
The Emperor Book

They said conviction is key to success. I Venr Girold Voln shall fly. Earth has been at war with the Soulers for a century now. And each day they comes closer to driving humanity to extinction. I thought I was numb, I thought I was a cynic. But saved by a military ship I am shown the reason to fight and why I matter. join me on my journey. UPDATE THREE TIMES A WEAK. PLUS SPREE CHAPTERS. PLEASE LIKE, VOTE, AND FOLLOW ME.

Ensii99 · Khoa huyễn
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17 Chs

Destroyer Wing F318 (2)

Destroyer Wing F318 (2)

"What the hell happened in there?" Commander Storms asked. Sergeant Tes was still speechless.

Venr frowned. "I don't understand," he said, "Weren't you watching?"

"We weren't," Sergeant Tes answered then started typing at the screen furiously while she continued. "In fact you just vanished immediately you entered. We couldn't even summon the portal back.... Dark holes! There's no record of it!"

"Record of what?"

"The computer. It always records every session in the Realm.... Now nothing, as if it never happened. Like you entered the dark places."

"Maybe..... I did?"

"Impossible," commander Storms cut in earnestly. "You are alive kid, that's all the prove I need."

Sergeant Tes stopped what she was doing suddenly at the man's words and narrowed her eyes at Venr. "What did you see?" She asked.

"Nothing," Venr replied. Her eyes were dangerous. "I just walked in then out. I swear!"

The Sergeant stared at him silently for sometime then sighed. "Guess it's just a malfunction then. It's the 23rd century, blip it!" She turned back to the screen then typed the password to shut it down. It darkened before she turned back to him. "We'll try this another time. For now Mikel lead him to his new room."

"Yes ma'am," the robot said.

Venr opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. He considered telling her the truth, but then decided against it again. Something told him to hold this secret in his heart, that same instinct that got him out of trouble many a time. So he nodded and followed the robot out of the room.


Venr's room was a small room in the engineers wing, Mikel explained. They was a small bed by the opposite wall, a wardrobe by the side, and a sink by the other.

"What now?" Venr asked as he looked around.

"Now you rest." Mikel said. "There's an interface device on the sink, you can use it to get started."

Venr spotted the device. The device was wide and flat, the surface of its screen was shimmering like water. Venr picked it thumbing through it casually only to pause. "Who registered me as a cadet?" He asked.

"It was on the ranked sergeant's orders,"

"The ranked sergeant? Without my consent? Who told her I wanted to stay here for even a day longer, and the military?"

The AI was silent for a moment then sighed. "I am sorry to inform you Mr Voln but we are no longer in the east. Infact, we left Natas three days ago."

Venr frowned. "What does that mean?"

"You took time to recover from your injury human," The robot explained. "And we had to vacate Suner immediately after we dealt with the Soulers. Orders came from hire up. So it was either we let you die or bring you with us.

"And pertaining your status. I am just a simple robot, take it up with the sergeant. But I warn you human you'll lose."

Venr walked to the bed and sat in silence. "How long was I out?" He suddenly wondered.

"A week,"

"A week?!"


"This is a destroyer how fast does this thing move?"

"On open space? Fast enough."

"Fast enough," Venr rose to his feet, eyes wide with horror. "At this point we could be in another.... You said we left Natas, that little rock planet?"

"True," Mikel droned. "We stopped there to refuel at the station three days ago....."

"Natas is the planet in the edge of the east. So we.... Where are we now?"

"Open space, heading to Sheash."

"What's in Sheash?"

"War human," Mikel said, "Is there ever a different answer? Rest well, I will catch you later." With that the robot swerved and wheeled out of the room.


"No," sergeant Tes said immediately Venr entered her office. It was a lavish place with carpets, tapestries, and couches. She sat behind a desk, going through something in the computer before her.

Venr frown down at her. "I haven't said anything yet."

"And you don't have to. You want a jet out of here right?"

"Yes, and you better give me."

The sergeant finally looked up at him. "Well I want to," she said. "But I can't spare any crafts at the moment."

It was bullshit, Venr thought, and she knows it. "You can't keep me here without my consent." He told her.

The sergeant gave him a serious look. "Sit please," she said.

Venr hesitated then sat. Sergeant Tes pressed a button on the device beside her computer then ordered for tea. She waited first till a robot rolled in and handed Venr the cup before she started speaking. "Venr Girold Voln," she said. "Born 13 February 2134 from a farmer father and doctor mother." Venr glared at her but the sergeant did not care. She continued. "Origin; Asian. Appearance; Black hair, olive skin, dark eyes. Build; 6ft 3 tall, 160 pounds. Orphaned at twelve..... The background of a good soldier."


"Tragedy," She pressed something on the computer screen then touched the space beside them. A screen appeared in the air. "What do you think we do here?" She asked.

Venr shrugged. "Kill aliens?"

"No," sergeant Tes scrolled the screen. The map of the galaxy appeared in 3d. The Relays stood in a line depicted with images of turning windmills, 12 of them. Earth was behind them like a palace behind a wall. The Orb, Nightlights, Heaven palace, and more landmarks were scattered in the map. Sergeant Tes highlighted some parts of the map that were dotted with black spots. "Do you know what these spots mean?"

Venr studied them. "No," he shook his head.

"That's your problem," sergeant Tes chided. "Those are the captured zones. Once humans ruled those planets and satellites, but those days are long gone." She let him take it in.

"But they're more of those places." Venr said in horror.

"Exactly," the sergeant agreed "The government will not tell you but humanity is close to extinction. The Soulers keeps pushing us back, and they'll continue doing so if nothing changes until we have no where to run to."

"Is that what's happening in Sheash?"

"Not exactly..... Sheash is more of a complicated issue. Duke Mars of Sheash had refused to pay the King's task. A group of diplomats were sent to his feif but he had them strung."

"Neat," Venr cursed.

"Yes," The sergeant nodded. "HQ at Earth ordered my ship to redirect to Sheash on my way to rendezvous and arrest the Duke of the most oldest castle in the west while being on time to reinforce the army at Narak."

"And me?" Venr asked. "You can send me on my way I have no business with this."

The sergeant smiled suddenly. "That's were you are wrong Mr Voln," she told him looking amused. "You are a farm boy, an improvised nurse if needed, an engineer, and a Talent. You alone could win us this war if used well."

"You are crazy..."

The woman laughed. "Yinna was thought crazy when she made Fedren First Winged. But her faith in him paid up five years later as he gave his life for the cause. Fedren was hugely flawed, Yinna once said, but he was loyal like no one else."

"But I am no Fedren the mad,"

"No," the sergeant agreed. "As well it might be, we don't need Fedren. We need a little bit of exceptionality."

Venr looked at the woman's light eyes and knew he was not escaping this ship. Not if she had a say in the matter.

And here's the chapter. Please follow me for more content. vote and comment. Thank you.