
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Kỳ huyễn
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245 Chs

Chapter 165 - Mate, friend!

Tang Mo stepped forward and handed the golden candy in her hand to the red-haired loli.

Queen of Hearts tensed up and turned her face to the side, physically demonstrating her absolute dislike of sweets. Tang Mo pondered for a moment and placed the candy directly in front of Queen of Hearts' eyes. The violent loli swallowed and said in a thick voice, "What are you doing?"

Tang Mo said sincerely, "Dear Queen of Hearts, I have been at a loss as to what to do with this candy. I got it from Mr Rabbit, and it seems to have a connection with you. Can you help me with it?"

Queen of Hearts stared, "Bunny?" She thought for a moment, "The little rabbit that always hangs around my jeweled castle?"

Tang Mo nods.

Queen of Hearts was pleased, but impatient: "Well, well, since you are so sincere in asking for help, I'll do it for you." With that, Queen of Hearts swiped the golden candy from Tang Mo's palm. She moved so quickly that Tang Mo's dynamic eyesight did not catch her movement.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo glance warily at each other, not daring to take this small, thin-looking girl lightly.

Grea stood by, seeing Queen of Hearts take Tang Mo's golden candy, his gaze twitching as he slowly curled his lips. He looked at the scene in front of him with a smirk as he saw the players and The black tower boss living in harmony. Hearing the sound of a clatter, the crowd turned their heads to look at him.

Grea: "Took his candy so you're going to help him out, stinky kid?"

Queen of Hearts justified: "Who wants to help him, who wants that candy. I'm just annoyed with you. How dare you sell my jeweled moonflower to the Banana Tavern? I won't be Queen of Hearts until I beat you to death today!" At those words, Queen of Hearts licked her tiger's teeth and charged again.

Schrödinger hurriedly said, "You are not allowed to fight on my property, get out, get out!"

Grea's deep gaze lingers for a moment on the Queen of Hearts. Then he turned his head towards Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo. They met his gaze calmly and Grea laughed: "I'm not afraid of her, if she could really kill me, I wouldn't have stolen the moon flower."

Queen of Hearts waved her fist, signalling Grea to be careful what she said.

Grea watched the scene for a long time, then a laugh escaped his throat and the next moment he turned and walked away. No one expected the circus master to turn and run so decisively, not even Queen of Hearts. By the time she reacted, Lori's face was red with anger and she shouted "Stop, Grea, you thief", putting the golden sweets in her little pocket as she stormed after him.

Two figures leap from the platform and run, leaping over the towering black steel trees. In a few moments they disappeared into the red and copper moonlight, out of sight.

Schrödinger, still wailing about his unlucky demolished steel fortress, kept cursing the two fighting perverts.

On the other side, as Grea and Queen of Hearts disappeared from view, the two female players seemed to lose their strength and collapsed to the ground, panting heavily to relieve their stress. Tang Mo closed his eyes as he squeezed his fingers. Even Grea didn't notice that Tang Mo's fingers had been trembling slightly before he left.

Tang Mo does not dare to bet.

The black tower's infinite non-probability pocket watch ignores the probability of any small event with a very low probability and changes its probability to 50%. For example, if Tang Mo is a woman, the probability of this event is infinitely close to zero, but as soon as the infinite non-probability pocket watch works, the probability of this event becomes 50%.

There is no such thing as a 100% probability in the world. There is no 0 probability event and there is no 100 percent probability event.

So this pocket watch is quite scary, except that it is difficult to trigger, has autonomy and is not entirely under Tang Mo's control. And when it does, it doesn't work 100% of the time, it only has a 50% chance of working. If Tang Mo triggers the other 50% this time, the arrival of Queen of Hearts has nothing to do with the infinite non-probability pocket watch and she will not help the player get rid of Grea. All Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo need to do is try their best to get out of the tower attack game.

Fortunately, the infinite non-probability pocket watch really worked this time.

Grea has not had many encounters with the players, but his absolute strength makes them all look like defenceless babies, and they are badly injured.

Li Miaomiao lies on the ground, panting heavily, the wound on his abdomen hideous and horrific. Tang Mo poured mineral water over Fu Wenduo's arm. The horrible bloody hole is healing very slowly and Tang Mo is patiently cleaning it when he looks up and his eyes meet Fu Wenduo's.

Tang Mo is slightly stunned.

"... pain?"

Fu Wenduo's mouth curled up and he shook his head, "How are your injuries?"

Tang Mo: " Li Miaomiao transferred all the serious injuries to her, the other injuries were not a big deal."

Only then did Fu Wenduo reply, "It doesn't hurt."

But Tang Mo saw the whitish flesh at the wound, his lips pursed and he moved a little more gently, "If you're in pain, say so."


The pain was not easy for Fu Wenduo either. He had suffered many injuries before and certainly had a better tolerance for pain than Tang Mo. However, the injuries inflicted by the circus ringmaster were a hundred times more painful than normal injuries, and even though Tang Mo's movements were gentle, the pain was as intense as the nerves crawling up to his brain, making Fu Wenduo's hair stand on end.

But he didn't want Tang Mo to worry too much.

Fu Wenduo: "How's your chest wound?"

Grea's short staff pierced Fu Wenduo's arm and then also pierced Tang Mo's chest. Tang Mo: "It's only a superficial wound."

Under the red-bronze moonlight, one of the two big men looked down to clean his wounds, looking at the terrible injuries with a growing frown, while the other looked down at the young man who was cleaning his wounds, his gaze deep and calm. Zhao Xiaofei was halfway through helping Li Miaomiao with his wounds when she accidentally looked up and saw this scene. She froze for a moment and muttered in her mind, "No wonder these two senior players are teaming up.

After treating the wound, Tang Mo found Schrödinger.

The little black cat lay on top of the middle-aged butler's head, sobbing and whining: "My steel fortress, it's broken again, it's broken again ooooooooooo ..." Suddenly sensing the approach of a human, the little black cat brushed its head up, its big wet turquoise eyes looking at Tang Mo. After making sure that the visitor was not in danger, the little black cat blinked aggressively and continued to howl dryly, "My steel fortress ah ..."

Tang Mo: "We've cleared the game, what's the reward?"

The little black cat's body froze. After a moment, it exclaimed, "You actually sought me out just for a reward and didn't try to comfort me?!"

Tang Mo raises an eyebrow and asks rhetorically, "Comfort you?"

Why should I comfort you.

Schrödinger: "..."

Didn't the Underground Man magazine say that humans love cats! Why don't these humans have any sympathy when they see it, at all!

The great Lord Schrödinger once again doubted his own intelligence network.

Although reluctantly, Schrödinger has to obey the rules of The black tower. He sat up straight: "You have found me and passed my game of hide-and-seek. According to the rules of The black tower, each of you may make one request of me, and I may not refuse as long as it is within my power to do so."

The crowd's eyes lit up.

Tang Mo looked up after a long moment of reflection and spoke with certainty, "I want the fake truth clock."

Schrödinger froze violently. The two female players did not understand what he wanted either, but Fu Wenduo gave a knowing laugh.

To everyone's surprise, however, Schrödinger grunted: "No. Hey, don't look at me like that, you greedy, shameless human being, my great Lord Schrödinger can of course make a hundred or a thousand of those rotten bells, but I can't give them to you. Ask The black tower yourself if it will allow you to have such a thing."

A clear child's voice sounded at the right time, "Dingdong! Friendly reminder, please ask players to choose the appropriate reward that matches the number of levels they have attacked the tower."

The implication is that you only have four floors of The black tower and you want to own the truth clock.

Tang Mo regretted a little, and on second thought, he took the tattered pink parasol off his waist and handed it to the little black cat: "If I remember correctly, you are the world famous inventor of The black tower. This is Granny Wolf's little pink parasol, you should know it."

Schrödinger bristled: "Granny Wolf has a hundred of these useless, broken umbrellas."

Tang Mo's eyes narrowed: indeed, a fine quality prop parasol was nothing in Schrödinger's eyes. Tang Mo said calmly, "I want you to fix it, improve it. To the best of your ability, to the extent that The black tower allows, make it a better weapon."

Schrödinger Slowly opens his mouth wide.

Behind Tang Mo, Zhao Xiaofei was also amazed: "How can you do this?"

The answer is yes, of course.

Schrödinger roared, "How can you be so shameless as a human being!"

Schrödinger curses Tang Mo as he puts away the parasol. Zhao Xiaofei comes over at this point and gives Tang Mo a cautious glance. Tang Mo calmly walks back to Fu Wenduo, not interested in hearing her reward request. Zhao Xiaofei leaned down to the little black cat's ear and whispered a word. Although angry, the little black cat looked better than when she was facing Tang Mo, and it was clear that Zhao Xiaofei's request was simpler than Tang Mo's.

Then there was Li Miaomiao. Li Miaomiao didn't even think about it, he just said: "Are you the world's greatest inventor of The black tower?"

Schrödinger raises his chin: "The greatest, bar none. I am the Honourable Schrödinger."

Li Miaomiao: "Can you resurrect a person?"

Schrödinger froze for a moment and the little black cat opened its mouth wide: "Huh?"

Li Miaomiao said expressionlessly, "I want to resurrect a human being. With your powers, can you do it."

Schrödinger: "What is wrong with you humans that you ask such useless questions? Why would I want to research how to revive you humans? Ask The black tower, even if I could do it, it wouldn't allow me to do it for you, given that you've cleared all three levels of The black tower. But as you know, you can revive any human who dies in The black tower game by killing someone."

Li Miaomiao of course knows that killing the top of the time table will bring a player back to life, but that player must have died in The black tower game.

Li Miaomiao gritted her teeth and had to choose another reward.

Finally it was Fu Wenduo's turn.

Fu Wenduo looked calm: "I would like to ask the truth clock a question."

Schrödinger said in amazement, "You are the strangest humans I have ever met." That said, the little black cat slapped the middle-aged butler on the head. The middle-aged butler brushed himself off, went into the steel ruins, thumped and searched for a half-dozen things, found a battered blue clock from the rubbish heap and dragged it to the group.

The Schrödinger said, "If you have any questions, ask them, and while it will certainly answer correctly, don't blame my great Lord Schrödinger for not reminding you that it will not answer questions that The black tower does not allow."

Fu Wenduo walks up and looks at the battered blue clock.

The steady female voice of the Truth Clock seemed a little tired at this point: "Human, since His Excellency Schrödinger has asked so, ask, and whatever I answer will be correct."

The Truth Clock had expected Fu Wenduo to think for a moment, but to its surprise the human looked at it steadily and asked without hesitation, "My question is ... what exactly are my powers?"

The Truth Clock was momentarily silent.

"The black tower Intruder, if you just wanted to ask me a question, why didn't you ask it the second time you entered my room, instead of wasting this bonus opportunity."

Fu Wenduo: "Ask questions in your room and you do give me the answers, but you can also be vague. When the circus master asked you how he made his money, you did answer him, and that answer was accepted by The black tower as not a wrong answer. Yet from beginning to end you you did not reveal his identity, you were hiding it for him."

Truth Clock: "He's the head of the great freak circus, and he'd tear me apart on the spot if I dared to reveal his identity."

Fu Wenduo: "So what you say in that room, even if it's the right answer, doesn't necessarily have value and can have concealment."

The truth clock cannot be denied.

Tang Mo's voice rang out: "This time our questioning requires you to say the answer word for word, without the slightest mistake or omission. For example ..." The voice stopped, Tang Mo had walked over to Fu Wenduo, he looked up and smiled slightly, "What exactly does that remark about his supernatural powers mean."

In the darkness of the steel forest, Zhao Xiaofei and Li Miaomiao are both bewildered, not understanding what Tang Mo's words mean.

Schrödinger and Truth Clock, however, had an instant head start. The little black cat tilted its head up and looked at the sky and swallowed. The blue body of the Truth Clock trembled and its voice faltered: " The black tower Intruder, that is a question I cannot answer. If you wish, I can tell you the name of your ability, how it works, what its limitations are, and even how you can strengthen it faster."

Tang Mo: "Not allowed to say that memo?"

The answer lies in the fearful reaction of the Truth Clock.

Tang Mo sighed.

As it turns out, even in this roundabout way, The black tower can't know what the phrase "the last person to play with this ability" means. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had already sensed that Fu Wenduo's powers were very special and that the notes on his powers might have a connection to the truth of The black tower's world.

Ask the truth clock what The black tower is and the truth clock will certainly not answer.

So they decided to find out the truth about The black tower by asking Fu Wenduo about his powers. But it was a failure. It wasn't feasible to get the truth clock to tell them the note directly.

Tang Mo wanted to ask Fu Wenduo to change his reward, either by choosing an enhanced prop, or by asking Schrödinger to send him a very good prop. But Fu Wenduo suddenly said, "Then I'll change the question, how can he get my powers."

Tang Mo looked at Fu Wenduo in disbelief. Fu Wenduo smiled at him and Tang Mo reacted quickly.

Yes! If they know how he can get Fu Wenduo's ability, they can find out for themselves what the Fu Wenduo ability's note is. Also, by getting Fu Wenduo's ability, Tang Mo can get almost every other player's ability in the same way. There should be few people in the world whose powers are harder to get than Fu Wenduo's.

That's a great question!

Tang Mo looks to the truth clock with surprise.

The giant blue clock did not tremble this time; it seemed to be able to answer the question. The black tower restricted it from revealing Fu Wenduo's powers directly, but it did not restrict it from telling Tang Mo how to obtain Fu Wenduo's powers. However, the truth clock was silent for a long time, and it was only when Fu Wenduo was about to ask again that the truth clock asked quietly, " The black tower Intruder, do you really want to know ..."

Fu Wenduo: "...?"

Tang Mo: "...?"

Two female players: "...???"

Something seems to be wrong.

Fu Wenduo raised his eyebrows, "Please tell me the answer to that question."

Truth Clock sighed, "Fine, then I'll tell you. It involves the secret of your two powers, and if you wish, I can just say this answer in your heads and keep it out of the other players' hands."

Tang Mo nodded, but with a subtle feeling in his heart.

There won't be any problems with ..., will there?

The calm, emotionless voice of the Truth Clock rang out simultaneously in Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo's brains -

"The first way, kill you and he gets your powers. The second way, eat it all and pay nothing. As The black tower intruder Fu Wenduo's powers are over-rated and of extremely high quality, they are one of the many powers recognised by The black tower. The only way to be completely eaten and not paid for is to take everything away from him. After Earth came online, humans generally no longer have too many possessions and other resources, so taking all of Fu Wenduo's props and permanently denying them to Fu Wenduo will give you access to his powers. There is only one way other than this ..."

The clock of truth pauses for a moment: "Mating, which gives access to each other's powers."

Tang Mo: "!!!"

Fu Wenduo: "..."

Fuck you for mating!!!


The author has something to say.

Tangtang: God, God damn mating!!!

Mr. Fu: That's a great answer, Tangtang, let's try ....