
Chaoter 105: Princess Wyrande Wastor (2)

What the .... don't tell me she immediately fell for Amaris? look at her nose bleeding as she wipes it with her hand and the girl behind her with a bald or shaved head holding a long stick coughing on purpose, so even girls & women fell for you Amaris I thought only boys & men fell for you and the other opposite gender is just admiring your face but look at this now the Crowned Princess of Harwinds Empire fell for him immediately, now that I notice many foreigners from all class immediately fell or have some kind of fond with him or something when they met him personally she keep looking at Amaris from the face to his whole body I want to pluck those eyes...

Wait she's the Crowned Princess and everyone's eyes are been focus on Amaris eeverytime a situation like this happened and will happened again I glance at Amaris and puts my arm around his waist then pulls him closer, I look back once again at Princess Wyrande with a smirk on my face together with kissing Amaris at the side of his head and I don't know why am I acting like this.....

" My Amaris you came so early than I thought and Prince Dyren thank you for escort in My Empress, ' also Princess Wyrande and people of Harwinds I present to you all My Amaris.' ( Harossian )" I said and Princess Myrande with her grin looking at me of course I grin back at her as she turn her sight to Amaris and kind of low her jaw then shakes her head after.

" Of course I would come so early My Armaros, ' I wanted to always meet the Wastors or the Harwinds people especially for their renowned use of the sky and I want to present them about the Mava Stones & new weapons we sell, that the Northeria, Akira, and Dusk Empires been desiring & ordering a lot no matter what the price is.'( Harossian )" Amaris you are talking business immediately in your way and this can be a first step for pur diplomatic relationship his new inventions together with the others brought much connection or influence of the Acun Empire to the others.

" Empress Amaris Herean I always wanted to meet you and they said you're beautiful but you're GORGEOUS! I can't believe your a man if your just a woman I would probably devour you my dear, but maybe we can have an exception, right Empress Amaris~" Princess Wyrande bend her knee as she hold the hand of Amaris kissing it gently how thick is that face of her declaring such Adultery right in my front but wait.....' if your just a woman ' she said its been familiar to me but what does she mean...also she can speak the common language of everyone yet she just spoken it when Amaris came and not when talking to me..

" I will take that as a Compliment~ all of it and don't worry Princess Wyrande you can search for a beautiful lady her to be ypur lover I can help you if you want to, also you have such a beautiful tan skin together with your black and oh it had some brown hairs there too such a beauty your crowned princess!-" I bite the nape of his neck and licks it after as I look at his face flustered while the others surprised for what I did same to Princess Wyrande leaving her mouth open then I kiss Amaris lips you dare to talk like that right in my sight to another woman...wait Wyrande wants a girl as her lover..?

" Amaris you are talking adultery with her you know that and Princess Wyrande he is mine already so please kindly choose others, also you like women, then I can help you find someone else thats not owned by anyone yet." I said putting my arm around Amaris shoulder as my hand play with the ends of his hair while looking at Wyrande with a smile then chuckles.

" It seems the Emperor is jealous, so its true the two of you are perfect romantic or sexual~ children these days, also I don't like women, I love beautiful women and I gladly want to tour the Sun Port first if may I, Amaris & Armaros." Princess Wyrande as she look around and whistling, Amaris patted my chest with his light smile as he nods his head together with a fist & palm salute towards Princess Wyrande.

" Of course you can and I believe you want to tour the Sun Port cause your people will stay here for days or weeks or even months, am I right?" Amaris asked and the Harwinds & the Acun still have some unclear relationship so it would be normal for them to just stay on the place where they can be secure clearly.

" Well well well, it seems our Gorgeous Empress Amaris, truly gathered details or something about me and my empire, yes you're right I want to have a tour at the Sun Port and let my people stay here until the day we will leave the Acun, Emperor Armaros would I receive a tour or not~" Wyrande looking at me straight to the eyes and I nods my head together with a fist & palm salute as what Amaris did before a tour that may decide the future immediately then I will do it in my way.

" Of course you will receive a tour and come on we should go now, everyone please provide the Harwinds soldiers with a resting place near at their ships also give them foods & drinks the one the other empires seeks for, My Amaris shall we give them a tour around our Sun Port." I hold his hand and smile at him again with a tender kiss on his hand then the three of us at walking at each ither side together being followed by dozens of other people especially Prince Dyren & Shanrs.


Its been almost an hour since we started to you Princess Wyrande we already passed the marketplaces facing each other selling raw & cooked materials from the entire empire or our exports along with the import we get from the Delvean & Jin de Dragon territory that belongs now to Acun, also import or our trades sometimes with the empires at Akira, Northeria, and Dusk Empires that Cap.Myera brought sometimes I trusted her mindset of selling, trading, and buying other matierals or resources from the empires, then we passed through the new buildings or small houses for each religions built at each side of one to another with a sigil of the New Immortal Hierarchy above them we built it for the foreigners & our own people to witness the unity that will bring new generations or futures to our world.

As we passed through the roads and bridges connecting each districts of the Sun Port seeing children swim at the sea along with Merchants greetings us together with their business talk, Princess Wyrande listen well to them and brought some materials like the Mava stones in a pouch I explained It to her more then she smirks after hearing the end & demonstration of these Mava Stones, of course she would be interested she can use this to their empire to faster and to bring to much higher capabilities for their places one of their problems is during Eclorthian Invasion their energy for their lands floating at the sky decreased always but with these Mava Stones they will not have any problems anymore.

Princess Wyrande also bought some foods & beverages of course I explain it & demonstrate it again she was surprise how it was cook already the time she bite on it together with Shanrs I giggles at their facial expressions drooling & eyes widened and, Armaros for the entire time had his arm around my waist even as we passed through some crowd places cause people did embarking & embarking their ships yet I was truly Shocked! Armaros carries me into his arms and smiles that killer smile of him! no I will not fell for you again...or more...then we reach some districts where buildings built at each side and fill the entire quarters together with their numerous floors & enormous size it was a private marketplace that rich people always go, some are houses to be rent and many people are living there also it was used an evacuation center be for, some are stores for certains needs & wants be it from high or low classes.

" Cap.Myera! you're already here, I thought you would arrive next week." I called her while the grand fleet arriving and disembark she comes towards to us while Armaros hand is still in my waist what did this boy eaten, even in acting he don't do this but...kissing and holding hands was always happened...

" Yes and we are sold out once again, our pockets are all filled and greetings to you Empress Amaris also Emperor Armaros, same to you fried bird also who are these guests?" Cap.Myera asked as she glance at them and I turned back at them I'm trying to introduce the Princess but her eyes are blinking in an abnormal speed along with drool on his mouth.

" This is Princess Wyrande Wastors, the Crowned Princess of Harwinds Empire, and her companion Shanrs." I said and Princess Wyrande tidy herself then step forward to shakes hands with Cap.Myera, so she fell to my sword who will conquer the sea in the future, interesting...


" As Empress Amaris said, I am Princess Wyrande Wastors, but call me Wyra also this is Shanrs ignore her, now shall we talk marriage." I said and I notice Amaris patting Armaros at his chest while holding her laugh then Armaros hold his chin together with a tender kiss on Amaris lips, so these love braids are truly...perfect romantic partners...wow.

" I am Grand fleet Captain Myera Islorth, the sword of Empress Amaris Herean, and I reject your offer for I want to be in my Master's side so thank you for such offer, Wyra." Cap.Myera respond did I just rejected...wow....me a beautiful lady with a strong charisma and leadership...me..me..me..Wyrande! get rejected!

" Please forgive Princess Wyrande action and Empress Amaris we already had enough touring the Sun Port, we are truly glad for such tour by the Empress & Emperor themselves." Shanrs bowing her head to Can.Myera as she requested rest to Amaris & Armaros.

" Okay and Prince Dyren please guide the others to their quarters here at the Sun Port, also Princess Wyrande would you like to come to the palace, Cap. Myera would be there." Amaris said with a smile on his face and Immediately nods my head together with gazing at Cap.Myera fierce beauty I want to devour her.

" Now we should go Cap.Myera and Princess Wyrande, also My Amaris come on." Armaros holding Amaris hand as both of them walk together at each other side while I keep talking with Cap.Myera and we're being escorted by the elites guards or Acun Guards they said.

" Are you still single?" I asked while putting my arm around her soldier.

" Yes I am, and you?" Cap.Myera asked putting her arm at my waist...this woman! I wanna devour her!

" Absolutely single, now would be date each other?" I asked again and she shakes her head then smiles.

" Absolutely no." Cap.Myera replied ouch! rejected once again....I'm gonna cry...

" Then what if I get Amaris permission, would you marry...date me?" I raised my eye brows with a malicious grin at my face and she look at my face then peck my lips.

" If you can, and I will consider you to court me first, Wyra." She said as smile and pulls me closer to her.

Wow I will do my best to get Amaris permission and court her well!