
Chapter 09: My Sword Who Will Conquer The Sea (2)

I was standing here together with Myera on a platform where the empress standing and announcing his own pirate crew to conquer the piracy here in Acun, I can hear the cheer of the people for the empress he's an Herean and the people love them and the leaders like them too yet I can hear the whispers of nobles, marines, merchants, and more personnel against these declaration but no one of them can voice out cause they know the empress will not heed to their disagreement for now.

The empress want to serve the empire on a way he chose I know it's a bit or a lot aggressive to the others but there are a lot of reasons why no one can reject him, first Amaris Herean was the empress and chosen by the previous Rulers, second Amaris Herean is a Herean an blood-related Herean, third Amaris Herean received the Nova Magic power of the God of New he also received the Templar of Acun supports, last Empress Amaris Herean succeed at the end unbelievably he succeed at his plans so everyone can trust him.

But I hate these idea Cap. Myera Islorth being his sword at the sea, I'm not jealous just a little bit cause I have a rival now to the position ' personal knight ' I just disagree with it cause I can't trust pirates and many nobles or personnel can use these as a way to overthrow him at the empress seat, what if the nobles destroy the reputation of House Herean to the people or what if the Hereans destroy the empress cause his gaining power more than the head and the rulers, for the sake of safety I want to stop this plan but I can see Empress Amaris confident with these so I will let it be just please let me show my strength first to Cap. Myera.


Wow numerous citizens of the empire gathered here at the Empress presence I can see even High Personnels gathered also the cheer of the people are so loud that I believe it can be heard through the entire capital. While standing here at the front with these bull Mylon I was glad that I meet him, not Mylon but Empress Amaris I will challenge that bull on a duel in the near future my members are a bit shock too the empress was proud to declare us as his own pirate to save the empire from Piracy.

I will just serve Empress Amaris in a way I want in this empire or in this Easteria I have never ever thought of serving someone but I will just try to serve him so I can have the feelings or bond of pledging your loyalty to a person, for my crew I will use these time to aid them at there goals and find a land were we can settle in safely and happily.

The empress was giving a speech right now and the people listen him without any words to miss same as my crew and I we were focused on the speech cause these will the bases of our new life we keep listening to him and the best part of his speech that I love was ' I Empress Amaris Herean, your 100th empress to the Acun Empire will gamble my position as a empress to bet Cap. Myera Islorth will succeed at my command and will bring peace to Acun throughout the sea. She's my Sword Who Will Conquer The Sea for the People I Serve, for the glory of Acun I will set our empire as the One & First Sun to brought the world glorious unification in the sea to the ocean, in the empire to the continents, and in the sky to the heaven our future salvation have arrived.' he said with his loud voice that seems like a battle cry I can see people cheering more for the empress and people who have different understanding to his speech will be seen cause those faces are like unbelievable readable right now the empress is challenging the Time or the World.

The Empress glance at me I can see that he need me for something more different than I thought but I will just ignore it right now, besides my sisters are enjoying these opportunity I want them to be happy and proud for their selves I should enjoy it too.

" Attention everyone I like to present a Greatest Sign that we will be victorious to the sea along with Cap. Myera, for over a year when I was still your crowned princess I already imagine a weapon, created its functions and benefits, and ordered to finish it with our honorable shipwrights, alchemists, magicians, and enchantress of Acun I present to you ' The Sea of Ladies '." Empress Amaris stated and everyone saw the weapon he said I can't believe it took only over a year to finish that ' thing ' how may I describe it, I can see it was made of the strongest & powerful woods, metals, stones, and crystals all over that thing.

" The Sea of Ladies have a 300 meters long, a 180 meters width, a height of 120 meters high, a weight of 60,000 to 90,000 tons. The ship have 8 masts, 12 ballistas, 9 catapults, 3 trebuchets, and 6 ramming engine place at the sides, back, and front. Also at least 5,000 to 10,000 combatants can fit in here they can rest comfortable on a hundreds cabin, for any battles at the sea we can win at any cost." I can't believe what the empress said it actually have 8 mast but how also the style or design are different from just an Acun ship it look like an empires ships put together in one an absolute one the mast have different sails, also It look like an Great Siege Weapon in the ocean I can't wait to ride it.

" Cap. Myera will be the one to first and only person together with her crew to use its capabilities to bring numerous achievements to the people they will conquer the piracy here in our empire in just a month." What!!!!!!!! Your Empress Amaris what are you talking right now that's very or absolutely exaggerated thing I ever heard but are these people crazy their cheers became louder and louder even my crew are very very shock and I how can we do tha.....

" A month is enough for that ship to dominate the sea and the Sea of Ladies can only show its true power in the hands of an Islorth, right in your eyes Cap. Myera Islorth the pirate of the empress, the lady of House Islorth, and the sword sailing to conquer the sea nothing is impossible now for us to show domination at the seas of Easteria!" I'm a bit satisfied with the praise your Empress Amaris I promise you I will beat the piracy in less than a month.

" Empress Amaris Herean, I, Cap. Myera Islorth and my sisters declared our loyalty to you only! and promise we will conquer the piracy as our own in less than a month!" I declared to them and I took my saber, place it in my chest, and my sisters follows my actions and shouted " Long May The Empress Reign To The Empire ".

The Empress smile at us and ordered us to aboard the ship I and my sisters obligated to aboard and leave the port and the empress left me sheet of paper befire we sail I read the message and I'm glad what it contains so there's no more turning back at these wonderful chance ' Show them how the sea works, my sword Myera Islorth. '


After Cap. Myera left and sail I return to the palace escorted by Sir. Mylon my plans are going well I assume if piracy are now in my hands we can handle the economic crisis of the empire without doubt, also I need to handle other problems right now so I commanded Sir. Mylon to lead half of the enforcement for now and send message to the Trideca-County to took the other half authority at the enforcement while defending their territories against piract until Cap. Myera succeed at her conquest.

Now I should handle the Templar of Acun and the Academies of the empire tomorrow and I think I need someone or another sword to prepare against certain problems at the sky I already have an idea which sword I should prepare but I don't know if that ' House ' will heed my call but I should try at least for my people I should look at the pile of works for the time being and let fate do the rest for me.

5 days have passed since Cap. Myera sail and my ears hear the voice of paradise while taking a breakfast at the Imperial Office she was dominating the sea already according to the reports at the first day 5 pirate crews was annihilated, at the second day 10 pirate crews was annihilated, at the third day 20 pirate crews was annihilated again, at the fourth and fifth day of one sided annihilation 50 pirate crews was reported to the palace the people are now cheering Cap. Myera and her crew more and more, merchants along with the marines are totally surprise at the power of Myera's crew and the Sea of Ladies together.

According to a witness of those one-sided annihilation a pirate ship sunk to the sea at one shot of the trebuchets of course it will sunk in one strike those trebuchets are not the ordinary ones it took only half the time of an ordinary trebuchet to reload and shoot again thanks to the new magical engines recently invented and new combination of magical spells it help the 3 trebuchets work smoothly also the damage or the impact when you use it well trigger a magical circles and scientific formula causing an strike from three mountains.

The others said a pirate fleet was drilled on holes after the 12 ballistas fire at their direction those ballistas have the benefits and functions same to the trebuchets only the speed is the difference firing twelve of them together are like twelve lightning bolts striking at the same ground, for the 9 catapults the witnesses said an entire hideout with a size of a kilometer radius same as the palace was burning like hell and when the fire begone after six hellish hours no trace of any buildings, any living beings, and any history can be found the land was flatten and stained in a grey color now everyone should fear the Sea of Ladies being rain down by those catapults was an disaster bestow by hell.

There are some witnesses spreading news about how those 6 ramming engines or weapons smash or thrust at the center of a ship and sunk, also when the Sea of Ladies was cornered by six or more pirate ships at the sides, back, and front Cap. Myera launch an absolute Thrust at them resulting for their ships to blow or wreck into pieces.

Lastly uncountable witnesses spread or create a story about how Cap. Myera and her crew fought the pirates they meet, for the crew members they fight faster than any marine have ever could they swung their swords and pierce through flesh dozens of them use two sabers like their captain the way they took even just a single step was flawless the way they read their enemies moves are like a calm sea cornering a single ship, the remaining members are showing incredible strength & speed too some are using bows shooting through the bones even if its a ten meter away, some are using whips with daggers whipping the enemies hands resulting for them to lose grip at their weapons and stab or slice them at the throat without a time to spare, some are using spear using it like an object for dancing they're like dancing above the sea twirling their spears like a whirlpool and shoving the edge like a wave who reach the shore everyone was doubting how they can be just pirates, but the main attraction was on Cap. Myera herself.

She was using her two sabers which I upgraded and enhance recently it release numerous direct strike at the enemies the way we bend her knees, move her hands, stabs her swords, kick the enemies, and she was doing it while she is in the sea.

She was surfing and sprinting at the sea thanks to the ways of Isleans Empire and their technologies on her feet she was wearing a boots that can form to a board and allowed her to flow and step at the water with her to legs and she have three pieces of fabric on her both arms and back she was like a Ship with Three Masts she was catching the winds and use it to her advantages along with her two boards on her feet she can jump, run, step, move anytime she want at the wave, also she can use the wind as temporary floating above the water.

The way she change the momentum and trajectory of her body and weapons are unbelievable to explain how she can do that, on her battle style you can see the ways of both Isleans & Northerians warriors also with the own battle style of House Islorth that they called ' Silent Ocean ' where their senses, their movements or presence, their speed and strength are like a Ocean whose quiet but chaotic at the same time, Cap. Myera is still not perfect or reach the highest form of Silent Ocean she's still a Silent Sea yet enough for the time being when the right time come she would learn it.

Now I should read these glorious victory from the Emperor and my Father at the west against the Delvean Empire.