
The Dragon Queen and Her Master

Rebecca's life is completely changed when she is taken to Xilentia: a magic school situated in one of the five realms of the Otherworld. A parallel world to Earth in which mystical creatures and superpowers are commonplace. However, her fate is revealed when the evilest and powerful dragon picks her, such a thing happened only once every thousand years but Pagos never made mistakes and always chooses the person who was evil enough to destroy the whole universe and strong enough to take over humanity. Was that a sign her true nature was villainous? Will she succeed in being the first good ruler of the universe or will she let her evil nature take over to begin massive destruction? As If life wasn’t already hard enough she soon ends up falling in love with the last person she should fall in love with. Abstract quote: "When they stop loving you where does that love goes? Can It be found again?" "No, dear. It can't. It just melts like snow on sidewalks. Leaving nothing but the memory of what once was a stunning picture to praise." Abstract: “So this is it? You will not even let me try to make things right? You just cut me off as if the kiss meant nothing?” She bawled. “I am sorry, Rebecca. There are rules that must be followed and we’re not made to be together. This is the law and how it’s supposed to be. Do you know what could happen if we let our love bloom?” “What could happen?” She took a step forward and with a broken voice and eyes filled of tears she whispered, “the only thing I see happening is US. Finally happy, finally together. This is what I want. You and me.” He sighed, as he took a step towards her as well, reducing the distance between them. His warm hand touched her cold cheek and she gently leaned upon it. “I want that too. More than anything in the entire universe. But if the magic world will know about us, it will cause so much trouble and an inevitable downfall of the school’s reputation. Moreover, the council will haunt me.” “It’s not about that Andreas. It’s about whether you think our love is worth fighting for or not. I’ll let you choose. Because I already know my answer.” [The cover belongs to the respective owner.]

_Elle · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter five

The dragon took a step forward. Rebecca didn't know what to do, Andreas was her professor but didn't teach her how to act in such similar situations.

She closed her eyes, the only thing she could do was try to defend herself.

She focused on the dragon in front of her, she extended her hand towards the dragon and slowly closed her fist causing a strong wave of wind around them while water emerged from the floor, vigorously breaking the ground. The flow of water hit the dragon and threw him a few meters back.

Then the water splashed down the floor, like if it was a sea's wave hitting the rocks.

The more she focused the more Rebecca was sprightly using her powers, with her eyes still closed she raised from the ground flattering in the air as the ground began to crack. A white light surrounded her. She could hear her mom's voice in her head, telling her what to do.

The dragon roared, accepting her challenge to fight. Rebecca reopened both her hands and her eyes hearing the roar, and frowned staring at the enormous creature, the light around her expanded even more. It was like she lost the sense of reality and could only hear her real mother's voice in her head. The voice sounded so real and captivating even if Rebecca never heard her mother's voice before. She seemed fearless, confident, as if she knew precisely what to do and she had been using her powers for several years.

Andreas was looking at the scene astonished. That dragon was the most rarest creature existed and at the same time the evilest. It had never appeared for centuries, Andreas barely remembered its appearance. He couldn't help Rebecca since it was strictly prohibited for the master to join the apprentice on the battlefield. But the one and only Pagos, the most powerful dragon in the entire world and of all times, was not supposed to show up.

If he harmed Becca, he would feel responsible for the rest of his life. And, even if Rebecca was not her favorite apprentice, due to her rebellious attitude and her arrogance, he was still interested in getting to know more about her. In addition, her capacities intrigued him.

He traced a circle with his hand and closed his eyes focusing, he whispered "subitis elabi" and they suddenly were transported to the library where they first met.

Rebecca looked at him puzzled, in silence. She was probably too scared and too confused to say anything.

Andreas started walking around the room nervously. He was whispering something inaudible.

"Andreas!" Rebecca called his name. She was not the shy type of girl, on the contrary, she hardly managed to keep her emotions under control.

He paused his frenetic walk in front of her, taking a long breath, and finally spoke: "Rebecca, the dragon you've seen is a unique specimen. There's an ancient legend about his secret nature, he belongs to the Ancient Romans and was on guard to the royal families.

One day he escaped from the castle and never appeared since then for several years. Pagos only showed if he recognized someone so powerful to be able to fight him and, subsequently, once that person proved his strength, the dragon would side with that person.

There is only one thing wrong with all that, which is that Pagos belongs to evil. He always sided and picked the cruelest humans alive, which ended up using him as a living weapon to accomplish massive destruction. He killed millions of innocent people with just a blow of fire.

A part of me is telling me that it could be a sign, maybe you aren't as harmless as you appear to be and your true nature is evil just like the other people Pagos picked. Nonetheless, he didn't attack you, I mean, until you attacked him first."

Rebecca shook her head in confusion, she couldn't believe the man she barely knew was suggesting she was evil just because of a dragon.

"You can't take into account the possibility that I'm the enemy here. After I've put my life at risk and you didn't even care whether I was fine or not. You didn't even explain to me what kind of school is this. Nor what I have to study, or what this messed up world has to do with the death of my mom. And I'm the bad one here because a dragon approaches me." Her voice cracked and her eyebrows knitted down in anger.

He rolled his eyes as if he was expecting that reaction, "I have to call the council."

"What council?" She asked leaving out a breath of resignation.

He ignored her and cupped his chin with his hand and tapped against his jaw nervously as he started to walk around the room thoughtfully.

Becca quickly walked in front of him, making his nervous wandering stop.

"This is not a game." He said with a cold gaze.

"I know it's not. Andreas this is ALSO my life. I deserve an explanation."

"The council is a group of magicians elected to make decisions on particular problems."

"Okay, and why are you so nervous?" She questioned as her eyes widened in curiosity and concern.

He looked down at the floor for a brief moment, then her gaze met Rebecca's gaze.

"Because not all of them have the best interests in mind ... I mean, I don't know how they will react."

"Then don't talk to them." She said shrugging her shoulders.

He scoffed, "It's not that easy. However, we will talk about that tomorrow. Now, as you previously stated, you deserve some sort of explanation." He took a long breath to mentally organize his ideas.