
The Dragons Sleeps

Tugis was a boy who grew up on the streets when he turned 16 his life begins to change. His mom waiting tables trying to keep them afloat, dies in a mysterious way. . what does he do, how does he comes to terms with change, or does he leave everything he known...

Tugis57 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Happy Birthday, You get Hunted.

I sat in the bed of Matt's truck, wondering why I was poor.

Ok well not poor, but surviving enough.

Oh well, I think as I climbed out the back of Matt's truck, trying to be sneaky as I look around.

Matt would be pissed if I was late again.

Shit would just happen , "The fucking worst best luck ever" is what my mom would say.

Matt is my childhood friend elementary, high school and he knew about my luck and watch the shit happen. I laugh at the memories that came back with thoughts. Like the time he wanted me to put fire cracker in the teachers desk but I tripped over my own feet and it slide to the wall and Miss Rose thought I fell dumb and fell out of my chair but when fire cracker went off I thought she was going to stomp me to death.

"Focus Tugis " I tell my self remembering the plan.

Matt wants me to come in the back after he made it though the front. Coming to the door I pull out the tool Matt gave me for the door it looks like a little gun, quietly I inserted it into the lock. A quick pull of the trigger a whirl and the door clicked and was unlocked.

"Man I need one of these." I think as I open the door and peek around, it was dark and quiet. I look up at the stars "wish didn't have to do this."

As I went to step in to the house a force threw me back like a basket ball, I bet I even bounced a couple of times.

"Fuck" I look up and was Lost. what ever that was hit me hard enough to make me close friends with the fence. I stand up and look around as

I start walking up to the door again and Matt come out back door very menacingly with a flipping axe in his hand. He 6'4 maybe 250 solid muscle his Brown hair slick with sweat "Matt wtf dude " I say as he just smiles showing all his teeth and swings the axe in a downward slash. I jumped to the side and started my feet as the axe hit the ground. I ran, I didn't know what else to do so I just ran. That couldn't have been Matt there no way. That look on his face still was giving me chills.... So I ran . My heart raced as I ran.. My thoughts raced just as fast, "mom" I whispered her blue eyes always calmed me when I was lost. "I wish you where here." I stopped to catch my breath "Happy birthday to Me" I say laughing.

As I start running again my hand started to burn and I hunch over in pain.

I get up and look at my hand, and what I saw stunted me. A rune for dragon and king was on his left hand. "What the fuck how I do I know that?"

As I go to rub the runes the air filled with a nose burning aroma "whoa I know what brimstone smells like". Matt hollers "Come out lil dragon you cant hide from me you just let your energy just flow out". Dragon the word echoed in my head, "what's happening to me?"

I wasn't sure what to do when the smell of brimstone got stronger I panicked and jumped with all my strength and It felt like the ground just repaled me , as I flew away I saw the tree I was hiding behind exploded.

Then I made eye contact with Matt and gave him the bird and closed my eye and wait for impact and wonder why Matt smelled like that. Then everything stopped.