
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 7 WHY ME MOM

Ariel, Medusa, and Dracula went to the highest peak to start her training. Only making her reach 500 feet in the air to help her mana control. Once she managed that they went to where the deepest part of the ocean was. Made her swim 500 feet controlling her mana around her. After the both of those were down it had been a month and a half. They spent a couple of weeks making her climb and almost a month to swim down. No forgetting to let her rest properly.

They went to where the lion's body and human's head was for her to get more magic items for there. At the very least knowledge of how to get mana.

Ariel asked, "Are we spending the rest of our two months here?"

Medusa looks at her nods telling her what she feared.

Ariel asks Dracula, "Mom can we spend the night somewhere close by before we start this last part of my training?"

Dracula looks at Medusa they both nod in agreement. Ariel was happy they allowed this to happen. She was happy to be in there presence. Finally at suppertime, Ariel asked, "Okay Mom, where will we be spending the night at?"

They found a cheap hotel and bought two rooms for the reminder of there time here. Ariel thought she would be spending the night with one of them but was sadly mistaken.

Dracula told her, "The both of us need to get you the most out of your training. So we will be looking at the Sphinx. I believe that is what this world calls it. To see how hard it will be so one of us will always be here and the other there and you do not need to be disturbed before or during your training."

Ariel stunned asked, "WHY ME MOM?"

Ariel never thought of being alone like this it truly scared her. Medusa saw the look in her eyes and told Dracula that one of them needs to spend one night a week with her to help her calm down.

That night Medusa spent the night and Dracula went to the Sphinx. Ariel asked, "Aunt Medusa, were you alone like this from the start of your training?"

Medusa looks at the young girl frightened and replies, "When I was fifty years old I had to train year around, from this world's view it would be nearly a year and a half compared to Ritoco. Everything from survival to harsh combat. It was not until I was seventy that the Emperor, my Father, told me to go to a certain village with only a single guard to find the Hero."

Ariel was shocked at this revelation. She asked, "So how old can Ritocian people live for Aunt Medusa?"

Medusa getting angry that she is being called "Aunt" replies, "If you call me Aunt or Aunt Medusa one more time I will go back to my room. Understand?"

Ariel nods in agreement. Medusa continues, "When a Ritocian is born they are considered infants up to ten years old. The first reason is because of true awakening once a person awakens they can use an ability called "Status" it can only be used once a person has awakened and only on their birthday. Most couples share their status when they can has a way to show improvement or be allowed to do certain activities. For as long as they can live for depends on the person. A commoner will usually live around 1000 years old. Nobles and Higher ranking Merchants can live up to 1250 years. Then the Royal Family can live up to 1500 years old. Each one can vary because of training or wars. If a commoner trains his/her *ss of continuously they could reach a Noble level and be accepted has a Noble and their family along with them. The same can be said for a High Merchant or Noble if one trains their ass and becomes a member of the Royal Family, one person they desire can come with them. For a High Merchant, they can sometimes buy a way in for a pair of twins. The Royal family is different though you can be degraded by not training or the awakening of a certain person can degrade the Royal Family. Usually, they keep quiet and make that person into a servant or play toy for another person or sibling. I member of the Royal Family can ascend into something called Great Ancestor. It takes either being a Hero or becoming a Hero's spouse. Once you ascend to that rank, I do not know how long you live or if you can be degraded. That is my plan and goal to become the Hero's wife and write a book about being a Great Ancestor."

Ariel was shocked at this revelation. She was never taught about this stuff and never knew. Ariel then continued, "So how long could I live for being a non-Ritocian or better yet Vampire?"

Medusa hated how she worded that and replied, "Never degrade yourself by saying non-Ritocian it makes me sick. Secondly, if your mother or better yet your father heard that he would drop you into the deep end of training and not care if you survived or not. If you did it would only increase in complete in udder destruction of your mind, soul, and body. As for a Vampire living it depends some say the better the King is the longer you live for others it is the soldiers being the strongest. So I cannot tell you. I only know the longest living Vampire in history was your Grandfather at almost 1700 years old. For other races like Dragons, Mermaids, Elves, even the spooky Treant race they can easily see 3500 years old if not older by there mana control or aging process."

Ariel shallowed her saliva at the sound of living for 3500 years. She understood why saying non-Ritocian was not good. She then asked, "Medusa so how old are you?"

Medusa smiles and replies, "I am currently 90 years old."

Ariel was once again stunned at looking by her age. Medusa then said, "Ritocians will fully mature at 100 years old looking like a sixteen or seventeen year old here on this planet. They have to marry within 5 years or else they cannot marry due to the previous god of Life."

Ariel looked at her funny and said, "What did my past self do?"

Medusa asked, "Past self?"

Ariel realizing the mistake she said, "I am sorry that came out wrong. I am currently the new god of Life from what training I did with my dad. I figured it out."

Medusa frown and replied, "The history books say she loved the god of Balance. However, the god of Death was also a woman who loved the god of Balance. The two always fought until one day the biggest question came for the three of them. God of Balance whom do you like the most? Due to his surprise he could not answer right away, but replied, "I like you both the same." That simple yet destructive sentence destroyed the trio and their trip around the cosmos. No one truly wanted to do anything anymore and no one really knew why it was so upsetting. After that a huge battle took place with the god of Balance fighting all alone and losing being sentenced to his entire life inside a cell. When the other gods heard this they quickly went to help him. However they too were out matched by a single guard not even whom the god of Balance fought. Before the god of Destruction was hit with an attack, the god of Life blocked it. She told the other god, "I am sorry for also loving him." She died after saying, using all of her life and destruction energy she yelled, "GOD OF BALANCE I AM FORVER SEALING YOU AND YOUR CELL AWAY." With that the entire Prison where the god of Balance stood disappeared. No one knowing whatever happened to it."

Medusa then told Ariel they could continue the talk later she needed to sleep. About midnight Medusa and Dracula meet up in their room. Medusa and Dracula talked about what all was in the Sphinx. Dracula wanted to be fully prepared for everything that could happen to her. Medusa then left to search the Sphinx herself. About daybreak, Medusa returned and was happy at the training Ariel was going to receive.

About an hour after daybreak, Medusa woke up Ariel and Dracula and they ordered breakfast before talking about the search of the Sphinx.

Dracula and Medusa told Ariel how traps were in there and had a map of the Sphinx and did not tell Ariel where the traps or magic items were.

Ariel spoke up, "Okay. I did trap training with dad but that was with the traps being activated. How do I search for them?"

Dracula said mono tone voice, "Easy you search and hope they do not trigger on you. Most of them, no all of them will kill you with you hit. Also, you will lead us to where you want to go."

Ariel shocked and replied, "WHY ME LEADING MOM?!!"

Dracula replied with the same mono tone voice, "Your training not ours."

Medusa sighed and replied, "Dracula," making Dracula look at her, "She is the Princess not a servant. Do not treat her has such."

Dracula did not fully comprehend what Medusa was trying to say.

Medusa sighed and again and replied, "Dracula you will help her learn Trap Detection and I will help her Trap Destroyer. Ariel, we cannot give you everything at first but we can give more big pushes at the front. As for you leading, it will start in a week after you have learned a little bit of both skills."

Ariel was happy that Medusa was not cold-hearted like her mother. Ariel went to her mother and whispered. Dracula could not understand what her daughter said but did not take it to heart.

Ariel got her training underway and before long her two months were up. However to the trio's surprise Death came to them. After seeing Ariel make a little process. He wanted to throw her in the deep end only to be shut down by Medusa. Death gave one extra month because Medusa asked. The trio began to do weird stuff in the Sphinx during that month.

After that month coming back and seeing Ariel nearly die several times trying to use Trap Destroyer. He allowed them to train until she can use both skills without harm.

After 5 years, the trio went back to Death's Castle. Death had made a dungeon and it had ten different levels using different power levels. Death explained that this dungeon could measure their power by using how fast and strong Death. After you finish or get defeated in the dungeon there will be a piece of paper given to each of you. Remember your numbers so you measure them back home. Ariel passed the fourth level under her breath, then decided that was enough and not wanting to get hurt. Medusa easily passed through first nine levels only to fight in the tenth level. She fought against it for nearly four hours before Death shut it off. Explains to them that any longer and it could mess up results. Then Dracula went through passing the first eight easily and failed at the end of the ninth level.

After the trio rested, Death asked, "Medusa, what time period do you want to return to?"

Medusa said, "Well, if I go to the meeting time it would put me near my birthday but a year and a half before meeting the Hero."

Death smiled and said, "I was thinking the same but since my birthday is after the meeting. It would hurt me worst unless we can learn telepathy to each other."

Medusa using magic created the "Telepath" skill and handed it to Death. Death instantly learned Telepath and tried it out to each of them and all together. Death thanked Medusa by saying, "I thank my Sister-in-Law for allowing me to learn a Ritocian skill."

Medusa nods and then they turned their attention to Ariel and Dracula.

Death said, "I will teleport the two of you one week after your birth, Ariel."

Ariel did not know why she would not get a say in the matter. Dracula actually agreed to the matter. So then Death opened a portal and each of them entered and Death whispered to the portal, "Portal once we enter fix this world to before me and the Hero arrived." After that the entire world they were on was covered with black moss. Making even the sky and seas black until one day after where magic once again was used.