
The Drug Dealer Ended Up Going To Another World

Chris the the drop out that ended up dealing drugs in the city of Detroit as did to much drug dealing the cops tried to arrest him he suddenly vanished through thin air as Chris began to open his eyes it was clear to him that he was transported to another world how will make living the only skill he has right now drug creation he will end up using only to make a living but what will be the price at the cost blood, violence , and crime

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · Võ hiệp
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 Raiding mine part 2

As the plan to raid mine was a bust because one gold rank high level assassin Chris must think a way to solve the situation

As of right now they are by the entrance but few are surprised by her attack as they were too clean

Male archer : wow ! ….these cuts are clean

Female knight : hmp! …surly it was luck

As the knight was jealous of her work

Female priestess : it was hard work …let's not push our envi towards others okay !

Mercy : ….

Chris (thinking) : my troops are gonna be here any minute and right now I just have to wait

Chris just noticed a bit smirk on her face and what reason why she did that ?

Chris (thinking) : hold on …did..did I saw her smirk ?

Chris (thinking) : okay something clearly is off …what the fuck is she thinking right now?

Mercy : I'll take lead of the attack


As some bandits are completely unaware of what's going on

Bandit 4 : aye guys ! , how much you collected?

Bandit 5 : a lot I mean we've just busted a gold mine!



Mercy : …..

As she gave a hand signal to let others know that they can move now

(Step , step , step , step)

Female priestess : woooow so pretty!

Male archer : these are worth having bunch of coins ! , maybe we should take some !


As the female knight slapped him for his greedyness

Male archer : ow ! What was that for ?!

Female knight : these belong to the smiths and labor of hard workers !

Female knight : I will not allow petty thievery on my watch

Male archer : okay ! Okay ! , jeez I won't steal

As it was honorable of her as she was against thievery …but for Chris it was stupid on so many levels on the pride of hers

Chris (thinking) : this is why none of you people will survive and the pride

As Chris is at the rear he had the head set connected to his raid a 1PCS Z Tactical HD-01 Bowman Elite II Headset headphone Military style plug as it hidden inside his hoody


Chris (whisper) : where's your ETA ?

Jules : we are only a minute away

Chris (thinking) : tell your troops to caution we have a gold adventure here in the mines

Jules : shit! What class boss!?

Chris (whisper) : assassin

Jules : we'll help you out boss !

Chris (thinking) : good because she's starting to suspect me

Chris looks at mercy as he felt like she was looking back as if she could hear him

Mercy : ….

Chris : !!?

Chris (thinking) : why does it feel like she knows what I've saying ….she's been keeping and eye on me this entire time?

Mercy : we are almost done this final charge I'll take the head of they're leader


As she vanished in the darkness of the mines

Male archer : it's still amazing how she can do that !

Female knight : she's a disgrace to the hero that what she is !

Chris (thinking) : what is she talking about?!

As she was confused at why did she meant by it

Female knight : you should've know the rumors by now she was once a former member of the hero party

Female knight : she always sneaks ahead before even finished every job , but the hero had enough of it

Chris : so he kicked her out for that?

Female knight : not only that , she was kicked for stealing they're money , and I say what a complete disgrace!

Female priestess : please stop your being rude!

Chris thought about mercy

Chris (thinking) : it was clearly he hated the fact that she was getting all the credit of accomplished so many

Chris (thinking) : not only that those girls that were with the hero …were in on it to get rid of her they most have know that

While Chris was thinking the entire time the adventure snap him out of it

Female knight : mage!

Chris : y…yeah!

Female knight : everyone is going further come now

Chris : right

Chris (thinking) : uuughh! every time acting like this is so damn gross …then again thanks to acting class I got a lot better

As they keep going further deep inside and finally the leader at the grasp of mercy's hand being choked out

Bandit leader : aagh….aahh…uuaagh!

Mercy : ….

As her eye sights were filled with so much bloodlust and not a single shred of humanity

As everyone is stunned by the sight of it , however it also interest Chris

Chris (thinking) : amazing now this is what an assassin is supposed to be ruthless and merciless

Female knight : she's dangerous we must alerted tell the royal army

Male archer : (nod)

Mercy : ….

Chris again felt that similar feeling

Chris (thinking) : she's listening again….what is she doing ?

As thinks to himself…mercy vanished in thin air

Chris : !!

Chris (thinking) : where is she now?

As Chris looks around the priestess asked for what

Female priestess : um…why are you?-

But then she appears behind Chris as her dagger by Chris front of his neck

Chris : …wha!

Mercy : did you thought I would not notice that thing in your hood

As she pulls down hood and his headset Exposed

Female knight : what is that? And what is going on?!

Mercy : you have been talking to your friend have you not

Mercy : and this staff seems nothing but a normal stick with nothing but a gem

As she turns back to the three adventurers and re

Mercy : he is not a mage , he is indeed a Fraud and bandit

Male archer : wha?!

Mercy : and his bandits are coming

Female knight : you coward bastard!!

Mercy : we can turn him over

Female priestess : indeed we should turn him in-

Mercy : it would've what I really wanted to say

As she smiled about with such bloodlust

(Quick slash!)

Female priestess : eh?

(Blood splatter!!)

Female knight : !!

Male archer !!

As the other adventure were in shock , Chris was surprised by the turn of event

Chris : wha…the hell is going on ?

Mercy : kukuku….sorry to it you on the spot

As she back away from Chris

Mercy : you are indeed interesting

Mercy : let me join your organization

Female knight : you call yourself and adventure!! Disgraceful!

Female knight : we will bring you down ! And bring justice

(Bang! , bang!)


Female knight : aagh!

Male archer : aaahh!

Jules had arrived with the Calvary

Myu : boss step away from her and we'll!-

Chris : there is no need myu she has joined us stand down

As mercy smiled

Chris extend his hand for a handshake

Chris : welcome aboard mercy

Mercy : pleasure to work with you sir

Chris looks at the rest of the adventures many of them are still alive

The knight shot in the shoulder , archer stomach and the priestess

Chris : Corporal have your guys stand them up

Nina : yes boss

As she signals three guys to stand them up on there knees

Chris : mercy do you have any potion ?

Mercy : do you plan on letting them go ?

Chris : yes but before that I want to know why ?

Mercy gave Chris three high grade potion he heals them

Chris : at ease you three

Hana : materials are being loaded into carts and C4 explosives have been deployed in the mine

Chris : ….

Chris : have you seen adventures using slaves?

Female knight : ….yes

Female knight : but this has nothing do with this now!! And now you will be hunted by the royal army !!

Chris : ….

Chris : do you care about them?

Female knight : wha?!

Chris : your friends do you care about them ?

Female knight : please just let them go

Chris : …

He pulls out a Soviet pm makarov and points it at the priestess


Female priestess : aahhh!!

She was in the right sight of her stomach

Female knight : you vile!!-

Chris grabs her neck

Chris : that is why you cannot fight us in your current level

Female knight : …!!

Chris : your equipment, money

Chris : this place and the mithral …they not yours anymore

Chris hits her with his gun


Female knight : aaah!!

Chris gives the order as he exits the mine

Chris : kill them , save the bullets

(Throw thud)

They were thrown to the ground two the priestess and archer are being beat to death by the end of their ak47 kalashnikov

(Smack , clack! , smack ! , clack!)

Male archer : aagh ! Naagh!

Female priestess : aagh !! Gaah!!

Female knight …..

As she struggles to reach her sword her hand was crush stepped on by Nina


Female knight : AAAAGH!!


Nina begins to beat her to death with just barehanded fist

(Smack!! , smack!! , splat!)

As mercy stood there and watch she was happy about it and understood what he meant

Mercy : this is what he meant to let them go❤️!

Mercy : I might fall in love with him❤️!!!

End next chapter