
Chapter 094: Tridom & Emperor (2)

An hour of traveling and waiting towards the Eclorthian camp had finally ended.

From the north-east direction of the camp where hills are located and in the lead of Queen Bleania forming three triangular formations with a square formation in the center flying from the sky with 3,000 mages from House of Magean and supported by 500 soldiers/believers from House of Faiean, towards the Eclorthians from the upper part of their camp Queen Bleania together with the mages she had casted numerous spells striking the Eclorthians below together with the aid of Faiean believers supplying them with mama, magic, and divine power which protected them from the counter-attack from the Eclorthians.

" Mages! For Acun Empire strike!" Queen Bleania shouted together with her holy pillar of flame striking the enemies outside and inside of the camp.

" Queen Bleania! from the side!" A mage shouted and hundred of Darkyries flew towards them holding long range weapons of Eclorthians shooting them or blasting them with great darkness.

" Faieans! we need more divine barriers!" Queen Bleania ordered and hundred of Faieans believers casted their divine power to their allies creating moving barriers of divinity who follow each attack of the enemies.

" My Queen! we need to separate now! fuc.." A mage shouted before she was shot by a turret below created by the Eclorthians there's dozens of it from the entire camp inside.

" Three paths of magic! commence!" Queen Bleania ordered and their group divided in to three one flying to the right with almost a thousand mages & hundred faiean believers, one to the left near the camp's entrance with the same number as those earlier, then Queen Bleania and the remaining of Magean Mages & Faiean Believers flying towards the center of the camp encountering Eclorthians ships & Eclorthians itselves.

Three Triangular formations of Mages flying inisde of the camp with its circular center of Faiean Believers supporting each other.

From the east direction of the Eclorthian camp a plainland can be seen there where a huge road are built.

Two rectangular formation of a thousand soldiers of Knigean each one at the frontline and the other behind it then in the backline a square formation of Faiean Believers in the lead of King Antohe, their group moving towards the camp's entrance where thousands of Chimaereans are stationed outside then encounter them on open field.

The first row of Knigean a thousand of them riding their beasts swung & released aura slashes in just a nick of time when the chimaereans a few meters away from them took a single or couple of steps slicing their bodies together with bloods coming out of their body, and after that King Antohe commanded the Faiean believers to launch an attack before the Chimaereans would reach the soldiers of knigean it was a row of three circle to the ground burning the chimaereans who passed throight them it only lasted for a minute, then the first & second row of Knigean soldiers became one and passed through the chimaereans along with the Magean Mages who strikes the Eletals above the walls and those inside of the camp.

" King Antohe! the gate is near!" A knight shouted and pointed its sword coated in aura to the camp's entrance where hundreds of Eletals which seems to be elites are positioned and killing everyone near them.

" I need hundreds of knigean soldiers & faiean believers together with me! the gate is near and we shall take it!" King Antohe shouted riding his Atheger together with his right hand that seems a divine storm is stored there waiting to be casted and he was the first one to move or run towards the gates and just followed by one, dozens, and hundreds of them then shoves the enemies with a storm cleansing them together with auras attacks striking them all together.

" King Antohe we had breached alread..." A Faiean Believer who was just a meter away from King Antohe front was been stabbed by a Chimaerean with a huge horn and holding blades who can slice even a stonewall if its bigger.

" Everyone guard your position!" King Antohe commanded to his group where thousands or more Eclorthians are coming to them and along with Queen Bleania group flying separately above dividing the enemies inside.

At the west direction of the camp where a forest can be seen and in the lead of King Cadma an army comes out marching with a frontline 2000 on a long rectangular formation of Knigean Soldiers and being supported by three squares formation of a combine 1,500 faiean believers behind of it then with a triangular formation of 500 magean mages from the end.

The west side of the camp where 5,000 Eclorthians are stationed and preparing to move or to attack to another place noticed them and immediately launch thier machines who was more than a catapult or a ballista with an ammo of a ball glowing then explode when it reach the ground, King Cadma riding his Trichakllion and holding his colossal sword slice of those ball into nothing thanks for he was a master of Magic Aura along with the help of the mages behind encountering those attacks by magical spells.

Even some of those attacks are dismissed to explode a thousand Eclorthians is just a meter away from them and shots the soldies of knigean who was wearing armors & coated on aura receive twice or thrice of those attacks then bleed yet not dead, King Cadma swung his colossal sword and killed 5 Eletals and their blood goes to his sword and grow once again then both sides of allies & enemies face each other together with their weapons going through their body and spells, machines, and more created more chaos.

" Make way for the King! you uneducated Eclorthians!" King Cadma riding his trichakllion swinging his sword to the side and stabs those on his front together with his magic aura bursting the Eletas who will risk his life & his allies then he runs forward, forward without any fear a bold one but to him its nothing but strength.

" King Cadma thousands of Darkyries are coming here from the south of the camp outside!" A knight shouted who was soaked on blood and stared at the enemies coming from the south, thousands of Darkyries riding a beast of darkness holding huge weapons be it close or long range types.

" Fuck that shits! let us focus here on the west you idiots, let our Emperor handle them for the empire victory shall be ours!" King Cadma cheered with a smirk on his face and the enemies that should come to them was strike by spells coming from the same direction.

At the southern direction of the camp where there's a slope terrain to be passed before reaching the Eclorthian camp and stationed with thousands of darkyries outside riding their beasts tried to left their position for there's no threat to that area, yet I Emperor Armaros shall claimed lives without ease together with the remaining force of our army I was riding my phoenix king and below me the remaining number of Magean Mages on two triangular formation casted their spells to those Darkyries planning to corner King Cadma.

Behind them where two rows of three square formations of Faiean Believers each row supporting the Magean Mages in the front by countering the attacks from the Eclorthian's side and aiding them with mana and power level together with enchanting the remaining force of Knigean Soldiers in two rectangular formation one to the right side of them and one to the left side, I was flying above them and I can see Queen Bleania striking the center of the camp and King Cadma holding the west I commanded the force I lead into two one gonna move towards the west to aid King Cadma and the remaining to the east to aid King Antohe at the entrance.

" For the Acun Empire, I Armaros Novun shall burn all of you." I flew and passed through the enemies but left them with a wave of flames redder than blood along with lava becoming a rain and thunder striking those above the camp's wall then been followed by blades of light that I created and stabs or pierce to Eclorthians before I landed to the ground and created a magma crater.

" Now let us see how many of you I can kill."

I summoned my Sun Lion King and rides it back together with the Phoenix King who are absorb to my body and give me wings with a fiery body holding my sword I run and thrust those gigantic Elcorthains which surround me.

A battle that is our victory once again.