
Chapter 2: Iris's Tale

"Iris come on you're going to be late."  The door in front of him opened and a young pixie stepped out. She wore a beautiful, long, blue and golden, one-sleeved dress; and her long black hair was curled and draped over her shoulders like a veil. "It's going to be fine Christopher. We'll make it in plenty of time." She walked past him and down the hall aways, then turned back "You coming, we're going to be late." Rolling his eyes he followed down the hall. 

"You look beautiful Iris. Prince Arkea is a lucky man." Iris turned toward Christopher with a soft smile on her face, "You can't even see me." Christopher looked at her, his light hazel eyes glistening with laughter. He smiled, "I don't need sight to know how you look. Now come on we have twelve minutes. If you're late again your father is going to put me in the stocks for a week." They walked down a long hallway and stopped when they got to a staircase. They passed two guards wearing silver armor with blue accents on the belt and wrists. One of the guards turned and grabbed Christopher by the shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Iris turned to look at him, but the guard behind him shook his head at her and mouthed "Keep moving, everything will be fine." She nodded back at him and continued down the stairs. When she got to the bottom a third guard greeted her and opened a large wooden door. She walked through the door and into a large ballroom full of people. The moment she walked through the door the room grew quiet. The crowd parted to the side so Iris could walk in between them. She continued down a long red carpet and stopped when she was in front of her father. She kneeled down in front of him as he spoke the sacred words, "Iris Hart, do you take the crown of the Kingdom of Water Pixies as your own?" She looked up and locked eyes with her father. He smiled kindly at her and she breathed a quiet sigh, then she spoke, "I do."

"Repeat after me, I, Iris Hart, do hereby take the Crown of Water as my own. I solemnly swear to uphold the laws of this kingdom and will rule with grace, kindness, mercy, and maturity. I will be loyal to my people and to my allies. I will fight for my kingdom with honor and mercy. And as the rightful heir to the throne, I take this crown and kingdom as my own as long as I shall live." She repeated the words as her father placed the crown on her head. "Rise, Iris Hart, crowned princess of The Kingdom of Water Pixies." She stood and turned to face the crowd, they all clapped and cheered. Then, as soon as it had started the congratulations were over and everyone walked to the dining hall.

As she walked towards the dining hall, she lagged behind the guests as Christopher walked up behind her, "Beautiful ceremony, wasn't it. Though the princess was a little annoying with the way she said stuff. However, she was probably just nervous." His voice was calm but a little playful, he knew exactly who he was talking to. [Christopher may have been blind but he could still tell people apart by their voice, footsteps, and the way they breathed.]  "Mr. Atonya, I am the crowned princess, talking about me as such is treason. Give me one reason why I should not tell my father about this at once." He smiled at her and bowed mockingly, "Apologies your majesty, but I don't believe that you will tell King Ezran. You see, I am very loyal to the crown, and have saved your life more than once, your majesty." 

"You sure talk a lot for someone who is supposed to be serving our guests, silently, Kit" This voice was different from Iris's. It was one that had drilled into his head the moment he heard it. At the voice, Christopher nodded then proceeded to the hall. "Uncle Shyron, good to see you. How have you been?" Iris looked at him, she knew she was in trouble the moment his intense brown eyes focused on her. "Shouldn't you be in the dining hall? Prince Arkae will be waiting for you." His stoic expression turned to pride when their eyes locked. "What?" Iris asked when she noted the gleaming expression on her uncle's face. "Nothing, you just remind me of your mother when she was younger. Now come along, we can take the back entrance into the dining hall. Iris smiled as they walked through the servant's entrance. 

She sat down at the table next to a handsome young man with brown hair, dark tan skin, and light blue eyes. "Prince Arkae, wonderful to see you again, how have been?" The prince turned as she sat down. "Wonderful as always your highness," he replied. I trust your trip down here was pleasant. No trouble with our 'wonderful' elven friends?"

Yes, the trip was very pleasant, I hope one day you might show me around the gorgeous country of yours, princess. And no, the elves did not bother us this time." He began to say something else but changed the subject, "You look beautiful today Princess." Iris could tell he was hiding something, but couldn't read his mind. [This was because of the zirconium rings they all wear, for some reason, pixies can't use telepathy one anyone wearing this metal.] She smiled kindly at him, "Thank you, Prince Arkea, but please, call me Iris. Princess is much too formal."

"Very well then, Iris, you must call me Arkae then. After all, you've known me all your life. She smiled and nodded. The two of them talked through dinner and they retired to their rooms.

The next morning, Iris attended a meeting with the prince, both their parents and her uncle. After the meeting was over, she found Christopher outside the door with a change of clothes for her. Thanking him, she went to change. Iris changed from an elegant pale blue dress with silver lace, into an indigo short sleeve crew cut, gray joggers, and black combat boots with silver laces. After changing, she went to the training grounds to meet with her uncle and the other knights. She practices her archery skills for a few minutes. Then began pairing off with individual, and sometimes groups of knights, most of which used bows and arrows, some however used boomerangs, and swords. Her uncle used a crossbow, but no matter how much she asked he never fought her. 

They trained for the majority of the afternoon, then took a short lunch break. After lunch, Iris paired off with Christoper. They spar for a little while before Iris eventually flew into the air and tagged his shirt with a dud arrow. "No fair," he remarked as she landed on the ground. "You know I can't detect you when you're in the air, your wings don't beat. That's cheating." 

"No, it's not, an attack isn't going to fight fair, it's not my fault you can't hear me when I fly. It's my natural instinct to fly when I see an opening." Chris rolled his eyes, "Whatever, this is why I prefer to fight with the knights when they fly their armor clinks together. Your clothes are too light." He then walked toward the showers proclaiming, "I think that's enough for today. I'm gonna hit the showers and change, I'm all sweaty." Iris knew what he really meant was, "I hate it when you do that, I'm going to take a shower and figure out a way to beat you tomorrow." She laughed as he walked away. 

'That was a very impressive fight, Iris." Arkae stepped around the corner as she wiped her face off with a towel. "Thank you" she replied. " I've yet to see you fight Arkae. Will you entertain me for a bit?" 

"Certainly, your highness, I will take on any knight you choose." 

"Very well," she turned to a very large and burly pixie hold a sheathed sword. "Jax, would you be so kind as to get me some water, I'm parched." the knight nodded his head and through her a bottle. She took a few sips and stood. " I trust you have a weapon on hand." He nodded then reached into his satchel and pulled out the hilt of a broken blade. " I see, " scoffed Iris is amusement, "They don't call you the 'Broken Prince' for nothing." Arkae laughed quietly, "No, they do not." His grip tightened as a blade of water formed on the sword. Iris tossed her towel aside and reached for her bow. "Your opponent today will be me. Unless, of course, that proves much to difficult for you to handle."

"Not at all Iris, I am sure to enjoy this fight"

 Getting into position the match began. Iris flew high into the air and fired a few arrows made of water at him. He dodged them quickly and fired a few water blades in her direction. She dodged two of them, but the third nicked her cheek turning to ice on contact. She fired a few more rounds before finally hitting his loose-fitting black shirt and pinning him to the ground. He quickly melted the ice and the fight was on again. When she managed to pin him again she took no hesitation to pin the other side of his shirt.   


She flew down and planting one foot on his chest she aimed a dull arrow at his head. "Surrender!" she proclaimed loudly. He looked up and his captivatingly blue eyes caught hers. She lost focus for only a moment, but that was all he needed. His hand grasped her ankle and before she knew it, she was the one on the ground, a sword to her throat. "Surrender. Princess." She was about to surrender when suddenly he was being dragged off her. Her uncle stood behind her and helped her up. Arkae was in front of her being forced to kneel by to other guards that had not been their before. Behind the guards was none other than her father, the king. 

"Father," Iris complained as she walked beside him. They were now walking into his private study room. "What was that for?" Her father turned, a scowl on his face. "I'm tired of you always fighting so carelessly like that Iris. You could have gotten hurt. Go to your room and get cleaned up. You are the crowned princess, you need to act as such." Turning, Iris walked out and back to her room. 

"Now Ezran," Shyron said after she had left the room, "you need to go easy on her. You remember what Lily was like when she was thirteen." The king sat slumping into his chair, "I know, I know, Iris is just like her mother, but I wish you would have stopped the fight. She could have gotten hurt."

"Iris was in no danger, I was watching the entire time. Besides, she's the one who challenged the boy, not the other way around. You must be less protective of her. She is a very strong young lady, and you know it." 

"I know, but still, she's my little girl, I don't want her to get hurt." 

"She won't be, now I have to go make a  few preparations for tomorrow, goodbye Ezran." With that Shyron closed the door behind him.