
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 87 Learning about Life pt 2

Seeing the portal, Drake decided to go through it. Even though it was small, Drake put his arm or leg in it expanded. Once it was out it retracted to the same size.

Once Drake was completely through. He saw a marvelous sight. A completely flush field with a decent looking Oak tree in the center. To his left were mountains. Drake squinted his eyes and realized those mountains were the ones that the Dragon Clan lived.

"So you decided to come through hmm." A sweet, angelic female voice said.

"Please do not tell me that it was Ariel?" Drake thought and waited to turn around.

"Does my voice really turn you on Drake?" The voice asked again.

Drake nodded in agreement.

"You always said my voice was the sweetest." A small chuckle came afterwards.

"I must see." Drake forces himself to turn around.

When he did he saw Ariel as an adult. She looked a thousand times more pretty than anything Drake could even imagine.

"Ariel." Drake tried to move but realized the plants were keeping him at bay.

"You naughty plants. Let him come." Ariel said.

Plants around Drake's leg slowly released.

Once it was done and Drake could move. He went and hugged Ariel.

"I have missed you for the past 10 months." Drake cried.

"I am not the Ariel you know but I will accept your tears for her." Ariel hugged Drake back.

Drake stayed like that for close to ten minutes. Ariel just kept him close, pouring Life Energy to make him feel better.

Once Drake stopped crying. He realized he felt better than he had even with the women massaging him all night.

"I am sorry for doing that." Drake felt bad about him crying on her.

"I would do it only for you." Ariel smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

Drake blushed not because he got embarrassed but because he could feel more Life Energy being pushed inside of him.

"Can we not do Life Energy into me right now?" Drake was getting more and more embarrassed.

"Only until you hear the music of life." Ariel smiled.

"Music of life?" Drake was confused.

"Can you not hear what harmonizes with each other?" Ariel was confused.

"I cannot but I will try to learn it." Drake wanted to become more of the man Ariel wanted.

"Okay." Ariel sat down and crossed her legs. Pointed for Drake to sit in her lap.

"Ugh" Drake did not want to be pampered by Ariel so much but in the end he had no choice.

He sat down and closed his eyes.

Hearing the wind blow and enjoying his time made Drake lose track of time.

Ariel hugged Drake.

Drake felt weird when Ariel hugged him.

"What is wrong with me?" Drake could not tell.

"He is getting close." Ariel kept her mouth shut but wanted to shout in excitement.

"I want to feel more of this feeling." Drake wanted to explore this feeling he had.

"Hum. Hum. Bamdum. Bamdum. Hum. Bamdum." Drake could hear something but could not tell what it was.

"He is starting to hear it." Ariel could not help but get wet when she noticed Drake could hear the music of life.

"What is this?" Drake opened his eyes.

"That was the start of hearing the music of life." Ariel said getting wetter.

"That weird noise was the music of life?" Drake thought about it.

"What is the purpose of it?" Drake asked.

"Look at an ant and a bee." Ariel pointed to a small ant hill and a bee flying around.

"What do they have to do with it?" Drake thought about it and closed his eyes to try and hear the music.

"Thump. Thump. Buzz. Buzz." Drake could only hear what they were doing.

"The music of life not only allows you to hear what the creature does but also the plants and the terrain." Ariel smiled.

"So much information but how is it that Hero Unknown did not learn about it?" Drake was curious.

"Because Life is precious. Only those you truly recognize can be allowed to hear it. Also, you have awakened while he has not." Ariel smiled.

"I see." Drake smiled back.

Then the two of them sit down next to each other enjoying what time they can together.

Ariel was the first one to break the silence.

"Hey Drake. I do not know if you realized this or not but Kala and I are the same person." Ariel wanted Drake to know.

"I figured something was off between you two but not this." Drake did not want Ariel to continue with this.

"However, I will explain what happened." Ariel got a deep breath and slowly blew it out showing the story to Drake.

"When Hero Unknown and I had sex, I wanted to bare his child. Fate would not allow it because of the person who created the gods."

"Why should the god of Life and Blessing bear a child when all life belongs to that god?" The Half Blooded Dragon asked.

"Because bearing a child or raising a child gives the god more meaning to what Life is. That is why Destruction is so powerful. They do not care about the little stuff only the major things." Ariel had an upset look on her face.

"Maybe my reincarnation will be able to fix it for you. The rules I set in motion cannot be changed by me. If someone has equal power to me, they can change the rules IF they so desire." The Half Blooded Dragon responded.

"So in other words. YOU ARE A JACKASS OF A BITCH BECAUSE YOUR DESIRE IS TO HOARD FUCKING BITCHES." Ariel had completely lost her temper.

"I have the power to take away your godhood." The Half Blooded Dragon was angry.

"Go on ahead and try. I believe I am the most powerful god of Life and Blessing you will ever see." Ariel raised herself up into a more menacing look.

"I hoard something more powerful than Bitches Jackass. You will not be able to take it away." Ariel flashed a toothy smile.

"Damn Vampire." The Half Blooded Dragon completely gave up.

"Get out. Otherwise, you will have to watch what we all do." The Half Blooded Dragon said.

"Remember I will find out who your reincarnation is and give them the power to change the rules." Ariel ended.

With the last of Ariel's breath the story no longer continued.

"That is..." Drake tried finding the words but nothing came to mind.

"Drake I will always love you. I hate that you are his reincarnation but I believe you will change the rules and help me not to become Kala." Ariel smiled.

"What does Kala mean?" Drake knew it had a deeper meaning.

"Ancient Ritocian language it means unable to."

Drake understood why she chose such a name.

"I cannot promise you will not become Kala but the reason behind it will." Drake smiled and saw the portal open for him to go back.

"Remember to also kill the former god of Balance Drake." Ariel waved and smiled.

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