
The Dynamic World

A New Virtual World is combined with the real world, making it an occupation for players to fight for both wealth and riches but not most people like Ron

Danicious_King_ · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The Revelation Of Truth


In a room on the highest floor of the main branch of Bent Vair company sat a mysterious figure, hidden in the shadows, gazing up at the sky. Suddenly, a man in a suit entered to deliver an update.

"Sir, everything is complete and ready to proceed," the man reported.

"I see, that's good news," the figure replied. "So, has the body transformation code been successfully integrated into the program?"

"Yes, sir. According to the team, the players, or rather, the humans, will be transported to the dynamic world as you have commanded," the man confirmed.

"Good, good! It seems these humans lack the intelligence to recognize a trap when it's right in front of them," the figure remarked.

"Furthermore, the missions have been diversified with varying timeframes, and both leveling and earning money have been incorporated," the man added.

"Excellent. Has the Bent Vair Exchange Company completed their own preparations as well?" the figure inquired.

"Yes, sir. They just finalized everything yesterday. They mentioned that they will soon announce the remarkable profits from your extraordinary creation," the man informed.

"Great! Now, all that remains is to deal with those corrupt leaders I appointed to oversee my company. Utilize the artifact items and send them directly to the dynamic world," the figure commanded.

"Ensure that their families vanish alongside them. We cannot afford any more pests infiltrating our domain," the figure concluded with determination.

Understood sir

The man in suit then leaves the room

In the realm of reality, gamers were engrossed in the live stream of the dynamic world presented by the Whitestone Adventure Group, which was recently established.

A man, observing the video within a group chat on his computer, expressed relief that the group had not encountered any hostile actions from the peculiar monster.

Curiosity arose within the group chat as a user questioned whether anyone knew the identity of the monster.

Confidently, another user in the chat claimed to possess knowledge regarding the creature's nature.

Surprised, a fellow user inquired about the specifics of the monster's identity.

The user who claimed knowledge responded, stating that the monster belonged to the category of ancient beings, known for their extreme danger, which had perished millions of years ago, or perhaps even centuries. It seemed that the group had made a wise decision by refraining from attacking the monster, as no one would have survived such an encounter.

Expressing amazement, one of the users in the chat remarked on the game's inclusion of formidable adversaries.

Speculation arose within the chat as another user suggested the possibility of multiple hidden monsters within the virtual reality game.

Agreeing with the notion, one of the users mentioned recent news, revealing that the game company intended to allow players with virtual currency to exchange it for real cash.

Startled, another user inquired about the timing of this announcement, realizing the need to prepare for the opportunity.

Expressing satisfaction, one of the users in the chat celebrated the game's ascent to the pinnacle of success.

After the group chat ended,

the workers from the Bent Vair companies in the cities received a letter from the main branch of Bent Vair company inviting an event for all the leaders. Upon reading the letter, the leaders discovered that the founder had granted all workers a two-year leave for their hard work

. One worker expressed his happiness about the news, while another worker confirmed its authenticity.

The leaders then called for a meeting with all the workers to inform them of the new order. All workers gathered and were informed that they were on a two-year leave starting immediately, and were advised to start packing their belongings as the company would be closing in an hour.

After concluding their announcement, the leaders of Bent Vair proceeded to their respective offices to pack up and depart. Following suit, the rest of the employees also began preparing to leave. Hours later, the Bent Vair company officially closed its doors, prompting many workers to head home. In a similar fashion, the leaders themselves returned to their residences, making necessary arrangements for the upcoming event.