
The Duke's Marchen

"What do you see when you see me?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her. For a few seconds, she bathed in his warmth. "Do you want me to be honest?" He nodded. "I see a man who changed my world. He chuckled at that. "Not honest enough." She lifted her head. Her beautiful gray eyes stared at his brown ones. "I see the Villain." She gulped and added, "I see someone that would burn the world... just to keep me safe." "Again..." he smiled. "Again?" "I wouldn't hesitate to burn the world again just to keep you safe." .... She loved him like a brother. He loved her more than he loved his life. In his dying breath, the woman that he loved finally cried... for him. At last, he thought before closing his eyes. She was finally looking at him. How ironic. .... "I lost you once. I can't lose you again. " - Duke Li Qiang This is the Story of Li Qiang and his redemption. .... This novel was originally the SIDE STORY of THE CEO's WOMAN. However, you can still read this as a stand-alone as this is the story of the Villain after he died and reincarnated into another world. #reincarnation #slowburn #faceslapping #norapeorabuse #strongcouple #secondchance #Villain #fantasy #royals #R18

TheBlips · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Ancient Healing Technique

"Bu Ching was found dead," Vice Commander Al reported, his voice tinged with sorrow. "His throat was cruelly slit, General."

"The others?" Wang Rouyun was reading another report that one of her Vice commanders handed her.

"Dead. All of them," Al continued.

The words struck Wang Rouyun like a piercing blow. "All of them? Not a single one escaped?" she exclaimed, disbelief etched across her face. The odds had been stacked against them from the beginning, and yet she had hoped for a glimmer of salvation, a few souls who might have found a way to survive. It seemed her hopes were shattered.

Vice Commander Al nodded, his gaze filled with a mix of grief and astonishment. "Not one. Every fallen enemy has been accounted for, General," he confirmed.