
The Eldian Emperor (Attack On Titan AU)

When a ruthless entrepreneur is exposed for his crimes. He takes down New York City with him through a virus his scientists and himself have created. He is transmigrated in the world of Attack On Titan. With his new life, he is determined to achieve his goal of world domination and gaining more power.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

Peace was never an option

The military and the emperor have returned from their mission to Marley.

The people of Paradis were happy at the fact that they had gained their revenge on Marley.

Zeke Yeager was taken to a prison cell where he was tied up with a cloth in his mouth so that he couldn't transform.

The higher-ups thought about having the Empress Historia Fritz eat Zeke Yeager but refused to do so in fear of incurring the Emperor's wrath.

And besides, she was pregnant, and Titan transformation might do something to the baby.

They all continued discussing what actions they should take while the Emperor visits his wife and unborn child.


Here it is, the farm Historia used to live in during her childhood with her mother.

She focused on funding orphanages, and Ymir helped her.

When she got pregnant, I ordered Kenny to watch over her as I don't want one of my only keys to using the Founding Titan die.

I never really cared much for my unborn child. It was only a valuable asset for me to use and to dispose of.

Historia was great with kids, but Ymir, not so much. I could remember her yelling at them, calling them little shits.


Luckily, she was stopped by Historia before she could get her hands on the children.

From that day on, the orphans swore to never get to call her bad names ever again.

And don't get me started on Kenny.

Kenny kept on scaring the kids and trained them in self-defense. All the kids saw him as a demon.

Kenny was confused about why the kids were so afraid of him, as when he trained Levi, he had no fear at all.

"Damn, these kids are pathetic. Why can't they be more like Levi when he was a kid. Obedient and hard working. These kids are just a bunch of little bitches."

Those were the words he said to me, and the kids heard, so they began bawling their eyes out and complained to Historia.

Historia berated Kenny and made him apologise to the children. After the apology, he gave them an evil grin that said, "I'm going beat your ass."

This led to the kids crying again, which earned him a slap on the head from Historia.

Kenny also told me that he would train my child the art of combat and killing, much to the horror of Historia.

I opened the door and saw Historia sitting on a chair, caressing her pregnant belly. She smiled when she saw me and tried standing.

I stopped her and got her to sit down. I held her hands and gave a kiss.

"I missed you, Historia."

She smiled warmly but had sadness in her eyes.

"I missed you too, but did you really have to do it? Kill all those people."

"I had to settle the score. And besides, I took one of their titans, which weakened them. Our technology is slowly growing. Historia, the people out there hate us. No matter what we do, they will keep on attacking us until we are all dead."

Historia nodded, still looking sad. This could be a pain to deal with in the future.

We talked about the orphanage and how our unborn baby is doing.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

"Come in." I said.

It was Niles.

"Your Imperial Majesty, your presence is required. Please come with me."

I turned to Historia.

"I'm sorry, Historia, but I must go. Take care of yourself, and keep our child safe."

She smiled in understanding and gave me a kiss.

Niles led me into the war room.

Erwin, Pixis, and Zackly were there as well. Zackly looked at me with fear in his eyes due to the beating I gave him.

Erwin spoke first.

"Thank you for coming, your Imperial Majesty. We're sorry to interrupt your time with the Empress."

"It's fine, Erwin, now let's talk about why I was called here."

Erwin spoke.

"We found news articles that are saying that the world's technology is surpassing the power of the titans.

Soon, Marley will be conquered by other nations due to better technology, and Marley has only two Titan Shifters. After that, the world will turn its attention to Paradis."

I listened to all this, and they were right. Technology will surpass the titans, and whilst our technology is improving, it can't handle the world itself.

I got up from my chair and looked at the walls that were made out of Colossal Titans.

Pixis asked, "Your Majesty, is something the matter?"

"No, it's nothing, I just have a plan that you may not like." I replied.

Erwin asked with a curious tone.

"And what is this plan you speak of, your Majesty."

I walked towards the table and looked him at him.

"I will use the power of the Founding Titan to free the wall titans and use them to trample all life beyond the walls. So that only the people of Paradis will remain in this world."

They all widened their eyes in horror and shock, Pixis was the first to speak with a desperate tone.

"Your Majesty, you cannot be serious. Killing all those people is not the answer. There must be some other way."

But before any of the others could speak, the door burst open.

It was Floch, and he led a group of soldiers.

"Your Majesty, we cane here to speak with you. Please give us a moment of your time."

Niles yelled with an angry tone.

"How do you come here in this room. We are in an important meeting right now. Leave here at once or suffer the consequences."

Floch yelled back.

"I can not do that. What I am about to talk to the Emperor about concerns the future of our people."

Niles was furious at Floch. "How dare you."

I raised my right hand to stop Niles from speaking, Niles reluctantly kept his mouth closed.

I spoke.

"I believe I may know why you're here. You wish for me to use the wall titans to trample all life beyond the walls."

Floch nodded and spoke with a serious tone.

"All those people out there want nothing more than our deaths. They can't be reasoned with. Once their technology has surpassed the power of the titans, we will be annihilated.

So we must act now and finish them before they become a threat."

Floch, when I watched the anime, you were a true patriot. Your desire to save Eldia is admirable indeed.

Pixis looked at me.

"Your Majesty, please don't listen to him, I'm sure we can come to an agreement with the people out there. What about Hizaru? They traded with us and are allies with us."

I looked at Pixis.

"Hizaru may be our ally, but is not loyal to us. Kiyomi only allys with us due to our resources and Mikasa. She is desperate to restore Hizaru's reputation and that desperation will become a problem to us."

Erwin and Niles were silent the entire time, thinking about this discussion.

Pixis and Zackley both looked horrified at my plans.

After a few minutes, I spoke to Floch.

"Floch, your orders are to keep this discussion quite and place my council of advisors in house arrest. Don't let them leave. Make sure to give them what they need, though."

"Yes, your Majesty." Floch said with a bow.

Just then, one of the soldiers came forward and threw someone to the ground.

It was Armin Arlert

Floch spoke.

"Your Majesty, Armin Arlert has heard overheard my conversation with my fellow loyal soldiers. This traitor wants to convince you to let our people die. And he's not alone."

Floch informed me that Armin was planning on talking things out with our enemies.

Jean, Mikasa, Connie, Hange, and many others helped him.

They were all in jail cells.

The soldiers and Floch glared at Armin, and he began speaking.

"David, listen to me. Killing everyone beyond the walls is not the answer. We can negotiate and sign a peace treaty."

Before he could plead any further, he was kicked in the face by Floch, who looked angry.

"Don't listen to this traitorous scum, your Majesty."

Armin looked at me with a pleading look, and I looked back at him with no emotion.

"I'm sorry, Armin, but peace was never an option."

And with that, I left the room.