
The Eminence in Shadow - Extra Mob Mc

A young man, chased by a white-robed yokai shouting, "Magic... magic..." was run over by a truck and died while escaping to a safe place. Upon being reincarnated into a different world and starting his second life, he found himself turned into the "right arm" of a mentally unstable man.

takumi_9800 · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chuunibyou Can't Be Cured, Even After Death

I was reincarnated into a different world.

Ever since I was a baby, I had memories from my previous life, so I guess that's how it is. I vividly remember dying as a high school student, so there's no doubt that my second life has begun.

It all started with a test of courage that my friends brought me to. It was a sad test of courage where only boys were allowed, driven by rumors of yokai that were circulating within our school.

The target of the test was a yokai called the "Yokai Magic Man." Rumors spread about this yokai who wore white robes and banged his head against a rock while shouting, "Magic... magic..." Honestly, I didn't believe it, but I never dreamed that I would end up dying because of that yokai.

I encountered the Yokai Magic Man when I got separated from the others. Perhaps he was attracted to the light of the flashlight I was carrying, but he turned his bloodied face towards me and smirked like a demon. Naturally, I screamed and ran away.

I desperately fled while almost stumbling on the mountain path, but the Yokai Magic Man was incredibly fast. I couldn't escape normally, and just as he tackled me from behind, we both jumped out from the mountain.

Then a truck came rushing towards us.

I was hit by the truck and died.

I don't know if the Yokai Magic Man died or not, since he's a yokai, he might still be alive. If he's alive, I hate him so much that I want to kill him.

"...Sigh, I'm tired."

Thinking about the moment I died dampens my mood. It's not something to ponder while swinging a sword. So, I stabbed the two swords I was holding into the ground and looked up at the clear blue sky. The weather is nice.

"Hey, you're at it again, Takumi!"

"Dad, yes, I'm doing my best."

A young man approached me while I was taking a break. He is my father in this current life, and he's very kind.

I was born into a noble family, apparently of low rank, and I was born as the eldest son there. takumi Gavin, that's my full name.

"Are you cutting rocks again?"

"It was relatively easy."

When my father saw me cut the rock like a dice steak, he ruffled my hair. I died as a high school student and now I'm nine years old, so it's embarrassing considering my mental age, but I can't help but feel happy.

By the way, my father is the one who taught me dual wielding. He's my master. It seems that the head of our family has been using dual wielding for generations. It doesn't really matter to me, though.

"That's great! I'm proud to have such an amazing son. Our Gavin family is secure! Takumi, be sure to be back by dinner."

"Yes, Dad."

With those words, my father went back home, shaking his white hair unique to this different world. He has a lot of hair, so it seems I don't need to worry about going bald due to genetics.

"Secure, huh."

Honestly... it's bothersome.

I was just an ordinary high school student, there's no way I could seriously think about being the successor. I'm a guy who still seriously thinks about wanting to live an easy life without working. It's inconvenient to be expected too much.

...But, it seems like I have some talent.

When I swung the sword I pulled out from the ground, a gust of wind rose. It's clearly not the power of a nine-year-old child. The reason is simple—it's "magic."

In this world, there is a fantasy-like power called magic. There are people called "magic swordsmen" who fight using magic. I'm saying it as if it has nothing to do with me, but I probably will become a magic swordsman as well. The Gavin family has been producing magic swordsmen for generations, and I am the heir to that lineage.

When they measured my magic power, they made a fuss saying it was the highest ever recorded in our family's history. Despite being scared, I held back a lot. I think it's because of the talent overflowing in magic that the Yokai Magic Man, who killed me, coveted.

Well, I don't really have any particular goals, so I think living such a life is fine too. Enjoying a comfortable life with moderate talent, living a wealthy life. It would be great to have a cute wife as well.

(...That's what I think, though.)

Humans are simple creatures. When they have power, they want to use it. Perhaps it's because they want to make the most of the power they acquired through painful training. Even though I'm only nine years old, I think such dangerous thoughts, but being in a world that existed only in manga and anime makes me accelerate.

First, to gain combat experience, I fought against thieves.

Since it would be troublesome if my family found out, I secretly carried out these attacks at night. Maybe it's because of my experience of being killed by a yokai in my previous life, but I no longer had any qualms about killing people who were guilty of anything. To the point where I didn't regret taking their lives.

Since my white hair is noticeable at night, I hunted the thieves while hiding under a hood. Those who joyfully talked about killing people while drinking, those who laughed triumphantly as they looked at the stolen goods, those who tried to lay hands on the terrified women they abducted. I killed every single one of those disgusting individuals.

In this world, technology is not as advanced as in my previous life. There are no surveillance cameras, so I could do whatever I wanted. If I kill people, it's only natural for the thieves to be prepared to be killed as well.

Come to think of it, I was enjoying it a bit.

Of course, I didn't enjoy the act of killing. I was exhilarated by the pleasure of being able to do whatever I wanted with my own power.

I received gratitude and gold coins from the merchants I helped. I gained the affection of women who had been abducted and safely returned them to their homes, which made me feel good.

I was aware that I was gradually becoming strange. Without realizing it, I reached a point where my hands didn't tremble even when I killed someone, which was quite shocking.

If I hadn't gone on the test of courage, I could have lived a peaceful life in a peaceful world. If I hadn't encountered yokai, I wouldn't have died.

...What the hell? It's unfair, isn't it?

At home, I play the role of an ideal eldest son who lives up to expectations, and at night, I hide my true identity and kill bad people. Even if I repeat such a life every day, the unpleasant feeling in my chest doesn't change.

I'm tired. Maybe I should go on a journey or something.

Just when I seriously started to consider that... I encountered him.

That idiot who wouldn't understand even a fraction of my worries.

That fool who wouldn't comprehend my loneliness.

That imbecile who wouldn't grasp my feelings.

The worst encounter that disrupted my new life. If I hadn't met this man, I'm confident that I could have had a more peaceful life.

He's a guy who walks around selfishly, only doing what he wants without thinking about others or the consequences.

I met that kind of man.

"──Would you become my right Man?"

The guy said that to me, as I stood there looking at the ground stained with the blood of thieves. He was a guy about the same age, in other words, a brat. Normally, if a regular kid saw a scene of mass murder, they would either scream and run away or faint.

But this guy was smiling.

Covering his face with a hood, presumably to hide his identity, he was definitely smiling. He looked down at me from the top of a tree, wearing a genuinely happy smile.

"...Right man? I don't get it."

He didn't assume a combat stance even when I raised my sword. I thought maybe it was a sign of confidence, but it didn't seem that way.

(Who is this guy? Is he a chuunibyou or something?)

His eyes glowed red, and his black coat fluttered even though there was no wind. Maybe he thinks it looks cool.

"I've been noticing a decrease in the number of thieves recently, so I came to investigate. I'd be in trouble if my right man disappeared. And then, I found you."

"...So what? What do you want?"

"Well, well, don't be so wary. Yo!"

No, that's impossible. I have to be cautious.

As he jumped down from the tree, I still pointed my sword at him.

"Do you, by any chance, have memories from your past life?"

...Huh? What did this guy just say?

"Hahaha, you have an interesting expression. I guess I hit the mark."

"What the hell are you?"

Well, I sort of understand. He's the same age as me, doing similar things, and talking about "memories from our past lives."

"You're just like me—a 'reincarnator.'"

Well... that's probably it. Just as I expected.

"So? What do you need the reincarnator for? Are we going to fight or something?"

"I've been saying it. How about becoming my right man?"

"Why should I be your right man? There's no way I'd do that."

"Hahaha, a talented person needs an indispensable right man to support them! Besides, it looks cool to have one!"

Even if he struck a cool pose and said that, I still didn't understand. But I sort of got it.

"Are you... an idiot?"

"Huhu, it doesn't matter what you say. I want to be the 'hidden powerhouse.' Not the main character or the final boss, but someone who intervenes in the story in the shadows and showcases their power."

He said with sparkling eyes, spreading both hands. No, this guy is bad news. I can't understand what he's saying, and he doesn't seem to listen to others.

(...Should I run away?)

I've always had confidence in my speed since my past life. I've never lost in a game of tag. The only one who could catch up to me was the Yokai Magic Man. Shaking off a kid like him would be a piece of cake.

"So you're trying to run away? You're channeling magic into your legs."

"What...? You..."

"I think I'm better at controlling magic than you, don't you think? I trained in magic control in my past life."

"What kind of life did you live to train in magic control in your past life?"

"I told you, didn't I? I want to become a hidden powerhouse. I never skipped a day of training for that."

Scary, this guy is scary.

Now that I look closely, there's a smooth flow of magic around his body. ...Ew, creepy.

"Looking at you, I'm sure you're quite a talented person too. I'd like to have you as my right man."

"...What if I refuse?"

"I won't do anything. I'll just stick with you until you accept."

"No, you're definitely doing something. You're causing a lot of trouble."

Oh no, this guy is definitely the type who doesn't listen to others. The most troublesome thing is that he's clearly stronger than me. I don't feel like I can win if we fight.

"It's unbelievable that there are other reincarnators besides me. This must be a fateful encounter!"

"...If this is fate, then I curse fate."

"Oh, that's great. I'll take note of that."

"Stop it! I don't have chuunibyou!"

This guy laughed lightly... I still haven't asked for his name.

"...I'm Takumi. Takumi Gavin. What's your name?"

"Me? I'm Cid. Cid Kageno. A lower-class noble from the countryside."

I think I've heard of Kageno before. I feel like it's the same lineage of magic swordsmen as my family. It's funny how similar things can be found in various places.

"Hey, Takumi. How about becoming my right man?"


I don't want to agree so easily, but it's better than being asked to become a magical girl. I was getting tired of the same old days, and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go along with this chuunibyou idiot.

"...Sigh. Alright, fine. I get it."

It was a way to pass the time until I found something I wanted to do. I agreed to it with a light feeling, but it didn't take long for me to realize that it was a mistake.

"Yay! Well then, nice to meet you, right man."

"Can't you at least call me a partner or something?"

And so, I met Cid Kageno.

The only thing I learned from this guy is just one thing.

──Chuunibyou can't be cured, even if they die.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

takumi_9800creators' thoughts