
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Kỳ huyễn
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245 Chs

Chapter 206 - A4 small waist~

ete's eyes passed over the almost interlocked hands of Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, and he knew immediately that the two men were indeed trying to join forces against himself and David. With a cold laugh, the blond alien drew his pistol and shot ahead without blinking.

The bullets were clearly not aimed at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, but two bullets were fired from the muzzle of the gun, one at each of their heads.

Tang Mo quickly rolls over to avoid it, David's fist is already coming down, Tang Mo opens his parasol to block it.

The battle was very unfair to the two foreign players from the start.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo have magical boots that allow them to walk on the River of Illusion. David and Pete, however, have to use a shield to stand on the river. The shield is huge, but it's still just a shield, and Pete needs to control it. So the two foreign players didn't waste any time in using their most powerful weapon.

A black crossbow suddenly appeared in Pete's hand, his eyes narrowed as he released the string and a thin arrow swished out of the bow and flew towards Tang Mo. Just then, a shot rang out. Fu Wenduo's shot hit the arrow precisely, deflecting it into the River of Illusion.


The downside of revealing your powers and props comes into play at this point.

Pete knew the strength of Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo very well, and likewise, Tang Mo knew his. The arrow was hardened with poison. In the vision, Fu Wenduo was struck by the arrow and his wound turned blue-black in the blink of an eye. He had to cut off half of his arm to stop the spread of the poison.

Pete said angrily, "Kill them!"

"I don't need you to tell me, damn it, I'm going to kill these two bastards!"

With a roar, like an enraged lion, David lunged at Tang Mo with the force of his shield. He swung his huge fist at Tang Mo with a vengeance.

The four engaged in fierce battles with props coming out frequently and pink rivulets being slapped into the air.

David found that Fu Wenduo's black dagger was so strong that it could break through all his props, but not the long, seven-coloured thread that ran up his arm. He realised at once: "This thread cannot be cut by anyone unless I die!" So he used the thread as a weapon to block Fu Wenduo's attack.

However, this was only a momentary advantage and it was only a matter of time before the two were cornered.

David and Pete stood battered and bruised on their shields. Tang Mo flipped his hand over a large match and was about to strike again when Pete raised his hand to stop him and exclaimed, "Wait, are you crazy! Are you really going to kill me, kill David? If you kill him, he'll lose this line! There's no compass, no line, no way to get out of this fog? Or are you willing to waste a prop and quit the game just to kill us?"

Pete stared at Tang Mo with disbelief.

After playing so many games, from Returner World to Earth, Pete has seen countless powerful players and killed countless powerful players. But he had never seen such a one who didn't want to pass the game.

If Pete and David wanted to go it alone, it would have been very easy to just kill Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo and take the banana wine out of their hands, and they would both have made it through. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo are different.

They had the banana wine, but David was not a prop that could be manipulated. With David dead, there was no way they could get out of this river of illusion.

Pete had a vague sense that something was wrong, and he knew that if Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had dared to kill them, they must have a way to get through the game. But he couldn't figure it out. He and David had already guessed the game, and had even worked out how to get through it without finding the correct sequence of bananas, so what had he missed? What was it that he had missed?

A long, colourful thread suddenly caught his eye and Pete had a flash of light. The next moment, he looked up at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo in disbelief: "Everything's fake?

His mind went blank.

"There's no need for any directions at all, or any boats. Just find the real banana wine, decide on a direction to go and think you can get out, and you'll definitely get out." Pete, as if possessed, muttered, "Yes, this is the River of Illusions, this is the River of Illusions! What you think is reality, the direction never matters, what matters is believing and assuming that you can get out. It can only be that, it can only be that!"

"Bastard!" Pete's eyes were red with anger as he stomped at the shield at his feet and the heavy shield was grabbed into his hands.

David : "What are you doing!"

Without his shield, David threw himself into the water with a thud. Pete took the shield and slammed it into Tang Mo. The shield looked heavy, but it was very light. Tang Mo managed to avoid the shield with difficulty, but still got a bloody cut on his face. The shield flew back into Pete's hands again.

Little by little, David was swallowed up by the lake, leaving little time for Pete.

This shield is definitely an extreme rare prop!

Pete took it and flew through the air as he attacked Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo in a frenzy. The shield was so powerful that Tang Mo's small parasol could not cut through it and Fu Wenduo's black dagger could not pierce it. Pete hid behind the shield and kept attacking the two men as if he wanted to kill them.

Tang Mo and the two of them kept avoiding each other, but suddenly Fu Wenduo revealed a breakthrough.

Pete's eyes lit up.

This is the moment! He surprisingly stopped attacking and instead reached out to grab Fu Wenduo's banana wine, slapping it into mid-air.

It turned out that this was his plan from the beginning, to take advantage of the opportunity to steal the banana wine by attacking instead of defending. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were blocked by a huge shield and were unable to attack Pete, who was hiding behind it, and watched as he was about to take the banana wine.

Just then, a faint to incalculable tap sounded. It was as if something had splintered against the shield, and Pete was unimpressed, his fingers still reaching for the bottle of banana wine. The next moment, however, he felt a movement coming from the shield in his hand and he turned his head to look. He turned his head and saw that the shield had split down the middle, a thin slit that was growing wider and wider.

On the other side of the gap, the faces of Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo are revealed.

[Props: I am not the Golden Axe of Glass Axe]

[Owned by: Tang Mo].


[Function: An expensive-looking but actually very shabby gold-encrusted glass axe head. It looks as if it won't cut anything at all, and will only be cut by anything. However, when faced with something that seems impossible to break, it may have an unexpected effect. The law of causality, which does not cut what can theoretically be cut, can cut what cannot theoretically be cut.

[Limitations: Play is extremely erratic, sometimes unable to cut something when faced with something that cannot theoretically be cut; after failing to cut something ten times in a row, the axe will shatter on its own].

[Remark: Hahahahahaha, didn't expect that! River God smiles a lackluster smile.]

Half of the shield fell into the River of Illusion, and half of it was in Pete's hands. His eyes widened in disbelief, as if he had not understood what had happened. He then immediately tried to escape, grabbing a king's gold coin from his pocket and trying to use it to exit the game.

But it's too late.

A clear glass axe smashed against his head.

Pete thought he was dead, but the axe came up and didn't even break his skin.

Tang Mo frowned, "Surely not."

Before Pete could hear the words, Fu Wenduo's ghostly figure closed in and the cold dagger pierced his heart. After he had fallen, Tang Mo took the half of his shield. Only too late to search him, Pete had fallen into the pink river and no other props were taken.

On the other side, David, not caring whether his companion was alive or dead, took out the king's gold coin and tried to quit the game as well. Fu Wenduo grabbed the long thread of colourful lace suspended in the air and pulled David up by his bootstraps.

What a success and what a failure.

The thread could not be cut by anything and helped David to fend off many attacks. Now, it also allowed David to be caught by the two men. Seeing David trying to use the king's gold to get away, Tang Mo used the shattered shield and stabbed him in the body.

Bright red blood gushed from David's mouth, by which time he understood the truth of the game and why Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo could leave the River of Illusion without him. But he still doesn't understand ...

"Why ... if the guy doesn't want to kill you, me and Pete won't touch you either. Four people ... four people can pass together, can't we. Normal mode will only reward fine props, these, these Pete and I can give you, even rare props, I can give you that too. Why ... why must you kill us ..."

Tang Mo drew his half shield and said faintly, "Because, she must not see you."

David closes his eyes and falls into a river of fantasy. To his dying day, he could not understand who this "she" was and why Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had to kill them.

David and Pete were indeed smart enough to be advanced players who could play the game. They died not only because they were arrogant enough to judge others by their own personalities - for example, thinking that Fu Wenduo would kill his teammates and get a better reward. It was also because they didn't know that Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had a rare item: the archival turkey egg.

There is nothing wrong with Pete's thinking. He made a request to know Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's powers and props so that he could know his enemy. By asking David to make a request, he was keeping David alive so that Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo would not dare to touch them.

But unfortunately, right from the start, they fell into the wrong place.

While Pete the Illusion was battling Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, Tang Mo noticed something: he didn't use a fire egg!

This is The black tower game and the eggs are fully archivable. In the vision, Pete is killed by Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo is dying, probably also killed by Pete. In such a dangerous situation, he and Fu Wenduo would have used the fire egg to archive. This way, after he is killed by Pete, the file will be read and the three will fight again.

But he didn't archive it.

Again, it's a rare prop, and Illusion can project his use of an infinite non-probability pocket watch, while Fu Wenduo uses a black dagger and can't project their fire eggs. This doesn't make sense.

The two men also speculated that perhaps the River of Illusion was just a way to kill Tang Mo, or that Tang Mo had not been killed by Pete. So then Fu Wenduo makes a request, and he deliberately stresses how he is going to kill Tang Mo from this moment on.

Even before the words were spoken, Fu Wenduo had drawn an "S" on the turkey egg, making sure that it was archived and Tang Mo had not.

In the illusion, Fu Wenduo will certainly not allow archiving because the two are fighting against each other. But as long as he archives in advance, the illusion of Tang Mo can always draw an "S" and confirm the archive. At the same time, Fu Wenduo told himself in his mind that if Tang Mo died once, he would be satisfied and he would not need to kill Tang Mo again after he had read the file.

It was an adventure, yet luckily they guessed correctly.

It is clear that Fu Wenduo's request is to "kill Tang Mo completely", but the phantom still does not read the file.

There is only one reason for this, because what Fu Wenduo really wanted was to kill Tang Mo only once.

Between the demands and the imagination, it is the imagination of the player that the river god, or the river of fantasy, fulfils.

All illusions are a figment of the player's imagination.

Pete's three-man battle, where the fire eggs were not used because Pete never thought there was such a thing as an archiver, and Tang Mo died and the fire eggs were not read. In that fight, all three of them used all their props and powers. Except for the Fire Egg, which was not read and used to no apparent effect, and did not show up. Everything else, all three were exposed.

Is it the River God who really decides this battle? Is it the River of Illusion?

Actually, it's neither, it's the players.

The player thinks of what powers they have, what props their visions use.

Fu Wenduo holds the banana wine in his hands and turns his head to look at Tang Mo. The dark-haired young man stood in front of the fog, doing his best to imagine it lifting. Soon the pink mist dissipates and the river bank appears not far away.

The magical boots were only effective for one hour and there was no time to lose. The pair quickly ran to the shore and got on before the effect of the shoes wore off.

A rustling sound came from the grass on the bank and Tang Mo brushed his head up, gripping the small parasol and quickly releasing it.

Tang Mo : " Shanshan ?"

The short-haired girl burst out of the grass and sighed in relief when she saw them, " Brother Tang , Mr. Fu School."

The three of them converge and Tang Mo asks, "Is everything okay? Did you trigger the main quest, Shanshan. Is it done?"

The young girl nodded heavily, "Well, it's done, probably because I over-completed the previous side quests, so the main quest was quite easy, not a very difficult one."

At the sound of the words, a clear child's voice rang out in Tang Mo's ears.

"Dingdong! Completion of the main quest 'The Gold and Silver Banana Wine Game at River of Illusion'."

"The total number of people who have passed the level is 2. Players Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo have successfully cleared The black tower level 5 (normal mode)."

The black tower cue continues as Chen Shanshan looks behind Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo and asks, "Where are the two wolves?"

Tang Mo gave a slight pause, his voice calm: "Something happened, they died in that game."

Chen Shanshan nodded and asked no more questions.

Blinding white light flashed in front of the trio's eyes and when they opened them again, they were back on Earth.

"Dingdong! China 1 official player Tang Mo and reserve Fu Wenduo have successfully cleared The black tower level 5 (normal mode)!"

The undulating sound is heard throughout China.

At this moment, tens of thousands of players stopped moving and looked in unison at The black tower nearest to them. Their expressions ranged from dumbfounded to bewildered, and after a few seconds, countless people's eyes turned red and some even burst into tears.

Shanghai, Nanjing Road.

Jackass and Tang Qiao were fully armed and ready to take on the fifth floor of The black tower. Suddenly hearing this sound, Jackass scratched his head and turned to Luo Fengcheng in confusion: "Eh, Doctor, Tang Mo and Mr. Fu have cleared the level? Should we still go then?"

Luo Fengcheng is in a happy mood, and the chances of survival are better when you're not under pressure to take on a tower game than when you are. He laughs, "Why not? Don't you want to be the first to pass the sixth floor of The black tower and get the clue to the seventh floor?"

The same applies to all parts of China.

Tang Mo The three of them left the game and headed for the 80th Form as soon as they could.

They must seize every second to challenge the sixth floor of The black tower and be one of the first three teams to clear it. There is also a lot of up-to-date information that the trio have not been able to grasp after being in the game for so long, and going to Chosen will give them some insight.

Five minutes later, the trio arrived at the 80th Form from the Forbidden City.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo stopped in their tracks before they reached the entrance to the school. Tang Mo's eyes slowly narrowed as he looked at the granite blocks that had been cracked into pieces all over the ground.

These were once two pillars at the entrance to the eightieth secondary school, and now they are broken into stone, obviously by someone.

The 80th Form is Chosen's home base, and no player in Beijing dares to run wild here. Chosen players are not likely to break anything in their own base camp either.

... was broken by some powerful player. So powerful that even Chosen failed to stop it.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo looked at each other, both understanding that something might have happened to Chosen and that it was better to be careful. But before they could worry for long, an excited voice came from the campus, " Brother Tang, big brother, Sister Shanshan! You guys are finally here!"

Tang Mo looked up in surprise to see a female doctor in a white coat with a dark face, leading Fu Wensheng to the school entrance.

Fu Xiaodi saw the wounds on Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's bodies and without saying a word, he used his powers to treat them. Chen Shanshan was not hurt, so they walked towards the door without delay.

As he walked to the school gate, Tang Mo whispered, "Who smashed it."

Li Miaomiao paused for a moment in her steps, then she grunted and walked away, surprisingly not wanting to answer the question.

Fu Wensheng laughed twice and whispered, " Brother Tang , this is particularly humiliating and none of them from Chosen want to talk about it. Today is the 9th of June, and you have been in the tower attack game for two days. Yesterday, Ruan Wangshu and Yu Zheng entered the Tower Attack game and also challenged the fifth floor of The black tower. Two days ago, the day you entered the game and I first came to Chosen, a man from Russia, who looked like a brown bear, suddenly approached Chosen."

The children deliberately sold out and didn't make it clear.

Fu Wenduo, however, gave him a faint glance: "Andrei-Ivan Petrov?"

Fu Wensheng stared blankly, "Holy shit, how did you know that!"

Chen Shanshan : "Ruan Wangshu, who was able to smash the gate of Chosen like that, is not afraid to squeal, and is also a Russian player. ... Only the first Russian player in the world to pass the third floor of The black tower. Andrey Petrov."

Fu Xiaodi finally found a chance: " Sister Shanshan, you're wrong about that. He didn't smash the door, Mu Huixue did."

Tang Mo furrowed his brow, "Why is there still Mu Huixue?"

Fu Wensheng smiled heatedly, "That's a long story."

Next, Fu Wensheng told Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo about all the new information that had happened around the world in the past two days.

First of all, apart from Europe, where official player Lena Chopehos cleared the fifth floor of The black tower long ago, in the remaining nine regions, the United States also had a prepper named George Daviester, a former stowaway, who cleared the fifth floor of The black tower.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were the third to pass the fifth level.

As for Mu Huixue and Andrei, Fu Wensheng has nothing to say. "That Andrei was very strange. He came up and said he wanted to kill Mu Huixue and asked Chosen to help him find someone. Before Chosen could agree to help, Mu Huixue himself appeared. The two men chattered in Russian, which I didn't understand, and then they got into a fight."

Andrei was the first person in the world to clear all three levels of The black tower, and Mu Huixue is the strongest returnee at the top of the time chart.

Even Ruan Wangshu and Yu Zheng were unable to intervene in their fight. Although Ruan Wangshu didn't show it, Fu Wensheng said surreptitiously, "Ruan must have wanted to blow them away and tell them to stay where they were and not to ruin his base camp even if they fought. But Mu Huixue and Andrei wouldn't listen to him at all. They fought for a long, long time, and Mu Huixue won, I think. ... She said herself that she couldn't kill Andrei. Brother, that Andrei is also very good, er ... not as good as you, just a little bit worse than you, a little bit worse."

Fu Wenduo glanced at his unproductive brother, "Where are the two of them?"

Fu Wensheng recalls, "Mu Huixue said she wanted to play that grab six mode too, so she went to attack the tower when Andrei didn't kill her. But Andrei said he couldn't kill Mu Huixue now, but he had to follow Mu Huixue and kill her whenever he had the chance."

Tang Mo's mouth twitched as he listened.

Only someone with a death wish like Mu Huixue would want to keep a ticking time bomb around and not get rid of someone. Andrei seems naive enough to want to follow Mu Huixue around and say he'll kill him when he gets the chance.

Without saying another word about these two, Tang Mo sent Chen Shanshan to Chosen's base camp and placed him in the hands of Li Miaomiao.

Li Miaomiao gave them a serious look: "The head has long guessed that you can successfully pass the fifth floor, and also send this little girl here. But the head and Zeng also went to the fifth floor, the head left a message ..." After a pause, Li Miaomiao said in a solemn tone: " The sixth floor of The black tower is certainly not easy, advanced players around the world want to get through the sixth floor first. Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo, if you are willing, I hope you can wait for us, me and practice Yu Zheng will pass the fifth floor as fast as possible and come out to challenge the sixth floor with you."

Tang Mo didn't hesitate: "Sorry, we couldn't wait."

Li Miaomiao spreads her hands: "I guessed you would say that. Well, what else can I say, you can leave this girl to me too, I'll watch the baby for you anyway." Li Miaomiao didn't really stop Tang Mo from sending Chen Shanshan to Chosen, despite his complaints.

China already has players who have cleared all five levels of The black tower, and the two children will no longer be forced to attack the tower.

Even Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo didn't dare to do anything rash when they had just cleared the fifth level to challenge the sixth level. The two rested at Chosen for a while, prepared enough props and had Fu Wensheng make some mineral water and put it in the chicken nest.

Tang Mo takes out the book of psychic powers and turns to the last page.

Tang Mo : "..."

There is no such thing as the cheapest psychic power, and every one of them is refreshing his lower limit!

[Ability: A small A4 waist]

[Owned by: David-Jonough (official player)]

[Type: Genotype].

[Function: When the user's waist circumference reaches below one foot nine, the user can touch the belly button with one hand around the back to stimulate the "A4 waist" effect. The user's body shape can be stretched and shortened at will. For example, it can be compressed to the thickness of a piece of paper or widened to the length of a wall.

[Level: 6].

[Restrictions: The user's waist must be under one foot nine and be able to touch their belly button with the opposite hand. The body mass does not change when changing body form].

[Note: Heh, if David hadn't gained an inch on his waistline today, you think you could have killed him easily, Tang Mo.

[Tang Mo version instructions: Can only be used three times a day. After using it, you will reduce your strength by 50% for one minute and enter soft mode. When everyone cheers at my presence, Tang Mo, you should know who is the real hero.

Tang Mo raises an eyebrow in surprise.

He really didn't see that David's waist was only about two feet. When he thought about it, David was probably wearing thick clothes because he was ashamed of the fact that he had developed a waist thinner than a woman's for his powers and had to cover it up with clothes.

Tang Mo looked at the hints in the Alien Power book and his eyebrows grew furrowed.

Tang Mo has a normal thin build with a bit of thin muscle. He is 180 tall and has a waist of about two feet two. This is on the slim side compared to a normal man, but also much bigger than a foot nine. This ability is a very practical one, and can be used to unexpected effect in escape and combat. But in a short time, Tang Mo can't get his waist that thin. And a waist that thin ... always feels odd.

Tang Mo Mo thought carefully, if it really came down to the moment of necessity, he could only cut the flesh off his waist, reduce his waistline and use his powers.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo checked the props they wanted to bring. As they were going to take on the dangerous sixth floor of The black tower, the two children's props were given to them for the time being.

Chen Shanshan's super-intelligent mind is a very worthwhile ability, but unfortunately, in order to hurry up, I couldn't bring her along to attack the tower this time. Tang Mo thought about it for a while and decided to tell Chen Shanshan about her props and powers, so that the young girl might find some special ways to use them together to double the effect.

After Chen Shanshan had gathered all the information, he also gathered information on Fu Wenduo's powers and props.

The young girl scribbled in her book, finally outlining a few of Tang Mo's most central powers and the props that the two must be careful to use.

After a brief discussion, it was already 4pm. At 6pm playtime ended and Tang Mo had to leave for The black tower.

Chen Shanshan closed the book and asked, "Is that ability to freely change body size from the two wolves we encountered earlier?"

It is a shame that Tang Mo only states the effect of the use of his powers, not their names or notes.

Tang Mo : "Well, it was theirs. It was an emergency, Fu Wenduo killed the blond one and I killed the brown one and got his powers."

Chen Shanshan nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Tang Mo packed up his things and prepared to leave with Fu Wenduo. At that moment, Fu Wenduo asked in a calm voice, "Why didn't you wonder if the blond player ... was a foreigner."

Tang Mo snapped to attention and looked up at Fu Wenduo.

Fu Wenduo's eyes were downcast as she gazed silently at Chen Shanshan. The young girl's mouth opened slightly at the sudden question. After a long moment, Chen Shanshan asked, "Are the blondes foreigners? I don't think about it that much, but Mr. Fu's school says that many people in China dye their hair yellow."

"That's yellow, not gold. There's very little gold."

Chen Shanshan closes his mouth.

Tang Mo understood at once: "You've seen them?!"

Chen Shanshan lowers her head and slowly closes her eyes. After a long time, she squeezed her fingers so tightly that her nails turned white. When she spoke again, her voice was hoarse with a hint of suppressed sobs: "Thank you, Brother Tang Mo. Thank you, Mr. Fu School. My main task in that game was to assist you in completing your mission."

Slowly lifting her head, Chen Shanshan's eyes were red, but she did not cry. She pulled back the corners of her mouth and said with a smile, "I am the river god."


The author has something to say.

The baby alien book: Hmph, you guys tell Tang Mo, who is the main character of this book~

Mr. Fu: One...one foot nine...(sighs

Tangtang : What does this have to do with you?