
The Dwarven System

Wow! Turns out that reincarnation does exist! Follow the brave adventures of a little otaku who challenges even God in order to get what he wants with the help of his shady system! (Please help me write a better synopsis, I'm bad. This is a plea for help :( )

Thomas_Carr · Du hí
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23 Chs

Lies & Deceit

The twenty-seventh cycle was approaching fast and Samuel had not yet escaped from this Hell where he was constantly tortured. Although they were continuously writing down stuff, Sam swore that he saw those angels smirking at his pain.

"Another grudge on my list - God and these sadistic angels... Not what I expected Heaven to be like whatsoever. Anyway, how should I get out of this? It is clear that they are waiting for something to happen... Is it that they are trying to see how many reincarnations it takes until an anomaly loses its memories? If that's the case, I'll simply act like a country bumpkin who wandered into a city in front of these angels. A little acting never hurt a soul, right?" Although he thought this, Sam had a record-breaking history of flunking all of his subjects, including performing arts, where he got 0 marks total in his most recent exam result. Even Sam knew this deep down but he still wanted to give it his best shot. After all, he practised this act in his fantasies of face-slapping a noble after pretending to be a country bumpkin!

When his death came swift and his twenty-seventh cycle began, he immediately looked around and asked "Where am I?" before yelling profanities when he saw the set of angels descending.

"Who are you?! Where am I?! I don't understand, why am I not at home? Where is this? Answer me immediately! why are you smiling, this is no laughing matter!" Sam bellowed in an outraged yet confused voice.

After a series of whispers were passed to each angel, they finally faced Sam and proclaimed:

"Welcome to Heaven. You have unfortunately died by the hands of a serial killer after your hospitalisation. We have decided to give you another chance at life in a fantasy world not too far from Earth, you will be born a dwarf in a noble family where you will live a luxurious life. Out of despair from God and his anger towards the serial killer, God will grant you a wish before your reincarnation. However, you won't remember any of this when you are reborn." Lied the angel through her teeth, sounding like a displeased customer service worker who was forced to greet Sam joyfully.

However, Sam couldn't unleash his rage at the lying angels and instead acted grateful after a minute of pseudo-shock. After showing the angels are wide smile and an appreciative sentence, his vision suddenly flashed black before his environment changed.

He was standing on a pristine white floor with shining golden dragons engraved onto the pathway, lacing the floor with magnificent artistry. Sam couldn't keep his eyes off the realistic drawings as he walked forward. suddenly, he tripped over a stair of the same design, making him fall flat on his face.

Sam looked up in awe as a series of stairs lead up through the fluffy clouds illuminated by violet light.

He started to carefully walk up the stairs for an excruciatingly long amount of time before finally passing through the series of clouds. He observed his surroundings to attempt to find the source of the blinding violet light which enshrouded the area. Suddenly, a large violet halo came into view alongside a colossal figure covered in a loose white toga with golden flowers tracing his extraordinarily long hair.

Sam nearly stumbled back from his position and fell down the set of stairs but, before that could happen, a mystical force had pulled him off the ground and brought him closer to the mysterious figure!

"Greetings, Sam. As you may know, you're currently in Heaven and I am what you call 'God'. Your life was taken from a vicious mortal who dared to finish off your recovering body. I am outraged by this ending to your life and I wish to make it up to you by giving you a wish before your reincarnation... Actually, going from that popular 'Genie' figure in your homeworld, I'll give you three wishes but you can never get more." Bellowed God in an upset tone which seemed too real.

"Damn, this God has been practising this, hasn't he? How else would he be so good at lying?!" Sam thought, outraged of this idea that God was doing this to others like himself.

Taking advantage of this prospect of three wishes was fundamental and so he wasted no time in asking for the three wishes. After all, he already thought of a few wishes when he was walking up the staircase. The only thing he didn't plan for was that he would have three wishes, which made his situation a whole lot easier!

"For my first wish, I'd like to have a system like those which you saw in Webnovel!" Although this was risky, taking into account that God most likely knew that he had a system in the first Dwarven reincarnation, yet he had to take this risk for some potential face slapping. After all, he needed a way to grow stronger to beat those around him. Luckily, God only chuckled at his response briefly before composing himself.

"For my second wish, I would like to have a world-defying spell which can be used to be overpowered!" This was Sam's wish to become stronger faster right at the start. After all, Sam never understood why the protagonists would hide their power or want to start out weak and then grow strong. why bend the knee when you can make them bend the knee? It just didn't make sense. After a few minutes of silence, God silently nodded.

"Anf for my last wish, I wish to be able to call you down to my location once at any time." Upon hearing these words, God nearly choked to death as he had his eyes wide open like a deer in headlights. But, soon after, he agreed with a resigned look on his face. Sam was overjoyed but for different reasons than why God thought. He needed a way to defeat and murder God later on, didn't he? How else would he have settled the grudge?

After all three wishes were stated, God dejectedly said a parting message before waving his hand. suddenly, upon seeing the hand being waved, his vision went back to the way-too- familiar abyss which often haunted his nightmares due to the torture associated it.

Suddenly, he saw himself in bed with two people who seemed familiar sitting next to him, holding his hands with watery eyes and flushed faces.

"Mom? Dad?" Sam blurted out, shocked as could be.

Managed to release another chapter which is longer than scheduled (1000 words!). Had difficulty trying to make this chapter entertaining as it is only an interlude to the actual plot. However, I hope that you still like this chapter.

I will see you all in tomorrow's chapter!

With many thanks,

Thomas_Carrcreators' thoughts