
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 96 June and Nightingale talk

Drake woke up and realized June was hugging him. He took a quick glance and realized he slept in June's room.

"Well, this is going to be hard to explain." Drake thought.

Suddenly, May opened the door.

Drake froze. He did not want to see who was at the door.

May seeing Drake being hugged by June felt extremely proud of her.

"June must have grabbed him during the night and brought him to bed." May smiled at her daughter.

"Um Mom." Drake tried whispering but May quickly closed the door.

"Why?!?!?!" Drake inwardly yelled.

"This must be some kind of punishment." Drake thought.

They stayed like that for another thirty minutes before June finally woke up.

"Good morning Drake." June said with a huge smile.

"Good morning June." Drake said patting her head.

"Hehehehe" June laughed.

"Why do I have a feeling I have triggered something." Drake thought hearing June laugh.

Suddenly the door opens and Nightingale comes in.

"Drake we need to talk." Nightingale said.

"What is wrong?" Drake said.

"I have received a letter that details what the Dukes will be looking at when they come." Nightingale said.

"Let me read it." Drake said.

"I am sorry June but I do need to get up and go." Drake said looking at June's upset face.

Building up the most courage she could. June blurted out, "Promise me that we will do this more in the future." June's face was bright red.

"Of course." Drake said.

"Thank you so much Drake." June hugged Drake has tight as she could.

"She was taught by my mother how to squeeze the life out of me!" Drake inwardly shivered.

Drake got out of the hug and headed out.

"I am Nightingale. May I know your name?" Nightingale asked with a curious look.

"I am June. Someone who has been blessed by Drake and his family." June replied.

"Can I ask a question?" Nightingale asked.

"We can talk. Sit down on the edge of the bed." June set up and motioned Nightingale to sit down.

"Thank you." Nightingale set down.

"So what do you want to talk about?" June asked.

"How did Drake enter here?" Nightingale asked.

"I do not know. I woke up with him in the bed." June replied.

"I see." Nightingale said.

"I hope Kawaii actually looked inside before sending Drake in here." Nightingale thought.

"How was Drake in the past?" June was worried about what happened.

"Someone very powerful, prideful, and curious." Nightingale said.

"What was he curious about?" June asked.

"He got to explore and see some stuff that he did not get to here. He was also doing his best to help everyone." Nightingale said.

June thought hard about what Nightingale was saying. She truly did not realize that Drake was someone who truly likes to explore and find new stuff. Seeing how he also helped a lot of people June could not have been any prouder of Drake than what she already was.

"I am truly glad that Drake is my brother and future husband." June smiled at Nightingale.

"I am proud of you too." Nightingale responded with a smile.

"I am sorry that you are not in the top but I am glad to have someone like you." June said.

"Why are you sorry?" Nightingale said.

"You will never be able to reach the place where me or Medusa will be." June said.

"I would never want to be that high." Nightingale replied.

"Why?" June was shocked.

"I want to be Drake's side no matter what. Even if I had to lower myself for someone else's happiness. I would gladly do it." Nightingale responded.

June hearing Nightingale finally understood why Nightingale was with Drake. She would always be happy but would be sad about others. Something that Drake always likes.

"I am glad to have you. I hope you and your sisters will always be there for me." June said.

"If you ever need help we will always help you or anyone else." Nightingale responded.

Both of them got up and went downstairs. May had breakfast prepared for everyone.

May looked and saw June and Nightingale both happy.

"I know my baby should not have more than one wife but seeing them both happy. I cannot help but allow them." May thought.

"Where is Drake?" May asked.

"Looking at a letter that Lady Medusa sent." Nightingale replied.

"Lady Medusa? Don't you mean Queen Medusa?" May replied with a stern voice.

"I am sorry madam. Drake is reading a letter from Queen Medusa." Nightingale bowed.

"Mother she can say Lady Medusa." June smiled.

"Huh?" May short-circuited.

"Thank you June." Nightingale smiled back at June.

May watching the interaction between the two realize that June really liked Nightingale.

"She has found a friend besides Drake. I am happy." May thought.

"Alright. Eat breakfast we have some stuff to do." May asked.

"I have a question madam. Did Kawaii talk to you after she helped Drake upstairs?" Nightingale asked.

"She did not why?" May asked.

"I believe she led Drake into Lady June's room." Nightingale responded.

"Haha" May chuckled.

"What is funny Mom?" June did not know what made her laugh.

"I saw you hugging Drake in your bed this morning. I thought you had dragged him in but someone else led him in. You do not know how proud I am." May had a smile on her face.

"Mother!!!" June yelled.

"What is the matter June?" Drake's father came rushing in.

"Mom wanted me to sleep with Drake." June replied shocked.

"Honey we did talk about this." Drake's father got his mouth slapped shut by May.

"We do not need to have you enter in this conversation dear." May had slapped his mouth shut and responded with a you are going to die look.

"Iamsoryy." Drake's father tried to talk with his mouth still shut.

"Good." May released his mouth.

"Breakfast is looking good dear." Drake's father tried to change topics.

"Trying to reenter the conversation?" May got a little angry.

"Never! I was just looking at all the eggs and beans." Drake's father responded.

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