

Li Xue PoV:


Location: Outer Peak, Serenity Peak Sect, Mystic Mountains, Azure Kingdom, Primal Cosmic Realm


As Li Xue's eyes fluttered open, she found herself facing the familiar, modest or rather, shabby hut on the remote outer peak that she had arranged for herself to avoid unnecessary interaction with others. The verdant surroundings werea stark contrast to the grandeur of Lady White's divine domain.


Li Xue then slowly walked into the hut and collapsed on the mattress as all strength left her body. She was truly tired. Both physically and mentally. She had never been so drained in both her lives combined.


Being in the presence of an outer goddess was no joke. Even if Lady White might have seemed rather easy going, who knows if she randomly snapped and decided to turn Li Xue into some weird hybrid of unknown things making cacophonous sounds the very next second. Unpredictability was one of 'Their' defining factors.


Li Xue had to use every bit of willpower remaining in her to squash down any more sacriligous thoughts from sprouting in her mind. One must not speculate about 'Their' thoughts.


As she closed her eyes, she wished that this was a one-time encounter. A dream or a mystical journey in the depths of her wildest imagination. But obviously such fantasies were fantasies for a reason. It was inevitable for Li Xue to communicate with 'Her' again.


'I have to accomplish some tasks for Lady White.' She thought. Hopefully the tasks were not something along the lines of committing mass genocide and offering up souls to 'Her'. Li Xue had seen a lot of horrendous acts being committed over the course of her life.


Unlike other cultivators who used every possible means to reach the top of the hierarchy, Li Xue had avoided such acts while keeping her moral bottom line as much as possible. Being contracted to an outer deity who symbolized chaos and madness left much to be desired in this aspect.


Despite this, other powerful cultivators would think twice before choosing to take any action towards her. Of course, this was limited to those who knew of outer gods. Also, the fact that they would have to know of her contractual relationship with 'Her', which she will definitely not be publicizing unless ordered otherwise.


The Primal Cosmic Realm was one of the weakest in the known multiverse. Nearly everyone who lived in this realm was not even qualified to know of 'Their' existence. Some other universes had religious sects that worshipped some of 'Them' as orthodox deities but they were entirely unknown in this realm.


It was almost as if 'They' had not even bothered to look towards this particular realm. And so, it was all the more surprising that the Primal Cosmic Realm was the first one to go when the cataclysm struck.


Cultivators had even speculated that perhaps this realm was not as ordinary as it seemed to be. Perhaps it held a huge secret that did garner 'Their' attention. These were all just rumours without any shred of proof.


Maybe those cultivators or sects far more powerful than her knew more facts regarding this than she did. 


"Why am I even thinking about this? It's not like I will find out the truth about this anyway." Li Xue muttered.


She considered herself to be rather ordinary in the grand scheme of things. Yes, she did have heaven defying luck in multiple moments in her life such as when she gained that inheritance or when she regressed recently. 


But she knew that she was different from those who had truly been chosen by the heavens. She had witnessed many acts by such chosen ones and while her luck might put her higher up than many others, it still seemed to fall short compared to them. 


Her regression might have seemed like a blessing earlier but now it was unknown as it had brought her into the embrace of an outer deity. Only time could tell if it was a blessing or a curse. 


She was nowhere near being the strongest cultivator out there either and was not a stranger to the idea that there always existed higher heavens to attain beyond those someone might know of.


The only known exception to this rule were the outer deities. Another reason why people feared them. Dread towards the unknown was one of the most primal fears.


"At least I escaped from that crazy woman…" She muttered as she was about to drift off to catch her much needed sleep, but her eyes shot open as she jumped out of bed soon after.


'How could I forget the ritual Lady White had instructed me to hold?' Li Xue thought as any plans of sleep had already faded away into nothingness. 


While it did not seem that Lady White required her to hold the ritual immediately, it would obviously be better to finish it as early as possible. The timing for the ritual was flexible according to what Lady White said so she could indeed hold the ritual right now.


Li Xue, being resourceful but limited in means, decided to create a simple yet earnest altar for the ritual instructed by Lady White. In her shabby hut on the outer peak, she fashioned an altar from the meager items available to her.


If the ritual failed because Lady White considered the ritual to be rather shabby and did not give a response, she would simply have to procure the items necessary to hold a successful ritual. But Lady White did say that a 'simple' ritual would be fine.


A corner within Li Xue's hut was designated as the sacred space for the ritual. Its selection ensures a quiet and undisturbed environment, vital for the success of the ritual. She then took out a sturdy wooden crate lying around the back of the house to serve as the makeshift altar.


Li Xue then covered the box with a clean piece of white cloth. The white cloth added a sense of purity to the modest setup. She then inscribed the symbol shown by Lady White consisting of a delicate spider's web intricately woven within the cosmic expanse based on her memory. 


Based on her knowledge, this symbol represented a deity's authority, but she could be wrong. She then brought a vessel which had a radiant, translucent substance, akin to liquid stardust suspended in a crystalline form. Its surface shimmered with a myriad of twinkling lights reminiscent of distant stars.


A delicate blend of celestial blues, purples, and silvery white colours seamlessly intermingling, creating a mesmerizing cosmic palette that seems to dance within the substance.

When observed closely, intricate patterns reminiscent of constellations and celestial phenomena are discernible within the substance.


This was obviously the starlit ambrosia that was to be used in the ritual. As she opened the vessel, a delicate blend of floral notes and hints of sweetness filled the surroundings.

The aroma carried a subtle, otherworldly essence that enticed those in its proximity.


Of course, this weak scent did not have an effect on her. Starlit ambrosia would be considered a heavenly treasure by mortals but was a common delicacy amongst cultivators. 


Early-stage cultivators were recommended to consume starlit ambrosia as it was said to temporarily attune one's senses to the cosmic energies of the universe. 


These cultivators may have a minute chance of experiencing heightened awareness and a profound connection to the cosmic forces that govern the multiverse. This would have been immensely helpful in beginning their cultivation journey.


Of course, there was a downside to this delicacy as everything in existence tended to have. If one consumed starlit ambrosia in large quantities beyond necessary amounts in a short period of time, their heightened connection to the universe may cause them to inadvertently peek into something unknown or listen to mad ravings causing an unfortunate end.


This was only true for those in the earlier stages of cultivation. Li Xue placed the starlit ambrosia as an offering to please the deity corresponding to the ritual. She then placed candles on either side of the makeshift altar and lit them by manipulating qi. 


Li Xue was not a cultivator yet but her soul was incredibly strong allowing her to have acute control over her innate spirituality. Using her understanding of cosmic energies, Li Xue aligned the space with the universal qi in the surroundings.


 Standing by the altar, Li Xue recalled the instructions given by the ethereal voice of the goddess and 'Her' suspected honorific name. A honorific name was used to describe higher beings and a lot of information about said being could be gleaned from them.


Li Xue had not heard of Lady White before her regression and according to what Lady White said, she had just woken up from a long slumber. 


The first sentence, [The Weaver of Cosmic Destiny], invoked images of a being intricately involved in manipulating the threads of fate that wove through the very fabric of the multiverse. 


It suggested a profound connection to destiny itself, as if to say Lady White held the reins of cosmic possibilities in her ethereal hands. 'Hmm, fate must be the authority held by Lady White or at least one of them', she thought.


She could not entirely make out what significance of the second line [Lady of Boundless White] was. Yes, the surroundings of Lady White's divine realm were blanketed in pure white. And she referred to herself as 'White'. So did the second line only refer to her boundless white divine realm of was there some other significance behind this line?


Similarly, the third line [Mistress of the Ethereal Web] drew further blanks in her mind. She had no knowledge of an ethereal web. Li Xue felt as if the vast knowledge she was proud of acquiring in her previous life was being shattered every second since her regression as she faced more and more unknowns.


She could only comfort herself by thinking of the fact that she was dealing with a being outside of common sense and there was nothing she could do about her current lack of knowledge except slowly uncover more mysteries.


If taken literally, the third line evoked a sense of mastery over an otherworldly network, perhaps a cosmic web that interconnected the various realms? 


The term 'ethereal' suggested a realm beyond the tangible, alluding to a web woven from threads of cosmic essence that transcended the material world. Or maybe it referred to control of destiny as well, she did not know.


Finally, [The Spider Goddess Who Reigns Above the Cosmos] conveyed a regal authority over the entirety of existence. The imagery of a spider, a weaver of intricate webs, suggested a meticulous control over the interconnected strands of reality. 


This was obviously not implausible as 'She' was indeed an outer deity who was beyond reality. Knowing a little bit more about 'Her' by trying to decipher this, Li Xue was further astounded about what role Lady White desired her to play that 'She' even regressed Li Xue to the past.


Lady White had instructed to use a primordial language to chant the incantation. The term "primordial language" referred to sacred and ancient tongues, said to be the original means of communication used by the cosmic entities that shaped the multiverse. 


These primordial languages, often considered the voices of creation itself, held resonances that echoed through the very fabric of reality. Legends spoke of a time when primordial languages were the universal tongues, languages understood by gods, celestial beings, and the fundamental forces that governed existence. 


It was believed that the vibrations of these languages had the power to shape reality, to weave the threads of destiny and carve the pathways of cosmic forces. As the multiverse evolved and diverged into myriad realms, the use of primordial languages became rare and esoteric practices fading away into myth as far as most were concerned. 


Mortals, in their limited understanding, lost the ability to grasp their complexities. However, echoes of these ancient languages lingered in certain sacred texts, mystical rituals, and the remnants of cosmic artifacts. 


Li Xue, having delved into the lore of her world, knew that the primordial languages were more than mere collections of words. They were conduits for tapping into the raw, unbridled energies that permeated the cosmos. Or rather most beings close to her power level knew of these languages and delved into studying and uncovering their mysteries.


The incantations spoken in these languages were not merely vocalizations but resonant frequencies that harmonized with the cosmic forces, seeking to establish connections between the mortal realm and the higher planes.


The primordial languages were said to be embedded in the very structure of reality, and those who could unlock their secrets gained glimpses into the primal essence that underpinned the multiverse. 


They were languages of creation and transformation, means by which mortals could obtain higher powers and influence the threads of fate. Thinking of this, Li Xue began chanting the incantation given by lady white:


"The Weaver of Cosmic Destiny; 

Lady of Boundless White; 

Mistress of the Ethereal Web; 

The Spider Goddess Who Reigns Above the Cosmos.

I pray for your blessings. I pray for you to weave my fate. I pray for you to open the cosmic gates to your ethereal dominion. Grant me the strength woven within your threads. " 

She then concluded the invocation by merging the material containing qi, the starlit ambrosia, with the celestial energies invoked by the incantation.

As the offering vanished and the cosmic energies in the surroundings stirred, an ethereal portal took shape, revealing a cosmic tapestry woven with ethereal threads that extended into nothingness. 


From a visual standpoint, the scene appeared as though space itself was undergoing distortion, causing the passage of time in the surroundings to be thrown into a perpetual state of flux. 


The ethereal threads danced, constantly altering their spatial orientation in a mesmerizing display as if to represent the ever present constant of change. 


Li Xue watched as a long radiant, iridescent thread that constantly shifted between hues of cosmic blue and shimmering silver emerged from the portal. The flames of the candles then sparked crazily as distinct writing became visible on the altar which read:


[Sequence 9: Weaver of Threads (Threadspinner)


Gain the ability to weave threads and manipulate them at greater ease for various purposes. Beyonders of this sequence also gain the utmost basic ability to sense and manipulate space such as door opening.


Main Ingredients:


15 milliliters of Astral Silk Extract

60 grams of Loomstone Crystals

Or a Threadspinner Beyonder Characteristic


Supplementary Ingredients:


120 milliliters of Cosmic Springwater

16 drops of Starlit Jasmine Essence

9 Astral Vine Leaves

5 drops of Ethereal Essence

12 grams of Celestial Thread Powder]


Li Xue quickly read what was written. As she held the radiant thread reminiscent of the starry sky, she was exhilarated. She finally had what she desperately desired. A beyonder characteristic.

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