
Chapter 054: Empress Amaris & Prince Dyren (2)

I was glad Empress Amaris allowed me to accompany him and asking for forgiveness would took time but I will still beg him to forgive me every time I meet him, now that he said he need more time I felt the burden in my heart & my mind became lighter I want to ask absolutely forgiveness now or never I'm thankful too when he asked about my health he didn't forgotten me I'm his sword and his is my master.

" Sir. Mylon thank you for helping me." I said while Sir. Mylon laying is back at the wall with a grin on his face he was the one who pursued me to talk with Empress Amaris Herean like face to face.

" Your welcome and make sure you will receive forgiveness today." Sir. Mylon said I don't know if I can do that but I have some accomplices to this operation.

" Did you already prepared everything?" I asked and dozen of servants & nights came out hiding from the stairways, at the side, and at a room.

" Don't worry I already have everything ready the maids duties for today would be yours so deliver Empress Amaris lunch to dinner and the butlers & the assistants duties will be yours so deliver piles of works to him hourly, for the knights duties you would be the one reporting to Empress Amaris about the inspection of the capital so go ask for forgiveness." Sir. Mylon said putting his arm around my shoulder and the others give me their thumbs up.

" Thank you everyone I would truly be dented to you all." I said bowing my head to them they're truly sincere of helping the time I rise my head a smile and some wipe a tear on their eye.

' Go Prince Dyren we support you!" The maids said smiling and waving their hands on the air.

' Prince Dyren we truly miss the bonding between the two of you.' The butlers said wiping their tears with their gloves.

' Prince Dyren its time to deliver Empress Amaris pile of works.' The assistants said I nod my head and they guide me to where they stored together with the maids for the snacks.

' We will go now on our patrol make sure the Empress forgives you.' The knights said before leaving.

Thank you everyone I will truly beg forgiveness today no matter what.

I can't believe I'm carrying tons of papers right now I didn't use a cart or something I just used my magic to make them move and float on air I'm holding Empress Amaris Herean snack in a tray a plate of caramel cake, a small pitcher of hot chocolate, and a cup where marshmallows inside.

Empress Amaris Herean like sweets a lot and Exotic foods too I can't believe he eat a reptile beast when he was a side but Emperor Armaros told me or told us at our camping before that they catch exotic foods to sell but they cook it cause they're hungry on their adventure, I want to see many things together with Empress Amaris if I just meet him much early or became his childhood friend I would haven't thought of hiding anything to him.

Also what would be Empress Amaris Herean reaction when he use me delivering these he just said earlier that I should give him time what if he get angry or decided immediately took my position as his sword, but if thats possible what if he get happy when I deliver these things wait who would be happy to receive these tons of works or decided immediately to forgive me its possible and impossible at the same time I don't know.

I'm now standing at his door I should knock first and enters to his office should I watch him and wait like how the maids waiting for the tray to take it away or like his assistants being order to deliver done files what should I do.

" Come in and please arrange it here..." Empress Amaris said when I enter the room his was surprise to see me and why's it kind of red I place tons of works on every corner properly with my flaming magic thank goodness It didn't burn I was glad I can control my flames properly now.

" Here's your snack Empress Amaris Herean and all of the files from the past week together with morning files for today is these much only." did I say these much only fuck after putting the tray on his table together with the most important pile of works on his side we was blinking his eyes while rubbing or wiping the other.

" Thank you Prince Dyren Skyetiello and may I ask where's the maids?" he asked I should give him a good answer and cover up our plan.

" Your welcome Empress Amaris Herean and forgive the maids and I, they have some urgent things to do outside the palace so I'm the one gonna deliver your lunch to dinner for today." I answered I wish he didn't what I say please forgive both of us.

" I see there's nothing to forgive with those maids also what about the butlers?" he asked I thought I would be forgiven too.

" For the butlers they have some urgent order from the others outside the palace so please forgive them and I." I respond he was staring to me with just a smooth gaze.

" Then what about the assistants of the palace?" he asked tapping his finger on the table.

" The nobles from Penta-Duchy & Octa-Marquisate ask for their presence so I will be the substitute for them as well please forgive us." I replied he stopped tapping the table and sighs.

" Its their duty I forgive them and thank you for being a substitute for today only." he said holding a fork taking a piece of the cake I was on his front watching him eat it.

" You may go now Prince Dyren Skyetiello." I shake my head when he glance at me.

" I'm the substitute for the maids as well so I will wait for the dishes." I said and I pour hot chocolate on his cup.

" Also I'm the substitute for the butlers as well so let me stay here to serve you for today." I puts the pitcher back at the tray and moves at the side of the table.

" I think you have something to do besides staying here." he said taking a sip on his cup he have both of his hand holding it is it truly cold now.

" For I'm the substitute too for the assistants I'm obligated to wait for your orders today and my unit have their own officers to follow so I'm free for today Empress Amaris Herean." I said he puts the cup down and pulls a paper then starts signing them.

" Then enjoy time standing there Prince Dyren Skyetiello." he doing his job now while his snack still unfinish.

" I would enjoy my time here serving you Empress Amaris Herean." I said bows my head and looking at him working seriously how could I betray this leader?

Hours standing their at the coming out and coming in at his office delivering his finished works and taking the tray out and during noon I brought his lunch with another piles of works place on the floor near at the door, he staring at me every time I came out and in for minutes then go back to his work I didn't took my lunch for now and I'm not hungry yet.

" Prince Dyren Skyetiello have you eaten your lunch?" he aksed while looking at the papers from both of his hands how can he multitasking right now.

" I'm not hungry Empress Amaris Herean." I answered confidently I will let myself starve for a chance of forgiveness.

" Go eat your lunch first before doing your job." he said writing at the papers.

" I would finish my job first before I eat." I replied and he stared at me.

" Prince Dyren Skyetiello go eat your lunch first and come back here it's an order." did he just ordered me to come back?

" Yes your Empress Amaris Herean I would come back after I eat my lunch, farewell for now my master." I said smiling happily thank goodness I still truly have a chance I should go eat my lunch and go back to his side.

After eating my lunch that took five minutes only I make sure myself was clean before going back the time I entered his office he staring at me and goes back to his work maybe he know I would come back faster than an hour or half, I good back to his side and stayed their for hours until I left again to receive reports from the knights coming back from their patrol, Empress Amaris just finish his lunch when I returned I fix the table, clean the empty places where tons of works placed earlier.

" Empress Amaris Herean, a report from our knights about their patrol at the capital have arrive earlier." I said holding a tray where his lunch before arranging these piles of works to another place with my magic.

" What is it Prince Dyren Skyetiello?" he asked signing a contract I believe and glance at me waiting for the report.

" There are no problems at the marketplace it was full of peace and happiness, at the temple there's nothing need to be worried out there they will giving stews to everyone they said, at the port I was swarmed of people there and that's all Empress Amaris Herean." I stated standing right on the center.

" I see then come back after you put the dishes at the kitchen Prince Dyren Skyetiello." I will come back I promise.

" Yes your Empress Amaris Herean." I left his office again and the time I reach the kitchen I have a small conversation with the servants their we we're celebrating for a small thing.

After couple of minutes I returned at Empress Amaris Herean working again and I'm standing their for hours coming out & in delivering files from the East Wing to the South Wing and to the Hall of Ministries, Its almost dusk now I should get his dinner so I will not leave his after the sunset I'm about to go out but.

" Prince Dyren Skyetiello you been in my side for hours so you may rest for now I will finish this before 9 o'clock." he said I shakes my head to him.

" I'm going to stay and serve you until you finish everything." I respond and he look to my eye give a pause to his job.

" I know you planned everything today I just found an hour ago so you may go now Prince Dyren Skyetiello."

" I would still stay here Empress Amaris Herean no matter what until I receive your forgiveness."

" I told you to give me some time you stubborn sword."

" I also told you I will do everything to beg for forgiveness my master."

" Why are so stubborn I need time to think."

" I may be stubborn for now but this is just a sacrifice for begging your forgive Empress Amaris Herean."

" Stubbornness is not a solution to all Prince Dyren Skyetiello."

" I know that but please forgive me."

" Give me some time." he said and he coughs blood I goes to his side closer than before mouthful of blood on his hand I wipes them.

" Empress Amaris Herean please stop over doing yourself think..." I was worried of his health and the time I look up to him while kneeling holding his hand tears streaming on his left eye.

" You said you will not betray me, the day you swore an oath to me is the day I trusted you, your words for being my sword and I being your master was one of greatest achievement, but why did you hide such thing to me when I truly need to know it." he said while tears on his eye I put my forehead to his knees holding his hand.

" I know I betrayed you but please let me repent on the way serving you again without restraints to do anything fro your sake I will betray my family or myself for you, I became your sword and I failed you but please give me another chance to become your greatest sword and I will achieve everything for you." I stated looking up to him holding his hand begging for forgiveness.

" How can I trust you anymore when you betrayed me with such small secret let us say like that just a small secret, in the future their were be more events or trials to come how can I trust you now for the future." his other hand was forming into a fist I notice it I'm ready to receive his punch if needed to be.

" I can't prove my absolutely loyalty to you by my words but I can prove to you by my action I would act rather than speak, so I beg you forgive me my master I will not betray you anymore again." I declared and on his right eye tears streams together with the other a small grin on his face did he forgiven now?

" Go take the meal for today's dinner and bring yours too let us eat together, also I will forgive you only when Cap. Myera forgives you here's a contract a paper make sure you receive his signed of forgiveness and show it to me Prince Dyren." he called once again like how he did before I already have a way to ask Cap. Myera for forgiveness wait for me my Master.

" Thank you very much I would truly serve you well just wait for me My Empress Amaris Herean." I rise from my kneeling smiling leaving his office bragging to everyone I see now I would be truly a worthy sword for the greatest master.

I swear to my soul I will not betray My Empress Amaris Herean once again let the people be the witness of my service.