
The Empyreal Gem Master

The World of Ephesus. A vast world plagued by Breaches containing countless Beasts of Corruption. A World on the brink of ruin as the Four Human Lineages defend the last bastions of Humanity! With the power of Gem Masters standing against the Beasts of Corruption, the flames of Humanity seek to burn ever brighter. In such a world, in the Mortal Branch of the Asmodeus Bloodline, Alexander awakens a Gem Socket that others consider defective. A Variant Gem Socket. Looked down upon by those who do not understand it, this supposed defect may just be the solution that the burning embers of humanity were waiting for. Follow Alexander as he entirely warps the perception of what a Gem Master is- as he embarks on a journey to become...The Empyreal Gem Master!

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The Second Gem Recipe!

While his body itched and burned from the absorption of the remaining half of the Ascendant Life Gem.

While his Enneagram Life Socket began analyzing what he knew as Life force and quantifying it!

Alexander grasped the Main Ability Gem [Corrupted Lightning Manipulation] and allowed the suction force of his Enneagram to pull it.

And wondrously.


It floated to the central slot of the Enneagram that began to shine brightly, the connecting lines leading to three support slots dimming right away.

But this left behind six lit up Support slots at the ends of the Nine pointed star.

6 possible slots for Support Ability Gems- 1 more than the Ice Wave Main Ability Gem!

'How difficult will it be to find a Gem that allows for all 9 support ability Gems…'