
Chapter 05: The Acun Empire (4)

An army was already in my front from different groups of Acun Empire, a thousand mages from Ench Coven wearing suit in black with a chlamys in purple holding wands, staff & grimoires, a thousand magic knight from Magnish Knights wearing full armor in orange & white together with longswords & shields, a thousand Fighters from the Templar of Acun wearing hall armor in silver with cape in white gripping on spears, swords, axes, maces, and shields, along with thousands volunteers from the Academies of Nobacun, Comacun, and Novean wearing their uniforms a suit & pants in white & yellow, black & blue , and beige,brown, and dark brown fully armed.

Also 3,000 from the Trideca-County was present here wearing 13 different armors according to their residence, a thousand Imperial Guards are here too in the name of the Novuns they're in metal, silk, cotton, and fur to describe their looks the sentence 'the army of the ferocious sun' is enough, also a thousand Hereans my family wearing the Herean uniform same as I holding different kinds of weapons both magical or not, along with the last thousand from the remaining nobles from Octa-Marquisate to Tridom wearing their uniforms representing their residence.

I can't believe ten thousand gathered in a single day this situation is unbelievable i don't know if its the power of the 'Empress' or the power of unity here in Acun, for an empire who have many culture that set together from the north, south, east, west, and central lands of Easteria. Also why are those gaze of them focused on me some have their faces serious, some are doubting, some are happy, some are shock, and some are seduce.....what...there's no wrong in my body or clothes so what?!

" Empress Amaris, Your truly handsome on the attire but I like the beutiful one." Sir. Mylon said while holding his laugh, now I know why this is the first time the people saw me in a masculine clothe again it's been months since the last time I wear something beside dresses it's was the time I lead the defense against a 2 days siege from the Jin de Dragon Empire.

" Shut up now Sir. Mylon I been wearing dresses for 2 years I like it though but I like wearing in suits too. Also are everyone prepared now to depart?" I asked.

" Everyone are ready Empress Amaris we're waiting for your orders." Sir. Mylon answered.

An Black pegasus from the Hereans approach me having some straps, armor, and silk place around it, I immediately climb on its back, my father always seat on his black pegasus I always love its color and its eyes glowing red.

" The Hunt begins now." I yelled, everyone are moving leaving the palace which have bridges above bridges, walls above walls, towers above towers, and the palace have a kilometer radius and a 500- foot tall, The Novun Palace place on the capital is where we're leaving right now after this massive gates, I divided the army into 5 to the northern part of Acun,to the southern part of Acun, to the eastern part of Acun, to the western part of the Acun, and to the central part of the Acun where I'm the one leading.

A town 3 kilometers far from the capital in the north-east direction was peaceful when we arrive for the time being we inspect every houses, every facilities, every streets, and we drag hundreds of criminals immediately for illegal drugs, robbery, rape, murder, and piracy. No casualties to our side but to the other hundred casualties gathered, we burned tens of pirate ships also I order to execute those murderers immediately in the town square without giving a thought Sir. Mylon was the one who swing the sword by beheading them for more justice or fear to bring I ordered to cut the genitals of all who commit rape in this empire along with fingers being cut everytime you commit theft.

These actions put chaos to the land but why everyone observing these chaotic punishment feel relief rather than being afraid or may I say they're.....happy?...Yet those bandits are these rampaging everywhere especially at the roads or channels connecting places to places so I request for Thousand more soldiers to attack not scout the foresrts & mountains, also dealing with piracy is much harder than I thought our fleets are not available cause there's no one to operate it to fight the pirates in the sea I need someone who fouht his/her whole life at the sea but no one here is great enough to deal with it the counts & countesses are attacking the bandits while holding the pirates at the same time.

Sir. Mylon and I, are busy on our inspection to the entire land I thought I'm just gonna handle the central part but not a single chance, also not to brag I'm a Great Magician so dealing with magic is easy for me, also the criminals have dozen of magicians on them with different kind of magics, the bandits are well armed too and with a hundred of them each time we encounter them on the battlefield, the pirates are also numerous with weapons from the other empires they're foreign pirates and native pirates trying to invade the west-central sea of Easteria.

Sir. Mylon is a great knight wielding two swords at the same he is an apprentice of my father and nephew of King Cadma Knigean the master of the Emperor my partner, even though I'm a Great mage I still know how to wield & use other melee & range weapons like sword and bow cause everyone in Eclorld need to protect their selves during the long night invasion the 'Eclorth' it's a good thing but right now it's a bad thing cause many people know how to fight so killing & war are always stable to the world.

We continue these for a week and thousand of Criminals have already died, thousands was imprison or torture of a total of 15,000 criminals was punish in a single week also hundred on our side was inflicted lots of wounds and some died yet no one lost hope nor lost even a tiny bit of bravery neither does tears was drop to their eyes only anger & joy can be found I feel something creeping me out with my people but I still ignore it cause I killed dozens of people even though they're criminal I consider them as a living being same as I, for a week of killing I felt two complete opposite things I don't know why I can't choose one only, but ' I am Not Guilty and I am Gulity' for these situation.