
Finding Kasumi

Dr. Chakwas didn't let Garrus leave as she wanted to keep an eye on him even if the wounds he suffered weren't grave but she was a person that is rather safe than sorry.

Tali stayed behind as Vincent was about to leave when Liara joined him when she asks, "Are you going to report to Titania?"

"I have to and it is easier than reporting to Miranda," says Vincent as he didn't want to report to Miranda since she wasn't loyal to Shepard but Cerberus.

They entered the elevator and went one floor up when Liara hands him over her gloves and her handgun first while saying, "Don't play with them just enchant them."

"I can't even take a look at your gun, how intriguing," says Vincent taking them off her hands.

"You will get them later or you can watch me do it after reporting to Titania," says Vincent as they arrived at the second floor which was the Command Bridge.

They see Kelly and she points to her left which was their right while saying, "The Commander is right now talking with the Professor."

"Thanks, Kelly," says Vincent as she noticed that Vincent was holding Liara's gun and gloves.

This was big news for her next session with Vincent and Liara to find out if they are in a relationship or not while Vincent and Liara walked down the floor towards the Laboratory finding Titania talking with Mordin.

"... complete the experiment," says Mordin as he and Titania noticed that Vincent and Liara entered the Laboratory.

"We will continue to talk later," says Titania as she turned to Vincent and Liara before telling them with a hand signal to follow her.

Titania walked down the corridor that connected the Laboratory with the Armory and the Briefing Room as Liara and Vincent follow her. Titania entered the Briefing Room with them before she closes the door while making a hand sign on her back to Vincent.

Vincent sees it and he activates an illusion and Titania looks at them and Vincent nods before she says, "Thanks for covering us."

"What do you mean?" asks Liara as Vincent moves his hand towards the table before pulling a bug out before he placed it back.

"Don't worry, I put the room under an illusion that sees us talking and the bugs are hearing us talk nonsense," says Vincent as he turned to Titania.

"I had to remove all of the bugs on the Cargo Bay on my own which took me two days. Then it took me another three days to remove the bugs on the whole Engine Floor and Crew Quarters," says Vincent as Liara now understood what Vincent was doing when he was walking around headless on the third floor.

"Can you go to my Quarter and unplug all those bugs there as well? I don't need someone spying on me while I have sex with Kaidan or talking about sensitive stuff with my brother," says Titania as she looked at Vincent.

"I will make sometime later," says Vincent as he closed his eyes before opening them again while saying, "Shall we now talk about the mission."

"Yes, and how comes Garrus was on Omega?" asks Titania as she looked at Vincent and Liara since they should have answers for her.

"Well, Garrus is Archangel," says Liara as Titania was surprised by that when Vincent took the lead.

"It seems he was betrayed by one of his group members going by the rumors we heard on the way to him. He was also taking care of scumbags on Omega the time you went your separate ways," says Vincent as Titania was thinking about what could have driven Garrus to go to Omega and do what he did.

"You might as well ask him yourself," says Vincent seeing what Titania was thinking about.

"I will do so after I talked with Miranda. Does Miranda know that you removed the bugs?" asks Titania as Vincent only smiles at her.

"Going by the glares she was giving me while she was briefing us I would say yes," says Vincent as he noticed Miranda giving him one or two glares.

"Well, I will deal with her first and await you in two hours in my Quarter to deal with the situation," says Titania as they all leave the room together in silence while Vincent removed the illusion.

"What were we talking about again?" asks Titania quietly.

"We were talking about grilled deer compared to tacos," whispers Vincent as they entered the Armory when Titania gets stopped by Jacob who had a suggestion to improve the ship.

Vincent and Liara took that opportunity and abandoned the ship leaving her behind only to hear "Traitors!" coming from Titania as she had to suffer through it.

Vincent and Liara retreat towards the elevator as the doors open and they enter it immediately when suddenly a hand stops the door from closing. Both thought it was Titania who caught up with them only to find Kelly behind the doors entering the elevator.

They sigh in relief when they hear Kelly ask, "Can I ask some questions about your relationship?"

"Which relationship?" asks Vincent as he scratched his right horn

"I mean that I heard that you are married already from Miranda. That makes me curious about how you two can have an affair like that with your children even on board," says Kelly as Vincent was surprised to hear that as was Liara.

"I think that your stress level are too high and you two are trying to find some partners to release it since we are on a mission that could get us all killed," says Kelly as she came to her own innocent conclusion that was going on between both of them.

"I will ask Dr. Chakwas to recept you some Anti-Stress Pills for both of you. It will be interesting to find out how your mind ticks by then when we talk again," says Kelly as she left the elevator on the third floor as Vincent and Liara continued on their way down.

"Shouldn't we just become a couple that way we don't need to hide our interest for each other any longer," says Liara as Dr. Chakwas already hinted it at her many times that she knew about her feeling and she wasn't the only one.

"I wasn't because I thought it would embarrass you being my lover until we return to Nirn and make everything official," says Vincent as they were spending much time together every day lately.

"You won't even try the milk before buying the cow?" asks Liara as Vincent smiles at her warmly.

"I almost always bought the cow first before tasting her milk. The only exception was Mina and Aela. I tasted them many times before we gave each other our vows," says Vincent as they heard the typical sound in the elevator when it reaches its destination.

Vincent and Liara arrived at the Cargo Bay finding Provus training while Ishly was cleaning Fenris's snout when Vincent noticed someone was watching him.

He turns in the direction and sees nothing before he walks in that direction. Liara was observing him which made her a bit angry since they were talking about something serious when Vincent seemed to grab air in his hand.

"By Nocturnal, you are bad in hiding in plain sight," says Vincent as he was holding someone's wrist.

"You caught me," says a feminine voice as a woman wearing a hood appeared out of nowhere.

"I told you that it is impossible to fool the old man if you can't fool us. He is after all married to a thief that can disappear out of nowhere leaving no trace behind," says Ishly as she was laughing hard while holding her belly after Vincent caught the woman.

"You must be Kasumi Goto then. Good to have a face to associate the name with," says Vincent as he let go of Kasumi.

"Who was that name you said when you caught me?" asks Kasumi as she thought to have heard it before.

"Nocturnal?" asks Vincent as Kasumi nods.

"Aunt Nocturn-," says Ishly when Provus puts his hand over her mouth while Vincent was giving her a glare which made the Asari turn pale for a moment.

"Nocturnal is the patron of all thieves in the Empire. She is prayed to not get caught by the guards," says Vincent as the Network could be said to be a cult of Nocturnal, Sithis, or Stendarr followers if he had to be honest about it.

"I think I have heard that name before," says Kasumi as Vincent ignored her now returning to Liara which was far more important to him at the moment.

"Hey, wait, don't ignore me," says Kasumi as Vincent continued walking towards Liara before he put his arm around Liara and turned to Provus and Ishly.

"We are a thing now," says Vincent wanting to sound like the young people those days which made Liara blush in embarrassment and also because she was holding her laugh back.

Ishly and Provus were shocked while Fenris barked saying he was happy for his master while Kasumi was trying to get Vincent's attention again.

"So do we call Liara now, Mom?" asks Provus as Liara looked at him.

"You don't need to if it is uncomfortable for you now. But I would like to hear it one day from both of you," says Liara as Kasumi gave up.

"Just keep playing family I will return later," says Kasumi as she leaves when Vincent sighs in relief that she left.

"She is gone," says Vincent when Liara looked at him confused.

"Why are you that relieved that she left?" asks Liara as Vincent looked at her.

"Her husband used to be a member of the Network. He was killed while trying to destroy an artifact that should have never left Nirn," says Vincent as Liara was confused before it turned into fear since Vincent had a fearful face.

"Is it that dangerous?" asks Liara as Vincent only smiles at her.

"Let us just say that if it wasn't trapped the whole Empire would have gone to war against the Alliance until we destroyed that artifact," says Vincent as Liara was now curious about what could mobilize the whole Empire.

"What is it?" asks Ishly as she was curious as well.

"It is a tainted Qunari," says Vincent as Provus was the only one who opened his eyes wide while the other two looked at him confused.

"The Blight could return," says Provus as Vincent nods.

"What is a Blight?" asks Ishly as Liara was the same before Vincent explained to them what the Blight was and now the other two looked fearful as well.

"If that thing is so dangerous we should get it as fast as possible back," says Ishly as Vincent nods.

"That is true but we don't want to go to war just to get it back. That's why we send one of our agents to deal with it but he failed and he was Kasumi's husband. She doesn't even know that her husband was leading a double life," says Vincent seriously before he looks at them seriously and continues, "We will tell her one day but until then I want your silence."

They all nod before Vincent pulled an Enchantment Table out of his bag and he placed it in a corner and he begins to enchant Liara's gun and gloves before Liara pulls her Daywalker which was a cube on her back.

"Pretty handy," says Vincent as he didn't need to make his weapons small because of Vigilance.

He enchanted her Daywalker and Liara put her gloves on when Vincent tells her to open her palm towards the Daywalker when it flew out of his hand and into her hands.

This made an excited smile appear on her face which made Vincent happy while he texted a message into the chat group he was in with his wives which made his phone flare up the whole day.

Hope you like it.

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