
The Dragons Sleeps

Tugis was a boy who grew up on the streets when he turned 16 his life begins to change. His mom waiting tables trying to keep them afloat, dies in a mysterious way. . what does he do, how does he comes to terms with change, or does he leave everything he known...

Tugis57 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


Feeling heavy I lay on the ground.

"Boy" Is that my mom voice I think as I look up everything hazie but there she stood with her blue eyes staring and me with that smirk on her face, "Mom?" She kneeled down " why you on the ground? Come on boy show them what your will can do." " Mom how?, I don't know what going on and Matt calling me dragon is just crazy." she brushed her hair back smiled big "you can't fight your blood son, wake up he's coming". She begins to fade and yells


When I awoke up head ringing on my back and looked around, Nothing looked familiar,"I was in Texas." Trees and rocks and a big cliff. looking at the tree my brain goes quaking apen.The smell that my brain just knew as brimstone was gone as well. The cloud starts to settle in my head and I think about my jump."Man did the earth reject me?"I try and get to my feet as a wave of nausea hit me and I just plop down and huff. I closed my eye and just breathe.

When it finally clear I rose to my feet and started to walk. "That dream was so real." mubbleing to my self focused on ever detail " wonder what she meant by will and blood?" Had to put my hand to my head, still ringing. Taking a deep breath I start walking as I do I hear a car horn in the distance."oh that's to my left and close." Looking that way "A hill great" I start up the hill coming to the top of it I start to hear the cars,at the top I see cars just zooming by. Brains are weird my more so hwy550 Colorado When I thought about the highway. "I jumped over 800 miles" I start down the hill. towards the hwy I can see a city in the distance "Silverton" I mubble.

I given up figuring out this Akashic records stuff man,"but maybe I can hide out." Takes me about an hour to get in to town and the street was empty. Greene street had no lights on it was creepy, "damn not even a sign was lit."