
The Duke's Fraudulent Lover

Leticia whose been living her life quietly in the outskirts of the Kingdom of Otis, met a bloodied man lying on her lawn in the middle of the night. Deciding to save the man whose identity is still unknown, Leticia did the bare minimum aid and determined to let him go when he gets better. 'Well... I mean, I can't afford to help and sheltered an unknown man when I want to get married, right?!' But what's this? Why are you not leaving? And why are you so good at doing household chores?! And you know how to cook too?! You're making me hesitate to let you go! *** The rumored notorious Duke Hugh Naville decided to stay quiet and enjoy the life he has with Leticia until knights came and begged him to go back as his marriage candidates lined up to meet him, plotted for political purposes of the Queen. Thinking that the Queen shouldn't have his way with his life, Duke Hugh saw Leticia as the best option. "Leticia... Will you become my lover?" "Huh? Why would I do that?!" The response from Leticia made Duke Hugh smile. He became sure that she's the only answer to his crisis. "I want you to become my fake lover..." - But what will happen when suddenly Leticia had a glimpsed of her future and one of those is her life hanging in a thread? 'I should leave before I can, right?' *** This work will be participating in Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2021 P.S. Photo not mine. Credit to the owner.

MyCatPaws · Kỳ huyễn
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170 Chs


Tuesday morning at the Church of Saints, the priest as well as the sacristan all gathered for the morning prayer.

"May the Goddess Maia bless you and your future ahead…"

"You as well. May the Goddess Maia bless you with happiness …"

Left and right, all of them greeted each other with high spirits.

The Bishop that will lead the morning prayer walked in. Immediately, the air surrounding the prayer hall felt more divine.

The third rank in position entered and walked towards the altar. His white robe and red-golden linings indicated that just like everyone in the prayer hall, he was someone who pledged his life to the church of Saints.

The only distinction about him and the other bishops was the scriptures written in their sash worn over their neck as well as a colored cumberband that tell which rank they occupied. For the five bishops of the Church of Saints, their cumberband was silver, red, blue, yellow, and bronze respectively.