
Chapter 2

Robert, an apostle of unholy gods, has tainted his hands with the life essence of countless beings.

Wandering, his ominous figure prowls from city to city.

Possessed of a single and sinister purpose: to spread fear.

He has been the architect of grotesque and impious carnage.

He has presided over horrendous sacrifices on clandestine altars.

Recently, in a neighboring town, he had stripped the life of every tenant of an entire building, an event of mortality unparalleled in the city's history.

The Star Rangers sent three of their Platinum rank agents, but even they were unable to apprehend him. And now his shadow hangs over the city of Janus.

In the wave of death that Robert brings, there are no rules or limits.

Women, children, the elderly... all are his targets for extermination. And at this precise moment, his baleful gaze falls on the tent in front of him.

Robert doesn't rush to open the door, but instead takes a notebook out of his pocket.

He tilts his head and traces lines of text on the notebook with a pen.

"The bustling commercial street, once full of life, woke up dead and deserted the next day."

"The curious who came to investigate found all the merchants dead inside."

"They perished in agony, stripped of their tongue, punishment for their blasphemy towards the name of our dark lord."

"Fear began to spread. To avoid a similar fate, those ignorant people began to remember our lord's name."

The horror lies in the fact that the ink he uses is not ordinary.

It is a thick, vibrant scarlet.

It resembles blood.

As he writes the last stroke, Robert smiles.

A disturbing smile appears on his scarred face. It is not necessary to have close contact.

Even at a great distance, his presence is enough to make your skin crawl. But Robert's goal is not limited to this store.

It's the entire shopping street.

All must perish.

It is an edict of the followers of evil gods.

Everyone is alienated!

So that the people remember the image of the evil gods, he prepares to annihilate the entire street.

Robert's boldness comes from his powerful status.

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Legendary, Epic, Mythical, Demigod, God.

Nine ranks.

Robert, the backbone of the cult, has transcended his mortal existence and achieved the rank of Legendary, after overcoming countless trials of life and death.

He trusts in his own strength, capable of deciding on life and death as he pleases.

"My lord's radiance cannot be blocked. The ant behind me seems to have doubts about me. He is an interesting being."

"He is as weak as an insect, but he dares to spy on the giant's footprints."

"You will witness the will of our lord."

"You truly are a lucky ant."

With these thoughts, Robert looks behind him, then opens the door and enters the store.

Robert doesn't care if the Star Rangers follow him.

With his power, he can make his opponent's head fall to the ground in an instant.

A good actor needs an audience.

And this creature, as weak as an ant, is undoubtedly Robert's audience.

"How should I take the life of the owner of this store?"

"Strangle? Cut throat? Dismember? Or maybe hang to death?"

The moment he opens the door, multiple images of torture flash through Robert's mind.

For him, the screams of his victim are undoubtedly the most beautiful melody in the world. Unfortunately, the Star Rangers are like a pack of dogs.

They will track his scent and surround him.

Robert needs to kill this entire street as quickly as possible. This means that.

He only has a few minutes to kill.

With this expectation, Robert enters the store with palpable excitement.

Although the products are in disarray, you can tell that the store is carefully maintained. Clearly, its owner is meticulous.

"This is good".

Robert nods approvingly.

Although he is a cultist, he prefers to hunt clean targets.

There is something peculiarly pleasurable about seeing blood dripping onto clean clothes and pale faces scarred with terror.

Just then, Robert hears a crack.

He directs his gaze toward the basement entrance.

The sound comes from there.

"A perfect place for massacre."

Robert locates Howard and moves forward.

When he reaches the entrance, he sets his gaze on her.

And he encounters a strange sight.

The entrance to the basement, which would obviously only be a meter or two deep, is completely obscured.

It is not the common gloom that hides the shadows.

It is a darkness so absolute that it seems to devour everything.

No light can pass through it.

Even the tiniest spark of light seems to melt away and only a scene of darkness is reflected in his pupil.

Robert, who has carried out countless murders, feels an inexplicable fear in his heart.

"What a strange feeling."

Robert He shakes his head and is about to take a step down, but just as he moves forward, he stops.

Strange voices emerge from the darkness once again.

Only this time, Robert also sees something strange.


It's as if something is about to emerge from the basement.

Robert, who has never known fear, moves no further at this moment.

Instead, he frowns and continues to look inward.

In the next moment.

Those twisted figures begin to crawl outwards. It was also at this moment that Robert's pupils suddenly constricted and he trembled again and again.

The abominations emerging from the darkened basement caused an unexpected reaction in Robert. He, who boasted of his invulnerability to fear, felt a chill running down his spine. The twisted sounds echoed in the stillness of the place, reverberating against the walls until they became a chorus of whispers.

"What the hell...?" His words escaped her lips in a barely audible murmur.

The once banal and dark basement had become a lair of grotesque creatures emerging from the depths, each one more repulsive than the last. The light struggled to penetrate the basement, but the darkness was so dense that it seemed almost solid, absorbing every ray of light.

For a moment, Robert stood still, transfixed by the scene before him. Even he, an apostle of the dark gods, couldn't help but feel a chill of terror. He had never seen anything like it, despite the atrocities he had perpetrated in the name of his gods. The creatures dragging their deformed bodies out of the basement were an abomination beyond imagination.

"What is this...? Is this what is happening in this basement? Is this what is happening in this store?" The words caught in his throat, choked by the sudden surge of terror.

Robert, the sinister bringer of death, stood at the basement entrance, unable to move. The twisted sounds, the grotesque figures, the overwhelming darkness; All of this combined to create a scene that even he found disturbing.

But what disturbed him most was the feeling of being watched. He couldn't see anyone else, but he could feel inscrutable eyes fixed on him, lurking from the shadows. Despite his power, despite his Legendary rank, Robert couldn't help but feel a shiver of fear.

Those who had fallen under his power had looked up to see his sinister smile as he stripped them of their lives. Now, it was he who stared into the shadows, immobilized by a terror he had never experienced before. The creatures dragging their twisted bodies out of the basement were a grotesque sight, but what really chilled Robert's blood was the darkness. A darkness so dense, so deep, that it threatened to engulf everything.

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