
The Dwarven System

Wow! Turns out that reincarnation does exist! Follow the brave adventures of a little otaku who challenges even God in order to get what he wants with the help of his shady system! (Please help me write a better synopsis, I'm bad. This is a plea for help :( )

Thomas_Carr · Du hí
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23 Chs

Please Be My Teacher!

"A-a favour?" Samuel stuttered, shocked beyond belief from the sudden twist of events. He was completely ready to meet God once more and yet this random dwarf had saved him seconds before death!

"You were the one who saved me from the child of Satan, right? You did hide me in those rocks, right? It would be embarrassing if otherwise..." Yorn Thornberry chuckled, finally facing Samuel after pocketing the pelt and flesh of the tiger. When Samuel's eyes met Yorn's, a moment of realisation flashed in Samuel's conscious.

"Ack! You're that elder I saved earlier ago... How did you manage to wake up so soon? You were on the brink of death, I was sure of it!" He blurted out, almost spitting blood in Yorn Thornberry's face in the meantime before quickly swallowing it with an audible gulp.

Yorn Thornberry stood up and offered Samuel his hand. "Less about me, more about you. Your arm is hanging on threads! I only have a few minor flesh wounds while you are on the verge of meeting Yalder and yet you're still worried about me... I know you youth are naive and are still wet behind the ears, but this is disappointing - you need to set your priorities straight!" Yorn Thornberry radiated a welcoming and warm smile before hauling Samuel onto his back against his will, walking towards the entrance of the karst cavern.

"Hold on, wait... There's somebody outside that may still be searching for us. You know, the one you named the 'Child of Satan'?" Samuel spoke through gasps. Although he knew he was alright since the system had not yet gone into a frenzied state, alerting him through red lights and obnoxiously loud noises, he was still very exhausted from the physical activity. After all, he wasn't exactly an athletic person whether it be in his previous lives or this life.

"That kid doesn't matter. Although he may have gotten me once, he only did so through catching me off guard. He's like a venomous snake stalking careless children in the fields. Furthermore, what's in this cavern is way worse than what's out there..." Yorn Thornberry exuded a domineering aura at the beginning of his proclamation, but his voice quietened when commenting on the cave.

"Was that tiger not the strongest? Or are there more on a similar level?" Samuel naively pondered, wondering what the skilful dwarf meant.

"Ah, did you not choose this cave on purpose? If not, here's a fun fact: That Lightning Tiger you just fought? That was a baby. Nothing more than two to three weeks old, I presume. It is hard to tell the age of a youngling, but it is easy to identify between the young and the old as the old can measure up to four meters in height and lose their amber coat!" Yorn Thornberry heartily laughed, finding joy in the look of terror in Samuel's face.

While they were conversing until they got to the entrance, Samuel learnt more and more about his predicament and slowly filled in his resolve to take this man as his teacher, no matter what!

After a small bit of hesitation, Samuel picked up his courage and spoke with a slight tremor in his voice, lined with unrivalled ambition. "Yorn, I have realised that I am but a frog in a well in comparison to your glorious power. Please be my teacher!" He cried out within seconds, some words becoming a slur in his anxiety.

"Hah! We've only met for a few minutes and yet you want me to take in a feeble kid like you as my student? You have the courage, but not the strength or potential. Why should I take you in?" Yorn Thornberry suddenly grew a stern face as he stopped in his tracks, facing Samuel.

When Samuel saw this stern face of his, he immediately gave up hope of persuading Yorn to take him in as a student. However, everything changed when a familiar ding resounded in his mind.


New Quest!

Persuade Yorn Thornberry to take you in a disciple (Expires in 48 hours)

Quest Information: Persuade Yorn Thornberry to teach you as a disciple within the next 48 hours.

Rewards: +50 Reputation for 'Yorn Thornberry' & +10 Reputation for 'Prestigious School of Framilia".

Accept? (Y/N)"

Upon hearing these words echo in his mind, he scoffed "You don't need to tell me again, system!" as his face grew equally as stern as Yorn's. However, he was a bit baffled on how this would raise his reputation in the Prestigious School of Framilia.

"I understand that you've paid off the favour you owe me for saving you, but I believe that our contact should not end here! We could have such exciting times in the foreseeable future which you'd be missing out by refusing me as your student! Think about it, I can pay handsomely and I'll be sure to be the strongest in the world sometime in the future, just you wait!" Samuel yelled in resolution. Although he was unsure whether the dwarf would be persuaded by money or not, he was sure that he would eventually be the strongest with the help of his system and Yorn had the appearance of a musclehead.

"Look here, kid, I do not need your money, I have enough of it, trust me. However, this is quite the bold statement you're making, 'Strongest in the world'... Are you sure you can hold that up?" Yorn Thornberry had a look of contemplation on his face which revealed to Samuel that his chances had increased. It seemed that his guess on the dwarf being a musclehead was correct!

"Of course, give me a few years and I'll surely be able to trample these mountains with a single breath!" Samuel huffed, poking his chest out in the air with pride.

A few wrinkles started to form in Yorn Thornberry's forehead as his stern-faced appearance transformed into that of a despairing one.

"That won't do... A few years is too long. If I accept you as a disciple, I'll need you to grow into your strength within the next year. Can you promise me that?"

This sudden despairing appearance that Yorn Thornberry was revealing along with his words had blown Samuel's previous confidence away completely. Although he knew he would be able to become stronger than any of the Dwarves within a few years, he wasn't as confident when it came to a single year.

Nonetheless, he nodded while looking towards the ground, fidgeting with his hands in the meantime. Although he hated lying to people, he had to lest he miss this perfect opportunity which had presented itself to him.

Of course, Yorn saw these signs of nervousness and decided to take Samuel's nodding with a grain of salt, deciding to test Samuel out before choosing.

"Alright, if you claim so... However, don't think I'll accept you so quickly! Meet me within the town of Mistlethorn in twelve hours. If you can't get up from those wounds, forget becoming my disciple. My house is located relatively near the centre of the town. If you ask a local, they'll direct you towards my household." Yorn Thornberry sighed, wondering if he was going to do this for a random kid who saved him once...

Slightly ecstatic, Samuel's face transformed into one radiating pure joy. Although he didn't know what he was going to do in twelve hours and how to prepare, he knew that he was one step closer to completing his new quest and gaining a teacher to educate him on everything he could learn.

After reaching the main path between the town Samuel was going to beforehand, the two bid farewells as they went in different directions. Samuel had a slight skip in his step as he practically ran to his manor, not wanting to wait a single second to tell his father of his accomplishments and adventure.

However, when he entered the garden, he was met with horrified eyes and terrible screams, as if a demon had imparted on their home.

Sorry for the late publishing. Many issues with Inkstone with errors and so I've had to rewrite this chapter about three times now. Anyways, Happy Mother's Day!

With many thanks,

Thomas_Carrcreators' thoughts