

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Tranh châm biếm
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CHP80: The man in Black, and the Force?

Alight guy's next stop Star Wars!

Hope all you enjoy how I explain my version of how the Star Wars universe was formed.



[Avatar of Bruce Pov]

In the void of all Existence, the Avatar of Bruce appears.

Surrounded in his dark cloak of horror, he admired the emptiness of the true void between creations.

It was a very dark grey, absent of life, light, and laws, only nothingness reigned here.

"Hmm," Avatar Bruce hummed to himself.

He looked at the dark cloak of Horror that laid upon his body.

The Primordial Abyss Darkness was in a gaseous like state, and its aura was on full blast.

This means that any place he goes to people will either die or go insane from being in his presence and the cloaks.

So, with that in mind he decided to make some adjustments, he'll still leave a minor release of terror from the cloak, to deter idiotic people, but it would be minimal to how it was now.

And with these thoughts in mind, Bruce envisioned how he wanted the cloak to look like on his body.

With his control the gas like cloak wrapped around his body all the way down to his ankles, he left his feet bare as nothing with be able to touch them.

Plus, he wanted to be free a little.

The cloak continued to wrap around him and made a robe that left his chest and stomach bare for all to see.

His arms 

His head and hair were intertwined with the cloak and the darkness from it made his head look as if a crown was on his head.

The rest of the dark cloak just covered his arms, legs, waist, and back.

You could only see two green glowing dots where his head was. Then his pale white chest and stomach, it looked horrifying, yet beautiful.

The darkness floated freely on him like the wind.

His form seemed to merge with the emptiness of the Void, and Bruce loved it.

Tell you one thing, the powerful women are going to try all they can to grab Bruce.

And not that he was tooting his own horn, but Bruce was extremely beautiful, and combined with the unnatural charm that came with being an Eldrich creature, this will cause people divine or not to become obsessed with him.

Like I will kill your unborn child and sacrifice it to Bruce type crazy, so he needs something to cover his real face, unless he wanted it to be exposed.

And the Primordial Abyss Darkness just so happens to be an excellent thing he could use.

Plus, if he the avatar was like this, then the real body will have an extremely rough time.

Bruce took a moment and pulled his mind away from his self-centered thoughts about how good he looks.

'Damn eldritch thoughts!'

'That's going to a little roadblock in the future, but nothing I can't handle.' He thought to himself.

'Now where to first.'

Bruce wondered where to go first in his journey to collect power.

As he was thinking to himself, a whisper or a call from the power of destruction itself caught his attention.

"Oh?" He cocked an eyebrow at what he was seeing.

What he was doing was one of the many abilities Bruce gained after his neo-gamma absorbed all of Vhaalku.

You see Vhaalku's power of destruction knew no bounds, it was unbounded and so anywhere in existence where destruction took place or happened.

Vhaalku and now Bruce would have an entrance or like he was doing now a sight into a world.

And this lets him choose whether or not to enter that place, as nothing will be able to stop him.

Other someone on his level, which let's be honest would never deter him at all.

So, right now Bruce has just gained a view into a very interesting place.

A certain female sounding voice was crying out for help as pure unnecessary destruction was being done at the moment by a very malevolent entity.

And this place was just born and was forming its own creation. So, it was weak to this thing trying to eat it.

Such is the law of the jungle, but like life a twist and turn has happened, and Bruce was near as this was happening.

"The Force huh?"

It what was crying out to him or anyone who would listen.

"Could be a very interesting place to visit and it holds quite the interesting power." Burce said to himself.

"Plus, I hate people who prolong unnecessary suffering and play with food." He frowned as he saw the white and purple spider thing toying with a cluster of nebulas.

Then he smiled as he found his first target for his Abyss Darkness powers.

So, with a thought from him the area he was in warped, and Bruce disappeared.

This spider is about to have a very horrid time.


[Olgorith the Web Weaver]

Olgorith the Web Weaver, a Chaos spider that no one knows where it originated from, only that it has been a terror for eons, always praying on the newly born creations.

Its white extremely large body covers the area like the clouds do earth.

And right now, it was doing what is does best to a newly born creation. Its huge web covered all paths the nebulas could take.

Olgorith sat on its web salivating as it watched its prey try to escape and fail miserably.

Olgorith would shoot a few liquid purple acid-like beams at the cluster of nebulas.

Acid because the purple liquid would smoke as it came from Olgorith's mouth, and every time a speck of it would touch the Nebulas then it would slowly eat away at its essence.

This caused the newly born creation pain like no other.

The cluster of nebulas housed a very important thing, and this was the reason Olgorith was here.

It houses a Chaos Spirit and one that choose a specific gender at that.

The spirit was female, a very young one.

This female Chaos Spirit had the form of a ten-year-old girl, she was blue in color and had white eyes.

Her body was also covered in white markings, the same as her hair.

But right now, she was terrified of Olgorith and was scared for her own children that lived inside of her.

She wasn't strong enough yet, so she hoped that from using her limited power as a beacon or a call for help, that someone or something would come to help her.

All she could do was hope that the person who helped her was better than this foul thing trying to eat her.

Of course, she knew there was a chance of something much worse than Olgorith that could hear her, but it was a gamble she was willing to take.

Her children didn't even have a chance to form and live a life yet, so she couldn't just allow them to be killed.

Olgorith was finally getting tired of playing and decided to just kill this spirit. Then it would eat it and its power would grow.

And so, Olgorith slowly descended near the cluster of Nebulas, it slowly did this to scare the spirit even more.

Seeing the spider slowly approaching her, the Chaos Spirit used even more of her power, she called and called and just when she thought all hope was lost, Olgorith froze in its position.

The spirit was stunned and wondered wha-

That's when she felt it, the approaching cold and heat, which was weird to her, but the power she felt was leagues above what Olgorith was.

And it was more horrifying than it as well.

Olgorith itself froze in fear as the focus of that heat and cold was on him the heaviest, but that wasn't was terrified it.

What made its essence freeze was the very familiar feeling of this aura, as how could it forget its own origin.

"ELDRITCH!!!!" An oddly male and female voice loudly hissed out from Olgorith's maw.

Olgorith was about to try and abandon this meal but found it's blood and limbs frozen by fear itself.

And once it realized this, darkness descended upon Olgorith and the Chaos Spirit entirely.

No quite literally, an ocean of dark green and black darkness ripped apart the web of Olgorith and swallowed the spider and the cluster of Nebulas.

The two of them were frozen like time itself had stopped.

And as the deep darkness settled over the both of them, they saw a green light appear in the darkness like a star.

The green light parted open like a door, revealing a horrifying yet beautiful scene.

A person floated through the green light; it was only one person from what they were able to see.

But that person was not visible, only a white bare chest and stomach was out in the open, the rest of the person's body was covered in a deep black darkness.

As both of Olgorith and the Chaos Spirit gazed upon the person covered in darkness a feeling of terror and awe invaded the bodies of them both.

Their mouths were clamped shut like nails in wood. And their eyes were as wide as bowels.

Then to add to their terror, the person rose a single finger, and pointed it at Olgorith.

A ball of green light formed on the persons finger, then that beam shot directly at Olgorith.

Nothing could slow or stop the approaching beam of light, and Olgorith was horrified.

Then a blinding flash of green exploded as the beam made contact with the spider.

"Urgaaa!!!" The Chaos Spirit woke up with a fright.

She was still very shaken up with a level of fear that would take time to simmer down. But she had enough strength to look around her position.

As she did, she was dumbfounded, and she was confused.

There was nothing near her, no spider, and no man covered in darkness.

She was alone with only her thoughts, or so she thought.

As she was contemplating what happened to her just now, a hand reached inside of the cluster of Nebulas and grabbed her.

The spirit couldn't even make a sound as she was brought outside of her own creation.

She looked down beneath her and saw a white surface.

"Kid, eyes up here." A male silky-smooth voice whispered in her ears.

Mesmerized, the Chaos Spirit forgot about her fear and looked up to the source of the voice.

And when she did, what greeted her were two green orbs looking down at her.

But that was all that she could see.

As the rest of the person's form, or body that she could see was covered in darkness, well besides the person's chest.

Like a little bashful girl, the spirit did what looked to be a blush.

And then she realized that she was on the person's hand, as the color matched the person's chest, she even saw lines on the white hand.

But she pulled herself somewhat together and asked the one question she wanted to know first.

Shaking as she rose her head back up to look at the green orb staring at her, the Chaos Spirit said, "Where is that...spider."

"Hmm," A low groan could be heard from the man's mouth.

Then he said, "That little spider, he's in his very own personal hell at the moment."

To make sure his point got across to the spirit, the man made a black ball of energy form in front of the spirit.

Inside of it was a shrieking and convulsing spider. Olgorith was tearing off its very own limbs and spewing out its own acid on itself.

The spirit was dumbfounded once again, and she asked, "Why is it hurting itself?"

"It is experiencing its worst fear." The man said to her.

Then the ball of darkness vanished from her view, and the spirit quickly grasped her hands together and said, "I the force give my thanks to...." she paused and nervously said, "Uh, what is your name?"

A low chuckle resounded from the man in darkness, and he said, "Names have power and draw attention from those who you don't want to know you exist."

Then he paused and said, "but if doesn't really matter anyway, I have shielded this little interaction regardless."

The spirit understood his words and waited for an answer.

The man looked down at the innocent spirit and said, "Names Bruce, but you can call me that or Ouroboros."

And like a child, the spirit widely grinned and said, "Well, I give you my thanks Bruce."

"I don't know how to repay you though, as I have nothing to give." She said sadly to Bruce.

Bruce smiled widely and said, "Oh, but you do."

She looked at him and asked, "Really?"

"Yes, you can give me a tour of your home," Bruce said like an evil mastermind, but his intensions were pure.

The Chaos spirit hesitated for a moment, but then realized why would a person of his caliber just ask her that, when he could just force her.

That's when she made up her mind and said, "Deal!"

"Great!" Bruce said.

He let her go and she flew back into the cluster of nebulas waiting for Bruce to come in as well.

Bruce still looking down at the cluster of nebulas took a minute and then he shrunk down from his gigantic form.

Before he was around twenty feet tall, but now he was only nine feet and seven inches tall.

He could be any height he wanted, but he was comfortable with this, so with a little smile on his face Bruce flew into the cluster of Nebulas.


[The Deep Core]

As Bruce entered the cluster of Nebulas, he was welcomed with the sight of a small black hole surrounded in a few clusters of bright lights.

These lights were forming galaxies, there were quite a number of them, just waiting to be born.

And at the very top of all of it, the female Chaos spirit was standing idlily, seemingly waiting for him to arrive.

Bruce slowly flew through the expanse of space; he took in the budding energy that permeated the surroundings.

It was pure, extremely pure.

But it wasn't strong enough yet for him to introduce to his body and definitely not for the main body.

It was lacking, and from what Bruce could tell this place needed to finish blooming.

Then Bruce had an idea, why not help the creation of this universe.

Just speed up the time needed for the big bang to happen; kick start the future.

And with that in mind he flew over to the spirit and stood close beside her.

"You have quite the beautiful place, and the atmosphere here is very pure." Bruce spoke to her.

The spirit was quiet for a moment after he spoke.

"It's not complete, the laws are not in place just jet, all its because of that stupid spider!" She yelled as she slammed her left fist on top of her right palm.

She was having a little, clearly, she was very upset.

Bruce could tell, so he moved along with his plan with a grin.

"You know I could help you out, if you would like." He said with a gentle voice, as he was dealing with a kid, a powerful one, but still a kid.

Her big white glowing eyes widened in surprise as the thought of asking him for help never even crossed her mind.

"Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly.

She didn't want to impose a task like that on her savior.

But to her surprise, Bruce chuckled and said, "No problem, I see promise in you and your creation."

"Plus, I will show you how to become more than you already are, don't you want to be able you protect your creation from all outside threats."

She was quiet for a moment as she reflected on her own weakness, the way she saw it.

She now had two path's that lie before her, the first path was the unknown and she could lose everything by rejecting this offer.

And the last path was accepting Bruce's offer, and actually learn something that would actually help her protect her children.

But before she gave her answer, she looked up at Bruce with a seriousness that kind of surprised him, and she asked," I'm no fool, granted I have a child's form, but I'm still over thousands of years old."

"I know there is a price for everything in life, so what is yours?"

Bruce was stunned for moment then be burst out laughing, his back actually hunched over with laugher.




This sudden situation puzzled the Chaos spirit greatly, and she said, "What is funny?"

Bruce ceased his laughter and pulled himself back together, and he said, "Nothing, just how your cheeks puffed out when you acted all serious and composed asking me that."

"Tch, meanie." She mumbled to herself as she looked away from him in embarrassment.

Bruce said, "Don't be sore, I will tell you, my price."

She looked up at him waiting for his answer.

Then he said, "When the time comes, allow me to have the energy that will operate how the universe functions."

The Chaos spirt was squinted her eyes looking at him, and she said, "Is that all?"

Bruce simply said, "Yeah, that's it."

"Wow, that is easy."

"Would've thought you would ask for something much more valuable than that to be honest." She spoke surprised.

Bruce said, "It is more than enough for me, plus I am going to enjoy the process of building your home."

"So, it's a win, win situation for me," he said to her.

The Chaos spirit nodded her head, in agreement.

Then she asked, "Well what now, Bruce?"

"Now, I give the other laws need to cause your big bang and we watch the process of your creation form." He said grasping his hands together.

"Ok, I'm not fully complete either, so I need this."

"That spider really did a number on me," she said still angry at Olgorith.

Bruce agreed with her, she make look complete, but her form shouldn't be in a child's form now.

And with that in mind, Bruce rose his left hand and on it a budding white energy blossomed to life like a flame.

Many other colors sparked to life in the white energy, and powerful aura permeated the surroundings.

A blue, red, black, green, and gold spark formed inside of the white energy, they were respectively the law of lighting, fire, death, life, and light.

The white energy was the law of Nothingness.

Bruce looked at her and said, "Here you go, consume this and you'll finally shed this child's form."

"Thanks Bruce, I mean it." The Chaos Spirit said to him, and not allowing Bruce anytime to respond, she leapt towards the energy in his hand.

And she swallowed it whole.

"Mhmm," She rubbed her stomach like a cat, and Bruce was just shocked at how she just leaped at him and ate that like snack.

Soon, her body began glowing bright, and brighter, all the way until she was just in a pure energy state.

Bruce watched as her body began to grow, and her power as well.

As the minutes ticked by, the whiteish blue glow subsided from her and now a twenty-year-old adult woman floated before Bruce.

Her hair was as white as snow now, and she had white markings on her body.

The white markings were white spirals that formed upon her chest area, and all the way down her stomach, then her legs.

She was also releasing enough energy to vaporize an entire universe thousands of times over.

Bruce was amazed from the power he felt coming off her.

This was the power he wanted, and it was the power he would soon have.

The spirit opened her eyes as the glow faded a little, and she looked at Bruce for quite a bit.

Then a much more mature voice came from her saying, "I thank you Bruce, for your help."

"I shall never forget you, not for all eternity, this I promise," she said with a genuine smile.

Bruce nodded and said, " No problem, now how do you feel."

"I feel wonderful, like I can anything and everything I've always wanted now."

Bruce looked at her, then he thought of something, and said, "This is a great time for you."

"Though, I feel like we should give you a name to go by."

Bruce looked at her and said, "A powerful being should have a name to call themselves, instead of just a spirit."

"Think of something that your children will refer to as they live through their days."

"Something that resonates with your core."

Burce already had one in mind, but he wanted to get the idea in her head.

The spirit looked at him curiously and said, "A name, I've never even given a thought to that."

"What should I name myself Bruce?" She asked him.

Bruce said, "Well think about what your own power can do, and how it works when you use it."

"Think of how you called out for help earlier."

She nodded and closed her eyes contemplating her feelings.

Eventually one name popped out to her the most, "Force, huh?"

Bruce smiled, "Not a bad name to go by, is that the one for you?"

She kept repeating it over and over again in her head, until the point where she felt it linger on her like an anvil.

So, she decided, and she said, "Yes, it is the one for me."

"Then clam it and create your home." Bruce spoke to her.

She nodded and looked over at the cluster of galaxies forming around the black hole.

Her body began to emanate a whiteish blue color, and her hair turned into pure energy as she proclaimed out into reality her name.

"My name is Force, and that is what I shall give unto you my future children."

And from within her body a tide of white and black energy came out like a rising tides, and it washed over the black hole, along with the forming galaxies.

Force directed some of her energy to the black hole, and an explosion of light came from it.

The former small black hole was now a massive one.

And the light coming from it pushed the galaxies into place and painted the dark canvas of space with stars.

And made the universe come into existence, settling her creation.

Then Force herself used her own energy to imprint onto reality a home world that all life shall come from.

And using all of the laws under her control, a wisp of blue energy came from her hands.

This energy permeated the universe, and most of it created a huge planet not far, but not too close to the black hole.

The planet from what Burce could tell was a special one, not sooner did he think that did Force do something surprising.

Force flew above the budding planet, then she took her left finger and made a cut motion across her right arms.

Her arm began to bleed a white and blue energy onto the planet.

After a few seconds of this, Force stopped and sealed herself inflicted injury.

Bruce watched as her essence fell on the planet, and he saw how the energy fell onto the barren ground.

It created luminescent geysers that released an ethereal energy from inside the planet. But below the surface of those geysers, plots of land or floating islands formed.

On these lands Bruce could see life beginning to form inside of it and growing all across it.

Force turned to Bruce and said, "I'm finished, now all we have to do is allow time and the power I expelled into reality to start creating life."

"And shall you name this power, Force?" Bruce asked her.

"I'm going to name it after me, that way my future children shall always call my name." She spoke to him.

She looked at the blossoming creation in front of her and said, "I gift to you the power of Force."

Burce on the other hand was loving this whole process, now all he had to do was wait a little bit and he could absorb this energy.

He knew that now officially; his conquest of power begins now!
