
The Emperor’s wife is the town lunatic

Zeng Yaozu is known as the town lunatic, he is sickly, talks crazy, acts like he is a woman, and kills small animals around him like they were toys, he even played with demonic cultivation despite having a healthy golden core making people both resented fear him. His main family tried their best to protect Zeng Yaozu from the town and the rest of his family but couldn’t because of how he acted, his older brother Dai Chao knew that his brother was acting but didn’t understand why, and on top of that with the way he acts some people went as far as thinking he had been possessed by a ghost at birth and that is why he acts so crazy. One day Zeng Yaozu disappeared for almost two days and was found the next day in a local brothel sleeping perfectly fine, but then he started getting sick he refused to eat most food and became very emotional and cried about how his ‘husband’ wasn’t here, a doctor came to visit and told the dai family that the lunatic was pregnant news got out that the lunatic was pregnant with the babies of an unknown man, everyone became confused on who would sleep with the town lunatic, but more questions arose more them answers when a familiar looking man started appearing giving a kiss and hugging the lunatic out in public “Who is that tall handsome man?” “Why is he holding the lunatic out in public like that?” “And why does he look familiar?” Everyone tried to figure out the identity of this man but failed when one day he shouted at the people harassing the lunatic “How dare you touch my wife like that!” Wife?! They wanted to believe that he was talking about someone else but the lunatic was the only one weeping on the ground talking like crazy

F1nch_ · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter III |I'll ruin her

|I'll ruin her

{HOST! HOST! We have an emergency} the system yelled waking up the silver-haired man in bed "What do you want system it's the middle of the night and I'm not in the mood to act crazy right now"

{It's Dai Zhilan she-} "If this is about her then I don't care let me go back to sleep" he pulled the animal blanket over himself to muffle out the yelling system {NO, No listen she had a knife and is going to the nursery} also immediately after hearing that Zeng Yaozu jumped out of bed and began sprinting down the hall to the nursery which was in a different house from hi, along the way he ended up waking up his family and other servants.

"What's happening?" "a-Zu why are you running?" everyone tried to stop him to get him to talk but Zeng Yaozu avoid them and anytime some didn't manage to get him they could feel the resentful energy pulsating out of him whatever made him this upset better be praying to the gods they make it out alive, along his way he grabbed a metal rod that was used to move the wood around in the fireplace which was still burning hot.


Dai Zhilan slowly put the knife on one of their necks. The baby just flinched at the sudden cold blade, it tried moving away but Zhilan grabbed its head keeping it in place causing the baby to start crying by the sudden jerk of its head. The cry of the baby awoke the other babies who all began to cry for their mother. Dai Zhilan, noticing the situation, tried to muffle the cries of the baby so that servants wouldn't enter to see her with a knife.

When suddenly the door burst open to the nursery and Zeng Yaozu swung the burning rode at Zhilan's face burning the side of her cheek, she let out a shriek and swung the knife she had in Zeng Yaozu's direction but cut the baby in the process thankful it wasn't the neck.

The baby with a now bleeding cheek began to cry harder its face turned red as its bad began to arc its back pushing its head into the bed it was sleeping on, with the baby that was now practically screaming its head off, Zeng Yaozuu became unhinged and the demonic cultivation he practice let loose and weakened Dai Zhilian's golden core to not help her, with that out the way he suddenly remembering his past life, a crying baby going silent to never move again and a bloody knife on the ground while the murderer was nowhere in sight, Zeng Yaozu began to swinging the metal rode at Zhilan repeatedly until all he saw was red.

He was forced away by a group of servants who immediately went to check her pulse to see if she was still alive. He hadn't noticed the number of people gathering at the door, his mother and father stared at the scene in horror not only at him but at Zhilan as well, who had just tried to kill a baby. Zeng Yaozu didn't speak he simply tried calming the screaming baby with a deep cut "Shh-sh it ok a-Niang is here my baby, a-Niang is right here, I'll make sure the bad lady gets punished for this baby it ok" he continued muttering words underneath his breath while a few family members screamed at him for hurting Zhilan unaware she tried to kill a baby but that would be brought up in court 'If I can't kill her I'll force her out of the family and ruin her reputation so she'll never be happy'

{you have a new quest host}


{quest: Ruin The petty princesses life to a worthless wh*re} Zeng Yaozu smiled before he laughed and considering he hadn't left the room everyone knew the lunatic was descending further into madness to laugh in a situation like this.

Zeng Yaozu was going to make sure that Zhilan was going to suffer for hurting his baby, but first, he had to get out of the house for his and their safety.

That night he stored all his belongings in the warehouse the system gave him minus a few items he would accuse them in the future with.

{ Host, are you sure this is a good idea, you're still recovering from childbirth and it's -30 degrees out there, you'll freeze!} "I'll be fine, plus it's not snowing right now"

{IT'S ONLY TWO DEGREES AWAY HOST!!} The system flew around Zeng Yaozu who was just brushing him away "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine"

{what if you freeze during the night} "I won't, I have all those heavy blankets he sent me" {BUT WHAT IF YOU DO} The system was on full-dad mode trying to protect his pretty host.

Ever since he met Zeng Yaozu he had the urge to make sure his mission to make Zeng Yaozu get happiness was a success, and currently he thinks Zeng Yaozu is being reckless.


Zeng Yaozu picked up his sleeping babies and wrapped them in their blankets before putting the two of his two sons on the basket on his back and carrying the ge'er on his front as he is much weak and being exposed to the cold air isn't good for a newborn, now that he was finally ready Zeng Yaozu opened the window and disappearing into the night with all of his money. Not a coin was left in sight and if there was it was very well hidden even if the family turned his room inside out it's not like their in his room either way.

The night felt colder than most he could have worn one of the hundred coats Zhang Bingwen sent him, but when he wore it was too heavy for him to walk in, so he chose to just walk in the cold despite he will most likely get sick from it after walking almost a mile to town, he finally found a place to stay for the night it was an empty forgotten shrine a broken statue in the middle with moss and vegetation beginning to seep into the shine not a good place to sleep for the night. But behind the shrine was a small hut. It looked like a tool shed. It was still sturdy and didn't have many holes in the walls but looked ok to sleep for the night despite it not having a door.

He laid a few layers of blankets on top of the hay so he wouldn't have to sleep on the moist ground. He laid down with his babies in his arms and grabbed a two thick blanket before covering himself and his babies with the blanket.

Even Though his makeshift bed wasn't the best he still got a good night's rest before he was rudely awoken to the sound of children whispering about him early in the morning "What does he have Dìdì?" The little boy whispered as another boy who was slowly getting closer to see if the man in the hay covered in blankets had anything important on him. "Lâo dàgē he has babies?!"

A much timid and weak voice response but it was much closer to him, Zeng Yaozu was just pretending to be asleep and let the boy get ever closer "Is that it? Is that all he has, check the basket!" he heard shuffling before there was another answer "N-Nothing, why don't we leave him alone… it's not nice to steal things from sleeping people-" he was interrupted "WHAT?! No way he has to have something expensive!" The sound of stomping footsteps came closer, and then the basket was thrown out of the shed.

"Hey, that hairpin looks expensive, why don't we steal that?!" A small hand reached for the hairpin in his messy half-up bun. Zeng Yaozu decided to stop playing asleep and grabbed the boy's wrist.

"Who said you can touch my stuff" The boy flinched at the sudden word and hand on his wrist when suddenly there was a needle in between the boy's eyes, the boy fell backward staring at the silver-haired lunatic in horror, who just stared back at him "Ahh?... Ahh, AH!" the boy finally let out a scream and ran away shoving the smaller boy on the ground in front of the Lunatic, the smaller boy didn't look any older than 6, he was covered with dirt and mud on his face, you could see his ribs and the bones on his body, he looked both famished and dehydrated "I-i'm sorry about my Lâo dàgē, Shūshu"

The boy got on his knees with his head on the ground silently cry, he had always heard of the stories surrounding the lunatic, while he roamed the town square he always heard women and ge'er talking about the town lunatic and with the recent rumor, how he got pregnant by some rich man that probably didn't know he was the lunatic, how he use a bad type of cultivation, and how he tried on multiple occasion to kill some of his servants for doing something wrong, and that he was delusional, they described him as a silver haired man with gray eyes that look like can hold a fake innocents but death at the same time.

Zeng Yaozu felt pity for the poor boy it was clear that he was an orphan just looking to survive the hash days, so Zeng Yaozu being the kind 'lunatic' he is, he grabbed a bit of food from the warehouse and put it in a small sack before tossing it over to the kneeling boy. The small boy looked at the sack as the apple from inside rolled out and hit his hand. He looked at the sack before at the lunatic who suddenly didn't look as scary as he said just a few minutes ago, he seemed nice minus being able to see the crazy and kindness in his eyes.

"Take it," Zeng Yaozu said to the boy, who looked at the sack of food warily 'does he think it poisoned' Zeng Yaozu then snatched the apple on the ground and rubbed it with his sleeve before taking a bite out of it before giving it to him "See not poisoned, I'm not a monster kid" the boys face flushed from embarrassment for doubting the lunatics' kindness "s-sorry… Shūshu…" he grabbed the sack and reached in grabbing the bitten apple before his hand was grabbed by Zeng Yaozu who had a bowl of water now 'where did he get that?' The system.

"Wash your hands, don't be grabbing food when your hands are dirty, you'll get sick like that" Zeng Yaozu began to pour the water little by little onto his hands while rubbing the dirty off of them. Yaozu then noticed a rather deep red mole on his wrist, only ge'ers have red moles on their wrist and the redder the mole means the fertil the Ge'er is.

They finally washing the Ge'ers hand and the boy finally took a bite of the apple. It was sweet and tasted delicious to him, small tears flooded his eyes, God he hadn't eaten in so long.

"Thank you Shūshu" he smiled at the lunatic when they heard the sound of multiple people running towards them, Zeng Yaozu quickly grabbed the boy and held him in his arms like he always did with his babies, like he was a mother hen keeping her children under her wings until the storm passes "GIVE ME MY DIDI BACK LUNATIC" It was the same boy except now he had a few adults here with knifes and blade, he didn't even flinch at the sudden yell he just gave an empty stare at them, even the people seemed surprised to see the lunatic here.

Furthermore they never actually saw what the lunatic looked like people describe him in all sorts of manners, a silver haired man with long sharp fangs of a demon, with eyes that hold death, but in front of them was a young beautiful ge'er with brighter silver hair and eyes that looked like the heavens "no…" this just angered the little boy "SEE HE TOOK MY DIDI HOSTAGE" but the people didn't look convinced as the boy in the lunatics arms was calm and just nibbling on an apple "what are you doing here lunatic" an old man with a long white beard and dark clothes stepped out for the crow of adults and looked at the silver haired boy, The lunatic gave a kind charismatic smile at the old man, a chuckle escaped him lips before it turned into a fight of laughter, everyone felt confused as to why he was laughing, before the laughing became crying, "My Dear Zûmû, kicked me out after my Biâo gē tried killed my baby" tears began to drop from him face onto his hands, he was weeping in front of all these people to deceive them from the true because the usually the first side of the story you hear is usually to one people mainly believe "Don't lie lunatic you must have ran away from home!" A middle aged woman yelled out from the back "N-No a-Zu isn't lying Zûmû said she didn't want a-Zu anymore after Zhilan-Biâo gē tried killing my precious baby boy, s-She was jealous that a-Zu got gifts from my husband and that I had three baby boys- Please" his voice crack and began to break into sobs "believe a-Zu is innocent" he curled up into the boys shoulder and began to heavily cry, that it made them feel guilty for asking.

"O-oh we are sorry Lun- I mean Master Zeng" A tall man slowly got down on his knees close to him to try and comfort the crying teen "N-no no touch only husband can touch me" he immediately screamed and pushed the man away and cried into a corner of the shed crying hysterically with his babies in his arm and him hold the boy close to his chest like a shield "a-Zu don't want to be touched like how those creepy men tried to touch a-Zu!" They all froze, someone tried to assault the Lunatic? "Little Ge'er what are you talking about!?" An old man made his way to Yaozu who refused to look anyone in the eye "N-no! No! Bófù said if a-Zu told someone a-Zu would be punished" he couldn't to curl into the corner his face wet with tears and the vermilion mark on his forehead was smudged with the rogue all over his face was dripping down onto the fine clothes he had on. While they took in that new information, Yaozu smirked underneath his hands.

"Little Ge'er did they do anything else to you!?" "Yes! Yes" he quickly nodded "my Bófù, Biâo gē and Zūmū stole gifts from a-Zu while he was sleeping I told them to give it back but they lied and said a-Zu was hallucinating again, p-please believe a-Zu!" He crawled to the group of people, his head now down as if he was kneeling for forgiveness.

The town was shocked not only did they steal things from him but his uncle tried to get him assaulted then his cousin tried killing one of his sons while he is most definitely still recovering and now they are believing this poor boy was just tortured to the point of losing his insanity.

A young woman went over to the kneeling lunatic put her hand on his shoulder to which he flinched hard with tears still in his eyes he looked up scared "come master Zeng let's get you to the town chief so you can sleep in a house tonight I'll help" He was helped up with his babies in his arms

'People are so easy to manipulate'

"Thank you" his cheeks were still wet with tears and his eye are red from the 'crying'


Rumors, so many rumors began to stir when it was learned that the town lunatic's family had kicked him or that is what he told them

"Did you hear?" The murmurs of the people seem to never stop since the news "Of course, I heard!" Another whisper out

"Who would have known the Dai family was so greedy"

"I feel bad for the poor thing I heard he was kicked after being beaten half to death" another murmured in the ear of another who just gasped

"Oh that poor thing no wonder he lost his mind" a young woman said to the other "I heard the town beauty, Dai Zhilan tried killing him babies out of jealousy" the baby, oh that poor child they all thought, but they weren't surprised that woman had a tendency to get rid of anything she hated and was never caught once because he father always protected his 'precious' Daughter "That woman is a monster trying to hurt the cute babies, I saw the babies the lunatic had, they look absolutely adorable " a woman laughed at her response "oh? Really how cute then"

"They looked like cute little angels with his silver hair and one had black, oh so very cute" they all talked and gossiped then rumors got around


Rumor kept going around town before they reached a specific person through other people Dai Chao dropped his fork upon hearing the news, he was training to become a soldier for the military and was having breakfast when he overheard a specific rumor about his dìdì, Zeng Yaozu. He looked over to the soldiers that were talking about the rumor

"Hey you! What did you just say?!?"

The two looked over at him confused and realized who he was "oh a-Chao, the lunatic is your Dìdì right?" "Yes! Yes he is now what did you just say" he grabbed the soldier's collar bringing him down to his level "um… I got a letter from my cousin saying there's a rumor going around town about how the lunatic was kicked out after giving birth to his babies around a week and half ago or something"

Four years of being in the army training grounds, barely being allowed to revive letters from his family so we don't get distracted from my duties and only now does he know his little brother got pregnant and on top of that was kicked out of the family for what!? What did his little brother do!? Furthermore, who the hell got his dìdì pregnant, What the hell!? He felt so many emotions, Rage, hatred, anger, he was upset and sad.

Dai Chao was shocked at how this happened while he was away. now his little brother was out on the streets with a baby for over something so stupid, he has to ask for a week off to visit his little brother

I just hope he is doing ok

"GET UP EVERYONE IT'S TIME FOR AFTERNOON TRAINING!!" A man yelled from the distance Dai Chao quickly grabbed his sword to get ready


Fu Baozhi slammed her hands on the table "That little rat!" She screamed, scaring the few children in the family who had followed their parents to the meating "what do we do a-Niang!?" Dai Han, the scum bastard who pushed Yaozu down the hill to get assault looked over to his mother worriedly as he did a lot of cruel stuff to a-Zu and his reputation will seriously be destroyed if what he had tried to do to him get out, The system Just looked from the other side of the room, it's not like they can see it either way.

"I'll sue that rat for lying and take everything he has" she screamed out, Zhilan with a bloody face and burns on her face smiled 'That lunatic will pay for what he did to my face" he rubbed her cheek with small tears in her eyes

"Zûmû don't you think that's too mean" a small voice rang out next to Dai Huan "a-Xia don't be stupid that lunatic has to pay for trying to ruin our reputation"

A-Xia she was the youngest daughter of that scum, but despite having such a horrible father she got her mother's kindness and actually really liked being around her lunatic cousins despite him kinda pushing her away saying he needs space and doesn't allow anyone to touch him, the whole family knew out of all of her cousins Zeng Yaozu and Dai Chao were her favorites because of their beautiful appearance, she loved their Gray eyes and really loved Zeng Yaozu's silver hair because in her own word she said.

"I love Biâo gē's beautiful silver hair it reminds a-Xia of the moon and the rivers at night so pretty that Biâo gē looks like a angel" Zeng Yaozu always smiled at the compliments she gave him.

"But Zûmû Zu Biâo gē was just scared maybe he said that on accident" she tried to protect he cousin from her family multiple times, she always was the first to go to his room to make sure he was ok and when he isn't there she alerts her uncle Dai Huan and Zeng Yue.

It's a shame that this poor girl was given such a horrible life both in this life and he past life before Zeng Yaozu was sent back to fix his life

Despite the system having to only help his host, he can't help but want to save the others who suffer just like Zeng Yaozu and this poor girl was no different from Yaozu and soul that was born to suffer like many others

Betrothed to a man much to old for a current 13 year old, was forced to conceive a child at 15 before taking her own life a year later after learning her cousin's and uncle had died. A pitiful soul


"Dai xia!!" The small woman flinched at the call of her husband in his callous hand was a white crumpled up letter. It was closed but it seemed like he didn't want to give it to her since he isolated her from the people she loves.

"Yes husband" her voice was quivering, she had lost her determination, she was no longer a happy girl with a prideful attitude but a lonely pregnant woman who wasn't allowed outside, nor allowed to interact with the world. The only reason she keep going is the thought of her Huan-Shūshu, Yue-Āyí, her two older Biâo gē's trying to get her out of this marriage, but this would kill her want of life the second she read the damn letter

"To my dear Dai Xia

I know you haven't been aware of what is happening outside of that house but I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry for doing this, I can't live in this world anymore, forgive your favorite Biâo gē, my a-Die is dead, my a-Niang is dead, a-Chao is dead, and so are my babies.

Xià-xiâobiâo dî forgive me I can't live in this world anymore. Everyone I love is dead or no longer with me. My husband has abandoned me and I can't take the silence in this house anymore. I am going insane. I am so sorry Xià-xiâobiâo dî.

These are my final words to you my precious little Biâo gē"

Xia couldn't breathe, they were drowned out by tears and cries, her Biâo ge, he had killed himself and the rest of her favorite family members were also dead, she didn't know how and why but now she doesn't want to live in this world either. she has no idea how long ago this letter was made but considering her husband never gives her the letters on time she had to assume it was a along time ago since the last letter she got from her Biâo was almost a year ago

She hung herself that same night with the letter on the ground.

Nobody knew and nobody cared.


{Poor thing} the system murmured looking at the young girl, barely a teenager.

Shūshu = uncle

Āyí = aunt

yes I did put a system if you go on Wattpad he beta version of the book is still up just search up ‘The lunatic Ge’er is secretly married to Huangdi’

F1nch_creators' thoughts