
The Dragonborn Emperor

Hadrian_darkstar · Khác
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10 Chs

The Bloodstone Emperor's new plans

Narrator POV

The Realm of Souls / The Divine Realm

in an ancient Blackstone castle in the Realm of Souls, you can hear the screams of fury from a silver-haired man with blood-red eyes screaming to the sky" Curse you, old man, if you didn't interfere I would have finally freed myself from this goddamn prison, hell even if you destroy this timeline I will find a new body for myself in another timeline where are you will send your champion so I will kill him before he takes the legacy of the God King and becomes the new True God Emperor like in the days of the past before those pretenders that like the call themself with our title hell they don't have even have the same bloodline" Then he stops his furious rent and Begins to try to find a good candid it to possess the new timeline.

then he found a boy in the mortal world in Essos in the City of Lys with his sister and crippled brother, then the bloodstone Emperor said:" I finally found a good candid but he is not as powerful as that Targaryen but he will do, let's see what his name is, oh it will be fun to find the Targaryen boy and kill him by using the body of a boy from his family worst enemy".


narrator POV



somewhere on the streets of Lys, an unlucky child by the name of Daemon Blackfyre Fighting some thugs that tried to sell him and his Brother and sister into slavery and steal his family heirloom the Sword of Kings Blackfyre.

But the unlucky Thugs attacked him at the wrong time his body had been possessed by the bloodstone Emperor and now they became the first victims of his wrath.


narrator POV

One year before Aegon's conquest of Essos

Beyond the wall

The three Eyed Raven Cave

you can see Brendan's rivers sitting on a Weriwood Throne in his cave thinking about what happened to Aegon, but he cannot stop What's already happened, but he will help the boy by sending him Darksister to help him in his future endeavors.


Aegon Pov

The dungeon dimension

first training dungeon

I just awake in a strange Cabin, I looked around me and I saw everything was bigger than me, then I looked at my hand and they were small like the hands of a kid and I said to myself" What the hell happened to me why my hands are too small ".

then I heard the door of the cabin open and I saw a Centre that looked like Chiron from The Fate universe, and he said to me" You are finally awake, I would like to introduce myself I am Chiron the trainer of heroes and I have been given The task to train you young Aegon Targaryen to be the greatest champion of the gods and I will introduce you to your other instructor" Then he pointed his finger to the chimney of the cabin where I found A young man with Silvery long hair and yellow eyes like a snake then he introduced himself " I am Ophiuchus Odysseus The 13th golden Saint of Athena I have been given the duty to train you, young demigod, to teach you how to use your cosmos and to heal you and to make you stronger than any gold saint and take you as my disciple this is the order of your mother the great Athena, so welcome to hell young trainee".

fuck my life.


Daemon Blackfyre

Serra Blackfyre

Aegor Blackfyre


Ophiuchus Odysseus