
The Duke's Prodigy

Over 60 million miles from Earth, a lonely ship's engineer falls lifeless to the floor. Executed for a crime he didn't commit. Executed to preserve the mission. However, his life doesn't end there. He awakens to find himself transmigrated into another world. One small problem: he's just a baby. He has to precariously balance a mysterious 'system,' noble politics, and assassination attempts before he can walk. With a wealth of knowledge of science and physics, he proceeds to turn the world upside down. Inspiration List: -Honzuki no Gekokujou (Ascendence of a Bookworm) by Miya Kazuki -Isekai Yakkyoku (Parallel World Pharmacy) by Liz Takayama -Deathworld Commando: Reborn by RangerFrank -I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a What?! by Devin

Frapsity · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs

C29 - The King

While we waited for third bell in silence, I thought it would be a good time to review my status screen. I hadn't had a chance to do so since the assassination attempt. Luckily, I could call up the screens with a thought.

Name: Damiano (Callahan O'Shea)

Level: 1

EXP: 140/200

HP: 40/40

MP: 45/45

SP: 8/8

Strength: 1

Agility: 2

Fortitude: 8

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 2

Charisma: 7 (+44)

Unspent points: 2

Status: Awake. Alert.

It was nice to have gained additional ability points. If I put them into intelligence, I could get more mana. However, two more into fortitude would increase my health points (HP) and the regen of my health. Given how targeted I've been, more health might be ideal until I can defend myself from anything. I would hold off on those two points for now. After all, I can't very well be waving my arms around using the system in front of my family. I next opened my skills to see my current set up.

Basic Active Mana Absorption. Rank 2.

Magic Basics. Rank 8.

Basic Mana Sense. Rank 8.

Candle Flame. Rank 1.

Dagger Basics. Rank 1.

Basic Dodge. Rank 1.

Basic Poison Resistance. Rank 1.

These skills weren't enough. By taking the poison damage, I got resistance. Perhaps I could farm other resistances by constantly taking damage. The prospect sounded better on paper than in practice as I would be practically torturing myself. I think both points to fortitude would be advantageous. However, additional intelligence might exponentially increase my casting range and ability. Perhaps one point to each?

I had so much to do, I wanted to study blacksmithing and other crafts. I think the system and my knowledge from my previous life would pair well together. I also wanted to toy with optics. If sunlight was required for healing, could I use large lenses to focus and concentrate it for a healing spell? As that thought occurred to me, I wondered about the political ramifications of it. What if the temples became upset at their loss of monopoly on healing magic?

I also wanted to develop physical skills as well. Duke Calo used a sword and it seemed that Selahe and Fazio were training in shorter weapons. If my memory of Ancient Tech 101 is to be believed, the sword remained one of the most popular weapons for centuries. There were other options: halberds, pikes, maces, war hammers. They all had a niche; halberds and pikes were good vs calvary while maces, hammers, and other blunt weapons were best against heavily armored targets. Luckily, I hadn't seen much in way of advanced armor. The guards that accompanied the high priestess on her visit wore chain mail. I should really focus on swords for open combat and daggers for more personal, cramped fighting.

After the ambassador came, multiple others came filling in to their appropriate couch. The Duke and Duchess greeted several here and there. I also recognized one or two well-wishers that had visited yesterday. They were speaking amongst themselves quietly causing a gentle background murmur to echo through the large room. The faint smell of soothing lavender permeated the air as I listened to the soft, distant drumming conversations around me. I felt like I was about to go insane at the lack of stimulation when the third bell finally rang. The door next to the commoner on the first couch opened.

A man stepped through and announced, "Open court will now begin! Please approach." The commoner stood and walked up to him. There was hushed conversation before he walked into the connected room and announced, "Ospak Bergfinnsson, Mayor of Neneske!" We waited for several minutes as Ospak pled his case. It seemed there were several voices of conversation before the announcer turned and nodded to our group.

"What would you like to be announced as?" The man asked, unaware of who he was speaking to.

The Duke replied, "Please announce us as Duke Romano Calo, Duchess Ragna Calo, Lady Anna Calo and Damiano." I squealed inwardly as soon I would be Damiano Calo. The announcer man's eyes widened in realization of who he was speaking with and he nodded nervous at the high noble before him.

He said loudly, "Announcing the Duke Romano Calo, the Duchess Ragna Calo, Lady Anna Calo and Damiano!"

We walked into the room to a sea of murmurs. Everyone in court was whispering to their neighbor about our entrance. I assumed because this was a rare occurrence. The throne room was larger than the waiting room but smaller than the foyer. It was much more decorated, however. I saw a fresco depicting some famous scene that I couldn't figure out on the ceiling. Very plush rugs dyed purple, which if my memory serves, was incredibly expensive at this tech level. The faint lavender smell was present at all times. Source-less light seemed to come from all directions, casting no shadows. I could sense mana everywhere powering complicated lavish enchantments no doubt. We slowly walked up to the throne. We passed a gathered group of nobles standing around the edges of the room. We reached a place in front of the dais the throne sat on and our group knelt respectfully.

Being a kid, I wasn't expected to kneel. Especially since I was being carried by Mona. I saw King Koll and his wife Queen Astrid both resplendent in rich clothing, wearing the crown jewels. To either side there was also two smaller seats, presumably for the princess and prince. The chairs sat unoccupied. No doubt because the royal children would become bored out of their mind with the court business. There was also no need to have them attend open court every day as they would have little to contribute.

I'm mostly writing this to enjoy my own imagination. So enjoy the ride with me! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!

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