
The Elven Prince

In a world where Magic exist as normalcy, different creatures and races all struggle to maintain balance and keep their plane as secured as possible. This place is just like earth, the difference? Magic. On earth, Elves, vampires, fairies and the likes of them are all folktales for kids but nothing is impossible you know. The unusual happened when Danny a special agent in the army found himself in a dirty pond-like lake with a beautiful girl staring at him and calling him "prince!" But who the heck is a prince and where is he? Transmigration, reincarnation or after-life did not make any sense to this brute Major until it became his reality. He had really died and now, he is in this strange world all alone! So he thought. The great Elven Prince is a book about how Danny died and His soul transmigrated into the Kingdom of Gire and in the body of their prince. There were sorcerers, vampires, Gnomes, fairies, sprites and witches that had their kingdoms all in this plane and could easily move to the other side which is earth. But they all have their headquarters here. After George had his brother killed in secret, he launched a mission to get more powerful by every and in every way possible. Danny and Cily both faced major challenges. For Cily, she had to endure years of being a lab rat trying to find out how she is so powerful and on Danny's end, he had to deal with hiding because his brother was in search of his corpse and is worried he is alive somewhere and would one day come back alive to fight for the throne. George is quite confident his Father Kind Sven will be with his ancestors before the years ends and is determined to .get powerful by hook or by crook. The first war breaks out and it is all masterminded by George who releases an ancient powerful dragon and more wars broke out after that until someone started killing their worshippers and destroying their cult meetings and cult locations from the shadows. The pair of heroes made their first appearance when the palace was in chaos and Danny/Pearce came back to set George straight. Amora saw Danny was alive and even more powerful than her present lover George, she used all means possible to latch onto his thigh and be his Queen. The previous Major in the army is now a prince and he must fight the battles of the dead prince, learn to practice and use magic, learn the hard way and fight so many frustrating battles with the strongest ever woman by his side!

mustard_1 · Thành thị
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Danny woke up with a banging head ache. Clenching his teeth, he held his head and suddenly remembered the weird dream he had while sleeping, heaving a sigh of relief that he is out of that bad dream, his eye snapped open in a flutter '' it wasn't a dream! Arrgh!'' he screamed and when he realized it wasn't a dream, he punched a huge hole in the wall of the shed and the benite tree quickly filled up the space, fixing it with its branches.

Danny sat up and started to think about the possibilities of him maybe transmigrating or reincarnating in another world. The last thing he remembered before waking up by the lake was the group of terrorists that had been disturbing the peace of the country, they barged into a top secret military meeting that had a lot of government officials and the president was present too and in an attempt to save the president, he got fired with several bullets and before he fell unconscious, he saw the president fall with a thud! Beside him. Now he's here and he has no idea why but as a soldier born to die he has no regrets because he took down at least half of those criminals before he went down himself.

The problem now is who will believe this absurd story of his? Even that kind girl would think he has mental issues or he should just keep pretending he has lost his memories because he actually has no memory about being Pearce no? or he could ask her to help him out since she does magic.. or he should you know, commit suicide with this body, maybe he'll wake up in his original form or …. Slapping his face slightly, Danny tried to regain is composure and not think too irrationally. When she comes he'll ask her everything on his mind but right now, he feels so hungry and even weaker than when he woke up the first time. Walking around the house, he looked for whatever is meant to be the kitchen in this tiny house but found non. The only thing he found was a bunch of bananas on a counter.

'hello milord'' Cily greeted as she stepped into her shed

''welcome back Cily, I'm so sorry about earlier. I couldn't make sense of everything and my body decided to shut itself down'' he apologized sincerely mainly because he was ashamed a big man like him fainted in the arms of a small and fragile looking girl's arms.

'' no no, its fine really'' she smiled and said bashfully although it was a small smile, Danny's heart couldn't help but skip a bit and he patted his chest slowly, cleared his throat a little before breaking the silence

'' let's start off a little formally this time, my name is…'' he trailed off as he almost said Danny ''you already know me'' he smiled trying to hide his embarrassment but continued

''friends from now on?'' he asked stretching out his palm for a handshake ''plus I really need a place to hide out until I understand everything that has been going on''

Cily on the other hand just stared at his hand awestruck, this is the first time anybody has made her feel so Important! And it was the second prince himself! She felt like fainting, screaming, jumping and crying all at once

The only word she could put together was ''w.ha..t?'' she stammered

''I'm serious Cily'' he pressed on

''but milord i…''

''cut those formalities and call me Pearce Cily, I want to hear you say it'' he pressed her and she finally opened her mouth to call him ''Pearce'' she said it shyly and he enjoyed every bit of how she pronounced his new name.

''thank you." he said with a smile and brought her to sit on the only sittable thing which is her makeshift bed.

''so Cily tell me about prince Pearce'' he asked her casually like they've been gossip buddies for years now.

'' I really don't know much about anything in Gire, I'm a refugee here and I'm not exactly welcomed anywhere else except the magical academy for wizards and elves trying to hone their magic, all I heard was that prince Pearce is a weakling compared to George, your brother''

she explained looking down at her nails but Danny on the other hand became happy because in his previous life, he never had any sibling but now he has a brother that is good !

Smiling he asked ''where is he now?'' but Cily gave him a confused look but adjusted her gaze Immediately she remembered he is basically memoryless

''in the kingdom capital, the heir to the throne must be the strongest and most powerful among his brothers so, you and prince George have been enemies since birth and vying for the equal chance to become king someday'' she answered him and didn't miss the surprised look on his face.

Danny thought to himself 'am I sick or just cursed? The only brother I managed to have is my sworn enemy, probably the same person that tried to kill Pearce or rather succeeded in killing Pearce' he took a deep breath and decided to know more about her.

''what did you mean when you said you are a refugee here?'' he asked her and she bowed her head again as she can't keep eye contact with him for too long

'' my dad was a fairy and my mom an elf, this wasn't exactly a combination any of the two species will want to do. Although there is no written or oral law that these two Creatures cannot be together, it's just common knowledge in blue lily valley that fairies, sprites and pixies can get married easily and not to those energy sucking elves!'' she said and Danny looked really interested in learning about this real life folktale love story. Although she could keep secrets and plainly lie to him, there was this powerful aura around the prince that made her so scared that she had to tell the truth. He nodded his head gesturing to continue and she just chuckled but still went on

''my dad was chased out of the valley never to return again, during the palladinium war, he died and mom died a few years after being allowed to take refuge in the outskirts of Gire. She was asked to join the war of light and when they emerge victorious, she can move into the city but unfortunately, she also died in that war'' Cily said and sniffled a tear