

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Tranh châm biếm
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86 Chs

Chp11: Brutality and Meeting of The Titans

Let's go guys, shit is about to pop right around the end of this chapter. Again, thx for the support and power stone, you guys have given me and the support from reading this story. I just want you guys to know I really appreciate the support. Alright, let's get to the chapter. Hope you enjoy it.



[North Dakota, Mountain Ridge]

A top of a huge mountain that pierces the clouds like a spear. There lies a wooden cabin of medium height and width. Its dark brown coloring gives its look of a warm home and a sanctum from everyday life in the big cities. This cabin as we move and look closer sticks out like a sore thumb, because while the rest of the mountain is covered in snow and ice. 

This is thanks to the owner of the cabin. Speaking of the owner, the cabin door opens, and a man of great stature and height appears with an axe in hand. We see the man walking to a wood pile to his left. 

As he gets in range of the wooden logs, he raises his hand and moves the log without touching it. Placing it in front of him diagonally. Then he raises his arm in the air with the axe in hand getting ready to split the wood.

But before he does, he pauses and looks to his right in the air. Then he says, "you can come out Strange."


Appearing in an orange light Doctor Strange appears. Strange floating to the ground opens his mouth to say something to the man in front of him. But, he is cut off by the by the man saying, " I already know about the Hulk, I could already sense him when he entered the atmosphere." "You'd be a fool not to know who that was." "The amount of power he is radiating is crazy."

"That's why I have come here. To ask for your help in resolving this mess." Strange said for after a moment. "Strange, you already know I have stopped being a hero after that incident." The man said.

Strange thinking of that dark purple figure couldn't help but shiver at how useless he was. Shaking his head away from those thoughts. Strange says, "yes I know, but you have made remarkable progress in accepting that part of yourself." 

"And right now, the world needs you as does the avengers, Robert." "The world needs The Sentry!" Strange says yelling the last part. 

"I don't know Strange from the sound of things it looks as if you guys deserve it." Robert says after a moment. "I agree, on somethings we do need to be judged for but right now there nothing stop the Hulk from destroying everything on earth." Strange says.

Raising his eyebrows at that Robert says, " You would think Hulk will go that far." " That doesn't seem like the friend I once knew!" He says raising his voice. Strange unnerved by the rising heat around him quickly says, "I know, but you have look around." "The Hulk has never been this angry before and you know as well as I do that sometimes he gets carried away by his rage."

"BECAUSE OF YOU AND TONY!!!" The Sentry yells.


The mountain trembles beneath him and waves of heat melts the surrounding snow on the mountain. Strange seeing this is getting out hand quickly says, " And I will receive my punishment and Tony in due time, but right now we all need you."

"Look at this." Strange says as he conjures up a mirror reflecting the carnage that has already happened. 

Robert calming himself down looks in the mirror and is surprised and horrified of the brutality of the Hulk. 

In the mirror he sees the Hulk ripping the entire avengers league apart. Caps shield in bent with him imbedded into a boulder unconscious. Widow is passed out in her own blood on the ground. Luke cages arms are both broken, and he is smashed into the ground by Hulk. 

As he looks around again, he can see the worst of all is Tony, who is impaled through both shoulder and being made to watch what's happing. 

Then horrifying to the both of them Hulk turns to their direction and a green blast of energy erupts from his eyes destroying it. Sending strange flying into the dirt. From the back lash.

Robert still feeling horrified from what he has seen moves to and picks strange up from the ground with his psionic powers. Then looking at Strange for moment and then looks up into the sun thinking.

Strange coughing and spitting out some blood look at Robert and thinks, 'he is on the ropes I have to pull him in.' "Robert," he calls out. Bringing Roberts attention to him.

"I know we all deserve this, but the earth doesn't and I'm willing to accept any punishment."  Hell you put me in a court on trial." "But please, I know deep down you want to be a hero again." "To hear the people chanting your name." 

"To know that all those who would harm earth would have to think twice before acting, because you are here." Strange earnestly pleads. " Please I am begging you help us." Help us all." "We need you." The earth needs you." He says half crying.

Robert, taken back from Strange's crying begins to think to himself. And after a moment he looks over at Strange eyes glowing a dark gold and says, "Your right, no matter my problems with you or being a hero." "The earth and innocent people need me."

As he says this his body starts glowing a searing gold yellow like the sun and burns his close away reveling The Sentry in all his glory. 

Turning and reaching down offering his hand to Strange and pulling him up he says, "Now let's go save the earth." Strange now off the ground smiles and says, "Yes let us go."


Sentry rocketing off the mountain like star shooting across the sky, burning the ground around him for miles. And Strange disappearing as they head to a fight that will be like no other.


{Manhattan Battlefield]

(Hulk POV)


After shooting his energy to the hidden magic or whatever it was Hulk know strange is preparing something for him. So, he turns to space behind him and calls out, "Hiroim!"

The shadows behind him wriggles like a lake as Hiroim appears. "Yes, my King!" he yells.

"Grab the heroes on the ground and take them the prison cells in the ship." Hulk says. "Right away my king, but what about him," he says pointing to the wall where Tony is impaled to.  Hulk looking at Tony whose face looks as if he wants to eat him alive sneers. Before saying, " Leave him there to watch as I destroy his pride in thinking he could ever handle me, and thinking his group of heroes could stop me." 

Hiroim nodding begins his work grabbing every hero there with his shadow magic.

Over where Tony is, we can see he is not doing so hot. As he is impaled from both sides of his shoulders by green gamma spears, courtesy of Hulk of course.

Tony talking to Jarvis via his thoughts and comms in his ear says, "Jarvis. release Fin Fang Foom, Abomination, and Absorbing man." "Are you sure that is wise sir?" Jarvis replied. "We don't have a choice, gotta buy time for Strange." "And I need to get out of here." Tony says back to him. "Also say whatever you have to, in order to get them to act Jarvis." 

"Also, might I add that they might perish in this confrontation sir." Jarvis said to Tony. 

Tony gritting his teeth says, " Its a risk I'm willing to take so just do it."

Jarvis quiet for a moment then says,

"Of course, sir."


[Space, One of Tony's Satellites]

(Prison For High level Threats)

In a dark, damp cell lies a gigantic green creature sleeping. But he was soon woken up by a voice.  "Mr. Fang if you would please give me your attention please." Jarvis's voice echoed into the room.

Awoken by this voice Fang opens his eyes growls out in a deep voice, "what is it you incognizant worm."

"I have come to inform you that Mr. Stark has agreed to give you your freedom in exchange you do something for him." Fang surprised and intrigued asks, "what does he want."

Jarvis then says, "The Hulk has made an appearance and is causing havoc across New York." " And mister Stark would like your help in stopping him." "HA HA HA HA!" Fangs laughing voice echoes in his cell. "I knew this would happen eventually. Alright what would I get in return for my help in this matter." He says.

Well for one you would get to live. That stopped Fangs laughter at once. Then he angrily said, "What do you mean I get to Live!!" His eyes glowing orange with anger.

"Well, what do you think would happen if Mr. Stark were to offer you on a silver platter to the Hulk in exchange for him to stop his rampage." Jarvis said.

Fang after thinking for a moment says, "alright I agree to the offer." "Where do I need to go." He says.

"Thank you for agreeing Mr. Fang." Jarvis said. "Also, you don't need to move anywhere as I will drop you where you need to be." 

"Drop?" "Drop whe- He never finished his speech as he was dropped dead center from orbit. This same action repeated twice for two other prisoners.


[Earth. Manhatton]

(Hulk POV)



The sound of something breaking the atmosphere caught Hulks attention. Looking up he can see three metal balls with one being the largest. What also caught his attention was three signatures of gamma in them.

Looking over at Tony he can see he is smiling at him. "I'm guessing this is your doing." He said to him. 

Getting no response back Hulk shakes his head and says, "well i guess another person will suffer for your acti-" He couldn't finish his words as a blast of orange flames blasted towards him.

/BOOM/ Hitting him head on.


An eruption of green energy from Hulk surrounding him like and ocean of fire spreading everywhere.

"Tch, that didn't get ya huh." A rough deep voice echoed out as a red big figure walks out from the shadows beside Tony. No sooner did he appear did the meatal pods from space revealing none other than Hulks arch nemesis.  Abomination, Absorbing man, and Fin Fang Foom land. 

The pods door opening and them coming out. Absorbtion man and Fang stopped at the sight on Hulks figure glowing a menacing dark green.

But abomination catching sight of Hulk gets angry and blasts of the ground, towards Hulk in a poor attempt of an attack. An attack that he paid for with his life, as Hulks fist surrounded in a green and some red stripes of energy connected with his head.



Blowing his head and a hundred-meter-wide trench in the ground from his body.

Absorbing man looking on in shock as well as Fang because for as long as they have known or fought the Hulk, he never killed. Tony to is in shock.

And Hulk not caring about them at all as he is looking on at one the most hated people in his life. As long as Hulk can remember him and banner, they never got a moments peace from Ross. And it was even worse when the Hulk was born. Ruining their love with Betty as well.

He never stopped hunting them, never leaving them alone. As he thinks, this the ground starts shaking and the atmosphere darkened above everyone. As green steam exited Hulks body creating green clouds in the sky like a tornado.

Ross not even aware of his dangerous situation is looking on at Blonsky's dead body being eroded from Hulks energy shakes his head in disgust and disappointment and speaks, " You were always a failure and I wished I could have killed you myself but here we are."

Then looking on at Hulk he says, " well looks like you have finally become what I've aways said you were." A Big Ugly MONS- He never finished as,



Two green fists uppercutted him into the sky, along with that familiar roar.