
Thank you

A long silence was presented before a sigh was released from Meliodas his mouth, "so you know it" he asked Jax while looking in his eyes. "Indeed I have known about my sin for a long time" Jax replied revealing that he knew of it. "What does he mean Cap'n"

Ban asked Meliodas not understanding what Jax meant with him being one of the sins.

Meliodas turned his body towards the group and started to speak up, "I think it is time to tell you all the truth of who Jax exactly is" Meliodas looked at Jax once more indicating if what he is about to tell is good or not.

Jax just signaled that he could tell them before speaking up, " I want to tell them of you know" he said while pointing at his forehead. And like this, the tale began Meliodas started to speak about how Merlin had seen that the Sins would gain an extra member.

And this member is Jax the sin he would bear was unknown till right now. "This is everything I had to tell you all" Meliodas said before tilting his head to Jax's side. "Oh yeah, I guess it is my turn now huh," Jax said while looking at the group before him his indifferent attitude was just a cover for his true feelings.

Slowly anxiety started to creep up in his body he felt his body going numb his breathing got heavier than normal and the confidence he normally radiated was slowly fading. He knew it the group before him was his family yet they detested Demons and here he was about to tell them he was a demon and not just any ordinary demon.

No a demon prince at that also his mother is a royal vampire they detested these races but he had to tell them. He couldn't just live with them without them knowing. His mind was racing with ideas of how to get out of this situation before he finally gave in. He started to speak and it was clear how hard this was for him his usual cold strong voice was weak when he talked, "I am no human like you guys thought, let me tell you a story about a certain man and his lover" his voice was shaking while he continued the story of his father Zeldris and his mother Gelda.

At the end Jax's big stature seemed to have shrunk a couple of centimeters he was scared they would hate him he spoke up once more, "they had a son and that's me" at this point every single sin had mixed feelings. Ban, in particular, his lover had been killed by the demon race and he didn't know what to feel. Memories were flashing before their eyes of the cute boy that they played with how he laughed how he ran after them. How he started to call them with Nii-san or nee-san and the feeling that that gave them.

The warmth they felt from the boy was immense they had long since accepted him as their little brother. While the memories were playing in their minds they all came to an understanding and in the next instant Ban walked up to Jax, Ban looked down at Jax since he was taller and then suddenly his arms wrapped around Jax while pulling him towards him. Jax's head sinked into Ban's chest. As soon as this happened a memorie started playing of Ban carrying Jax on his arms and how happy he felt back then.

Slowly Ban put his hand on his hair while ruffling it while saying, "I hate demons but I don't hate you kiddo you cant decide your birth" Ban had it hard with the reveal at first but the more he thought about it the more sure he was the boy before him was his family. It doesn't matter who his birth parents are what matters is that they are now his family. In the next instant, every single sin that was present started hug Jax while saying that he was part of their family.

Jax's previous worries faded and a light feeling rose up in his body this was something that had bothered him for a long time and finally, it was gone. He was happy that they accepted him for who he was. Meliodas looked at this sight with a smile on his face he was secretly also scared for how the sins would react to this, after all, he himself still had to make the revelation that he was the current demon kings son.

A big smile was plastered on Jax's face the only thing he could say was,

"Thank you for accepting me"