
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Kỳ huyễn
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245 Chs

Extra 1 - If the Earth is not online ~

2017, China , Suzhou .

It's just the beginning of summer and the sun is shining brightly. The Suzhou Library is located in the old town, but recently the city library has started a new initiative, setting up a number of 'pick-up points' throughout the city. You can place an order on your mobile phone to borrow a book, and then go to the nearest pick-up point in the evening to get the book you want to read.

A dark-haired young man gets off the bus, carrying a huge bag in his hands. The bag is heavy, causing his shoulders to slump unnaturally to one side. He walks to a book collection point, takes two books out of the bag and puts them in the book locker.

Tang Mo rubbed his shoulder and walked back to the bus stop, ready to go to the next book collection point.

There was a special staff for this, but today there were so many people borrowing books that the director threw him a big bag, saying that he had left work early, but in fact he had worked overtime until now.

At the beginning of the night, the colourful neon lights reflect the dark half of the night in red.

Tang Mo was walking to the bus stop when his mobile phone vibrated and he took it out to look at it.

[Viktor: Not online yet?

Looking up at the time on the top of his phone.

[Grind Sugar: I'm late for overtime today. You've started already?]

[Viktor: No.]

After a few moments, the other party sent another message: [I remember that you are a civil servant].

The implication: civil servants have to work overtime too?

So this person has that same kind of misconception about civil servants.

Tang Mo hooked the corner of his mouth and was about to send a message when he caught a glimpse of a fiery red sports car. He subconsciously looked up, not seeing the number plate, but the arrogant crown logo on the back of the car.

It's a beautiful Maserati sports car.

Tang Mo thought about it, and replied: [Civil servants have to work overtime too, except that the leaders will make you work overtime on your own in strange and weird ways [helpless]]

The two men chatted, and Tang Mo walked to the bus stop. He looked around casually and saw the red Maserati again. A pretty woman got out of the car and waved at it: "Really not going to play, Li Wen? What time is it? Aren't we going to have another game?"

She was answered by a young male voice: "My dad called again to urge me to go back to Shanghai, let's go, next time I'll get Keiko and the others to come over for a get-together."

"All right."

The tall, beautiful woman turned and walked into an upmarket neighbourhood, while the Maserati turned a corner and accelerated frantically. Like a flame burning in the dark, the fancy car attracts the attention of everyone on the bus stop. Tang Mo is messaging Viktor when he suddenly looks up and ahead.

The young man in the driver's seat smiled and gave a kiss to the "onlookers" on the bus stop.

His eyes locked with Tang Mo's.

Both men faintly stared.

By the time Tang Mo reacted, the car was already far away.

"... Are all rich kids so funny these days."

On the bus, Tang Mo returns home. First he turns on his computer, goes to the online bridge game platform and confirms his team with Viktor. While waiting for a match to be made, Tang Mo slipped away to the kitchen to cook some porridge and returned just in time for the game to start.

Tang Mo sits up straight and gets serious about the game.

After playing until midnight, Tang Mo stretched out and realised it was too late. But he remembered something else: [Don't you have to work tomorrow?

Viktor is very secretive and always on the prowl.

Tang Mo doesn't know the name of the person, his job, or even his age, and only has a rough guess. But Viktor never goes to bed early and seems to get up early every day to work, and sometimes he may not be seen for a month or two. Of course, before disappearing he would send a message to Tang Mo to confirm.

[Viktor: I'm going back to my home country recently for a long vacation].

Holidays are a rare word, the whole world has them, Viktor never seems to have them.

[Even busy people have holidays? Tang Mo finished sending the message and propped his chin up with one hand, looking at the computer screen.

Viktor took a long time to type on that side and seemed to delete the message back and forth many times before sending a reply.

[... Well, a promotion and a long vacation by the leader by the way?]

Tang Mo's eyes lit up and he flirted: [Tell me how you got promoted, do you have a throne in your family to inherit. Just after Tang Mo sent it, he felt that it was a bit too much, and added: [I heard that promotion is usually followed by marrying a wife, are you ready for that.

It was a joke and Viktor didn't reply for a long time.

Tang Mo was getting a little antsy. He tapped his fingers on the desktop and thought for a long time before deciding to send a "Just kidding, you don't mind", when he saw a few words on the computer screen.

[How to be promoted to the throne is probably just another star added to the shoulder. The throne is definitely not there, wealth, democracy, civilization and harmony.]

Tang Mo's jaw dropped as he watched this response, and something about it just seemed odd.

What do you mean by adding another star to the shoulder, does that mean Viktor is ... military?

Before I had time to respond, the other party sent another paragraph.

[As for getting a wife ...]

[Grind sugar, I like men.]

Stunned for a moment, Tang Mo stared fixedly at the last words on the computer screen. Outside the window is the bright moonlight, inside the window, the dark-haired young man is dragging his chin with one hand, tapping his fingers lightly on his charming face. After a long time, he smiled and said, "If you have a crush on me, just say so", as if the words were a mirage, as if they had never appeared.

[Mill Candy: You've memorized a third of your socialist core values, can you put a star on your shoulder even for such unqualified party members.

The man in front of the computer had waited for so long, but he actually only waited for such a sentence.

A helpless smile flashed across his dark eyes as Fu Wenduo replied, [I know the party constitution very well, do I need to recite it to you.

Tang Mo is not interested in hearing such things, he is not an honourable member of the party.

I'm going to bed, I have to work tomorrow.

[Viktor : Well, go to sleep and have a good night.] After a pause, add: [Maybe later, I can recite it to you, backwards, sometime.

[Grind Sugar: ...]

[Grind Sugar: Give me a break, Lord Major]. He had just taken the time to go to Baidu and there was a star on the Major's shoulder.

Viktor replied very seriously: [It's a lieutenant colonel].

Tang Mo : "..."

Good night, Colonel Viktor.]

[Good night, sugar grind.]

After a good night's sleep, Tang Mo came to the library early the next morning. At noon, Little Zhao sneakily approached Tang Mo and whispered, "Tang Mo, have you noticed anything wrong lately?"

Tang Mo thought for a moment, "The director came in with another batch of books two days ago."

Little Zhao waved his hand, "It's either that or something is missing."

Tang Mo stares in thought and gives that answer, "Godsend."

"Yes! We haven't seen him for almost a week, where's he been? He used to report to our library every day on time, and all of a sudden he hasn't been out for a week. ..." The voice stopped and Little Zhao swallowed: "Something's wrong, isn't it? There was a story in a foreign country about an old man who used to order pizza from the same shop every day. Suddenly, when he didn't order for two days, the pizzeria sent someone to check on him, and sure enough, he collapsed at home. You don't think the godly man would have suddenly fallen down at home too, do you?"

Tang Mo helped a mother return her book, her voice light, "Then you can go to his house."

Little Zhao : "..."

As the young girl walked away, Tang Mo could still hear her muttering, "It's no fun at all, it's boring."

Tang Mo raises an eyebrow, doesn't say anything and continues to help people return books and demagnetise them.

He came to Suzhou Library only last year. When he first came in, a number of young girls in the library often approached Tang Mo for a chat because of his good looks, but he was soon dissuaded by his cold, uncomfortable attitude. He wasn't interested in these girls and didn't want to hold them up, so a blunt cold rejection was easiest and saved someone from trying to introduce him to someone else.

Older female colleagues love to introduce young people to each other, and at first they did so, but since Tang Mo is too cold and uninteresting, no one wanted to introduce him to anyone, and he was happy to be left alone.

It's all about Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Little Zhao was just saying that he hadn't seen a godly man for a long time when Tang Mo looked up and saw a middle-aged man in a suit approaching. Looking at him, Tang Mo didn't recognise him at once, and he quickly said, "Mr. Chen?"

Chen Fangzhi, the cleric, looked nervously at Tang Mo and rubbed his hands together, "What do you think of my outfit?"

Tang Mo : "..."

They're a library, not a clothing shop!

Godsend: "Eh you don't misunderstand, I just have too few friends and have absolutely no idea who to ask for advice to go to. I ... I'm taking the high speed train to Shanghai this afternoon to see my daughter, and her mother has finally given me permission to see her. Do you think it's appropriate for me to dress like this, will her mother think I'm quite decent and allow me to see her more later ... on?"

Tang Mo looked at the godfather without saying anything, and the godfather pinched the hem of his suit apprehensively.

With a sigh, Tang Mo smiled, "Mr. Chen, you look very nice and spirited. But could you please get out of the way, there are people at the back who want to borrow books."

The godly man's expression immediately soared and he said three yeses in a row: "Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, really thank you. I'll go then, ah, I'll go." With that, he turned around and ran away, supposedly to the train station.

Tang Mo : "..."

Tang Mo had no time to worry about the Godfather, and was busy all day. It was only at the end of the day that I suddenly thought, "I wonder what's going on with the Gods and Goddesses." But it was just a thought, not a thought. The Godman was just a regular reader who came to the library and knew the librarians well, they didn't really know.

Shanghai , City North Science High School.

A pale, very thin, middle-aged man in a suit paces nervously in front of the school. When school finally ends and the bell rings, the man jolts, so nervous now that he doesn't even know where to put his hands.

One group of students after another came out of the school gates and after waiting for ten minutes, two girls and a small fat man walked out in company.

The little fatty folded his hands: "Please Shanshan, I don't understand at all, the maths homework is so hard today, just lend me a copy."

One of the short-haired girls said faintly, "The teacher will scold."

Zhao Ziang said quickly, "I won't tell you, you won't tell me, who knows?" Then he added curtly, "Please, Shanshan."

Chen Shanshan suddenly stops in his tracks.

Zhao Ziang followed her line of sight and said in surprise, "Eh, who is that, dressed strangely."

It's not really surprising that the clergyman is dressed, it's the apprehensive expression and nervous posture that is out of place for an adult.

Chen Shanshan's voice was calm: "He's my father."

Zhao Ziang : "..."

The little girl, carrying her school bag, approached the godly man and spoke with a calm voice: "Daddy."

The magi were moved to tears, "Eh!"

Little Fatty Zhao Ziang :"... "Oooooooooooh, I'm sure I won't be able to borrow my homework now.

Walking home with his school bag on his back, the chubby boy reached the junction and could no longer hold back his tears, "This is the end, why is that strange guy Shanshan's dad? What am I going to do with my maths homework?" ...

Children are always startled and after venting, they continue to walk with their heads buried in the sand. Little did he know that by speaking, he had startled a black commercial vehicle parked at the intersection. It was a large twelve-seater commercial vehicle that looked very ordinary on the outside, but no one knew that it contained countless sophisticated classified-grade instruments and a researcher protected by three armed police officers.

Three armed police officers with real loads of guns suddenly saw a small fat man parked in front of the car and shouted again. They were startled and gripped the guns in their hands tightly. After watching for a while, they were relieved to find that the little fat man had walked away.

The scientist being protected gave a laugh, "Just a kid."

One of the armed police officers whispered, "Professor Luo, we are responsible for your safety, please cooperate."

Luo Fengcheng pushed up his glasses and did not speak again.

Suzhou , Park.

The director didn't make any more excuses for Tang Mo to work late today, and as the sun was setting, Tang Mo returned home. He cooked himself some noodles and when he opened his computer, he found that the man was online again.

The corners of his mouth watched as he crackled and typed.

[Grinded Sugar: Free these days?

[Viktor: Perhaps I mentioned yesterday that it was a long holiday?

Tang Mo : [Want to play a game.

Viktor goes back quickly: [No, it's time to get on the plane].

Is this going out?

Tang Mo : [Okay, see you later.]

A message box popped up before she could close QQ. Tang Mo clicked on the message and her finger paused slightly.

[Viktor: It's a flight to Shanghai].

[I remember you in Suzhou.]

[... grinding sugar, meet.]