
Chapter 16 A New Way of Trading

Jack got close to this square and his face was almost pressed against it.

He didn't understand

He shook his head.

He still thought that this thing did not exist on the earth. At present, the technology of human beings could not reach such a high level.

Was it the product of foreign civilization?

It suddenly occurred to him that on the end of the earth, he had seen a foreign space vehicle crash into the earth.

Thinking about it carefully, everything made sense.

This product was likely to come from a foreign civilization.


Why was it also scattered in the space?

Is the driver still alive in the space vehicle?

Jack scratched his head.

At this moment, he felt that he had a lot of information, so he simply gave up thinking about it.

Now that there was a product of a foreign civilization, he would definitely meet more high-tech products in the future.

What he lacked was only the luck to find it

Jack didn't think about these illusions anymore. He put his energy back on this small square called the conductor photon actuator.

With this, he had a wider way to exchange things.

Now it was in the early stage, and basically, no one could use electricity so quickly, so electric appliances were not different from iron sheets for the vast majority of people.

Not long ago, he found on the trading platform that someone even hung an electric appliance that was only worth the price of a piece of bread.

It was a normal price for others, but for Jack, it was convenient for Jack to buy all kinds of electric appliances.

Take action!

Jack was a man of action. He took out five bottles of drinking water and hung them on the trading platform.

In addition, he had placed advertisements in both the world channel and the nearby channel, indicating that he would only exchange for large electric appliances.

The message was sent in less than ten seconds, and soon someone left a message.

"Sir, there are no electric appliances. Can stones, wood, and food be exchanged for drinking water?"

"Do you want a hairdryer? The household hairdryer, with the function of removing mites."

"I have a smoke lampblack machine. Do you want it? It was scrapped, and it's suitable to remove the iron sheets."

"Fall in love with me? Brother, with a bottle of water. I'll tell you three stories."

"USB drive! 32G, small and strong! The most important thing is that there are 10G blue movies in it. You know, there are all the famous actresses in it. If you want to exchange, you should hurry up!"

After all, the trading platform was open to the world. Almost everyone was trading here, so it was very active.

He didn't need to worry that someone would monopolize or target him to trade here.

It's no exaggeration to say that the announcement you make here will be seen soon.

However, frequent transactions were not allowed on the trading platform.

Each person could only make a transaction once a day.

Therefore, Jack hadn't finished his last deal yet, so he had to hang it until it cooled down.

Naturally, it could be traded automatically.

Since he had nothing else to do, Jack switched to the nearby channel.

As usual, the first thing he saw here was always this group of people wailing.

But this time their whining target was Jack.

"What happened! Where is that mysterious man? Why hasn't he shown up yet? Isn't he always here?"

"Drinking water!"

"Wow, am I fooled! I'm so thirsty! I haven't drunk water for two days!"

"Really? I've found all the materials. I'm not doing anything today. I'm looking for drinking water! I'm so thirsty."

"Sir! Do you still love me!"

Jack was stunned. The man in the channel was supposed to point at him.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have forgotten something.

It seemed that he had said during the day that he would exchange a batch of drinking water for supplies at night.

He was so excited to study the small square just now and forgot to exchange.

When Jack was about to explain.

An unpleasant ID appeared again.

I'm Brahman: "You are not convinced that you are so stupid. It is obvious that that guy has deceived you all, or perhaps he has already been smashed to death by the space trash."

Wasn't he forbidden to speak?

Jack tilted his head. It turned out that ten hours had passed so soon.

But Jack didn't have any conflict with him. Why did he always hold him back?

Jack didn't want to talk to him, but he didn't expect that there were a lot of messages on the channel.

Great Forrest Gump: "Why are you so impolite? If you can't speak well, then don't speak!"

Miyamoto Xinyi: "Idoit, do you still want to be reported?"

I want Xi Zhilang jelly: "He is so annoying. He comes out to make me sick. Can he be sealed?"

Wang Ertie: "Guys, let's report him! Directly report him to a permanent seal! He was gone too far!"

Master Kang didn't put pepper: "We were forced to live. It's good enough for us to survive. This big boss is so kind to us. How could you curse him? That's too much!"

Jack didn't expect everyone to stand up and speak for him.

He felt warm in his heart. He thought that the end of the earth would make many people more selfish and animal, but he did not expect that they would unite.

Of course, there were only a few uneasy people.

Guchuan magus's assistant: "@ I'm Brahman, buddy. There is a saying in the East that a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory. I advise you to be kind."

Guchuan magus's assistant: "You are mocking others today. It's you who will have an accident tomorrow."

Guchuan magus's assistant: "Damn it! I kindly advise you, you report me actually. You are really crazy."

I'm Brahman: "I don't want to talk to the idiot. As I said, you reported me today. Now I want to take revenge one by one."

Great Forrest Gump: Are you an idiot? Do you want to report a group of people alone? What? Is the system yours?"

Wang Ertie: "Come on, I'm here to argue with you. I'd like to see if you have succeeded in reporting me."

Miyamoto Xinyi: "Damn! Brothers, don't talk nonsense with him. Just report him and let him recall the pain of being banned!"

I want Xi Zhilang jelly: "So funny. There are still people who think they are very capable. They not only curse people but also want to report many people. The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately, you don't have it."

I'm Brahman: "What the fuck! What else can you do except report me? If you have the ability, wait until I build the space force, I will fight against you one by one! I can beat ten of you!"

I'm Brahman: "Fuck. They slandered me! Why report me! I didn't make any mistakes!"

"Ding! 'I'm Brahman' has been reported many times. He was forbidden to talk for eight hours. Please live a polite life."

Great Forrest Gump: "Well done!"

"The world is finally quiet."

Although everyone in the channel had solved the problem of "I am Brahman".

But what he said just now still affected everyone.

After a short silence.

Someone sent a message on the channel.

"Is there really something wrong with 'to be alive is the true ability?