secrets that added an element of suspense to the unfolding story. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel contains erotic chapters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you.

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18 Chs

Chapter 11: Unveiling Mysteries by the Lake

As we walked, I start talking "This is wonderful; I want to know more about this house and the people living in it." She replied, "I know everything there is to know and more." I asked, "Will you be my source of information?" She answered, "Certainly, if you're going to work here, you must know things." I said, "That's true; Lorus didn't give me all the details." 

Almost swearing, I've seen him getting younger, but I needed to confirm. We walked until we reached the forest, and she asked, "What do you want to know?" I said, "Let's start with those living in the house." She replied, "Well, there's me, Lisa, Audrey, Lola, Lorus, and Mistress Lara." I asked " Lola ? I remember that Mistress Lara had mentioned her. And she's lady something " She laughed while saying, "Lady March, yes. Last year." I said, "I haven't met her yet. Lady March of the state? Town? Country?" She explained, "For the entire country. She's amazing. Oh, I can't wait for you to meet her. She was at a photo shoot today; she'll be back anytime now."


Lady March lives in the middle of nowhere. I find this hard to believe but not impossible. I felt some doubt as she didn't mention the maid Lorus told me about; perhaps it slipped her mind.

 After a moment, I asked, "As far as I know, you're not bound or anything." She replied, "No, we're not bound. Mistress Lara helps less privileged people become someone." I inquired, "How does that work exactly?" She answered, "She feeds us, clothes us, gives advice, tells us what to do, and what we excel in." I asked, "Do you have classes or...? How does this work?" She replied, "No classes , we just live here. Eat. Talk. Walk. Bikes. ..." .

I'm still confused so I asked , "I still don't understand how she helps someone become Lady March." She responded, "She has her way of doing things. A way of telling things. I can't explain it, but when she's in one of her moments, she can tell you things that mean something to you. Like lighting the way or showing you what your eyes couldn't see."

I analyzed her words for a moment, and then she said, "You know how those things work when you hear them; they stick with you. Things like that, she sees potential inside a person and tells them how to achieve it. Lola is gorgeous,but everyone used to ignore her .but now everyone just stares at her." 

Now, I'm eager to see this Lady March. Then I asked, "What's your gift ?" She replied, "You might think it's math, considering I wear glasses and look like a bookworm . But it's speed; I'm fast at everything." 

This answer took me by surprise. It's true that I had assumed she was the genius type. I asked, "Really, like what?" She answered, "Like math; I'm fast at math, hahaha." It was such a surprise; I started laughing and said, "Hahaha, that's a good one." We continued walking until we reached an old cabin by the lake.

We sat in front of the cabin , and I asked, "So, what do you think I'll be good at?" She started laughing and said, "Hahaha... bike repair." Then I said , "That's not a special thing." She replied, "I don't know, but Mistress lara can tell you; you should ask her." I said, "Maybe I will. Perhaps I could be the next Mister March." She laughed and said, "Hahaha, is that even a thing?" I answered, "I don't know, hopefully not." We started laughing a bit. 

After a moment of silence, Maria gazed at the lake, and I decided to contemplate as well. What a beautiful sight. After the silence, I asked, "What do you girls do for fun here?" She answered, "Um... I read. Lola does photo sessions. Audrey... I don't know. And Lisa... I don't know either. But we go swimming, running, play blindfolded games, do lots of things together." I asked, "Swimming? Where? Do you have a pool?" She replied, "No. There's a place we go to, and we swim here occasionally." I said, "I also love swimming. It's great on a hot day." She sighed and said, "Ohhhhhh, it's a wonderful feeling."

Maria and I connect well. She's easy to talk to, and I feel no awkwardness whatsoever. She's intelligent and beautiful. I wonder how old she is. We moved in front of the lake, and I said, "I'm just curious, no particular reason." I noticed she began to blush, thinking perhaps I would ask about her age because I wanted to take her on a date. I find her nice, interesting, and it seems she has a fantastic body as well. She's a wonderful and kind girl. 

As I was contemplating, Maria spoke, "You have an old but cool truck, by the way. I love that vintage and robust look it has." I replied, "Oh yes, it's a beast. Add a cannon to it, and voila you have a tank." She started laughing and said, "I bet it could eat one of those electric cars." I said, "That's what I've been feeding it."

We started laughing together. I'm getting to know everyone a little now. The house is no longer that big mystery to me. We stood there for a moment. I looked at her, admiring her beauty. I am impressed by this girl. After gathering my courage, I decided I would make a move. I stood up...

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