
The Dragonborn Emperor

Hadrian_darkstar · Khác
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10 Chs

Visions and Dreams of the Dragon Emperor

The Red Keep

Kings Landing

Aegon Chambers

The dreamland/visions

Aegon POV

I see a cave and inside of it, a family of five Red dragons and an unhatched egg, and it gives a sense of sorrow and regret like it lived a hard life Full of sadness and loneliness, while the two older red dragons looked at their three Young dragons, the older of The young dragons was The most regal and moodiest of the bunch, While the second oldest Had a red diamond on his chest, and look Regal and imperious but Wise at the same time, while the youngest Red dragon looked The most daring and The most loyal of the bunch.

Then The second oldest of the young Dragons left the cave with reluctance, and he flowed to the smoking see in the east, his scales changed from red to golden and The red Diamond in his chest began to glow, then the dragon transformed into a Valryian man clad in golden armor with the amulet of Kings dangling from his neck, while he sat upon The Ruby Throne and in front of him, his imperial legions and generals and allies swearing their fealty to him once more.

and then he looked at The disputed land where are the three sisters still quarrelling with each other, then he looked at Volantis where the tigers and elephants quarrel with each other inside the black walls, and then he saw three black dragons, one female and The other two males, one crrippled and The other scheming to take the place of the red dragons upon the iron Throne, but behind the scheming Black dragon the puppet master is controlling him, then I look at the sky and I saw the golden dragon fighting the black dragon, to protect the other dragons Black and red from the madness of The scheming dragon, then I look West where the Red Dragon rule, and I saw a falcon Burning in his nest on top of the mountain with his flock, and a stag drowning in the narrow sea while storms end occupied by an army with the banner of Golden skulls on a spear, A dire wolf and flayed man fighting each other in the cold Icy land, then I saw monsters attacking kingdoms and cities, and the king of the dead wielding Frostmourne against the Dragon Emperor wielding Excalibur.

I saw the Daedric princes spreading their influence upon the world, and The gods and their armies clashing against each other for supremacy, it is the beginning of a new age of the world of ice and fire, no, it no longer can be called that, it is the new arena, it's The new Mundus, The new earth, it is the beginning of an age of heroes and Demons and gods upon that hard land, Will it survive or will perish.

then I heard a voice that said: it's up to the inhabitants of this world, but your destiny Dragonborn Emperor is to bring order and balance to this chaotic world and save it from the follies of Gods and mortals.