
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 68 Drake losing control

With the Dragon appearing first, Drake had no idea what to do. He was truly stuck. He could not use magic nor fairies. His strength was low compared to normal. He truly wanted to go to the granddaughter and tell her it was okay.

"Is it possible for me to just accept her even in this kind of form?" Drake thought he really wanted to know.

Drake tried fighting against the dragon but lost again. He was getting very frustrated and he did not know how long he had been in there.

"Awaken your seals" Drake heard.

Drake did not care much anymore.

"Awaken your nature" Drake thought he was imagining this.

"I will walk up to her and tell her how I feel." Drake thought.

There was the goblin in the middle. It just stood there waiting for Drake to make a move.

Drake ran to Medusa to tell her how he felt. The goblin got close and Drake just threw it off to the side. He wanted to hug Medusa and explain to her everything that had happened.

When Drake got close the goblin got sacrificed and the dragon came out. The first wave of fire spells came out.

"Are you going to keep losing or decide to win?" Drake heard while seeing the fire coming down in slow motion.

"I will win." Drake said.


Drake avoided the first round of fire and got close to Medusa again for the second round of fire to start. Drake would move to the side and up one before moving back several steps.

Once the second round ended Drake was on the edge of the back side just barely avoiding the spells. Drake looked to the dragon and decided to rush it.

The dragon seeing Drake rush it started the third round of spells but Drake jumped and punched it in the neck.

The dragon was furious that Drake punched it and stopped the spells to just stomp Drake to death.

Drake rushed to Medusa and the dragon following behind. Drake got close to Medusa and spread his arms for a hug.

Medusa grabbed Drake and threw him to the dragon. The dragon had his mouth open waiting for Drake to enter it.

"Why can't I just tell her how I Fucking feel? What did I Fucking do wrong? Why is there no Fucking way for me to have my power? Why is there such a thing has seals? I will Fucking fight everything I have to fight. I will Fucking Win." Drake said while being thrown and the cave was shaking.

"DON'T EAT HIM!" Snake Medusa yelled.

Drake spun in mid-air and punched the dragon on the tip of his nose. Sent the dragon barreling into the side of the cave.

The air around Drake started to shake. Has he was landing, the fairies came out. They were not normal fairies they were the Grand Fairies. Completely humanoid standing at nearly 185 cm. Their wings glistening with their power.

The Water Fairy turned Drake around and kissed him. The entire cave got drowned. The only people saved were the Medusas.

"What a strong desire." Snake Medusa spoke.

Granddaughter Medusa grabbed her hair and roared. She was furious that the dragon had been killed. She then summoned everything out.

There was three Cerberus came out first, followed by two Elder Dragons, finally Hero Unknown was the last one.

"KILL HIM!!" Granddaughter Medusa ordered.

"Kill me? I think not." Drake was able to feel his power returning at an alarming rate.

Drake simply punched the air and killed all three of the Cerberus. Drake then turned his attention to the Elder Dragons. The Fire Fairy kissed him and under the Elder Dragons feet, a huge volcanic eruption happened. The Elder Dragons got trapped in there and died during the final fight.

"It is now you and me Bastard." Drake yelled.

Drake's anger was getting the better of him. The angrier he felt, the more power he was outputting.

Hero Unknown said nothing and charged. The clash between them caused the outside world to tremble. The everyone could tell something was wrong but not what.

Inside the Pope's officers

"What is causing this massive 'I'm scared feeling'?" The fourth guardian asked the Pope.

"Whatever it is, it will not end well." The Pope figured it was with Drake but did not know what to do.

Under the sea

"Queen Amelia, please reconsider leaving us?" A guard was talking.

"I have to see Drake." Amelia said with Nightingale and Aura close by.

"We will be close by. Nothing bad will happen to her." Nightingale responded with a cheerful voice.

"I will call Elven Community and get guards if you are truly worried." Aura had a smile on her face.

Inside of Drake's house

"He has been out nearly a month and this happens." The female Elder Dragon spoke.

"I'm sorry it is my fault." The female Dark Elf spoke.

"Explain." Chusi ordered.

"My race has a belief that we were half born from normal Elves and an extremely dark natured creature. That creature poisoned a Elven baby. Once the baby was born, he or she depending on the story, came out different." The dark female Elf told.

"So what happens next?" The maid asked.

"When a female dark elf looks deep into someone's eyes. That person usually sees a nightmare."

"What is different about that nightmare?" Chusi asked.

"It depends on the person. It can be a torture to see someone they love and/or care about and can't help them out. It could be they see the creature that gave birth to the Dark Elves. Some say they had to fight creatures they never saw before." The Dark Elf finished.

Outside Drake's house

"Damn if only the slaver had not made her look into that guy's eyes." The male Dark Elf was worried about Drake.

Several dragons all came up and asked about Drake. The male Dark Elf would explain what is going on. The story spread fast and once all the dragons had heard what happened.

They all went to the temple and asked, "Great Ancestors Please Help And Protect The Royal Dragon." They repeat this all day and night.

They felt the world tremble in fear and they knew their prayers had been answered.

The male Dark Elf

"Why is the world trembling in fear?" He had never felt so much fear in his life.

Back to Drake

"You damn asshole. This fight will end in my victory." Drake shouted and punched Hero Unknown.

The fight became a straight brawl. Neither one giving in inch. Each punch becoming heavier and faster.

"Who in the hell are these two?" Snake Medusa was scared. She could tell the outside world was trembling in fear with their fight.

Finally they both jumped back. The Lightning Fairy kissed Drake and lightning started to circle around Drake.

Outside Drake's house

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

"Thunder?" The Dark Elf was wondering what was going on.

At the Temple

"Thunder?" All the dragons started to question what was going on.

Inside Drake's house

Everyone heard the thunder and turned their attention to Drake. They saw his hair turning bright yellow.

"GET OUT NOW!!" The female Elder Dragon yelled they all ran out.

Chusi was carrying the maid. The female Elder Dragon grabbed the Dark Elf and the male on her way out. They ran to the edge of the middle area.

All of them looked up and saw a bright yellow sky.

"What kind of lightning does that?" Chusi asked.

"One from the Grand Lightning Fairy." She remembers when the Grand Fairies ran across Ritoco and destroyed everything in their path.

In the Pope's office

"The Grand Lightning Fairy!" The Pope was shocked.

"What is special about her?" The guardian did not know.

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE NOW!" The Pope yelled. He ran out trying to find the fairy.

"He has never been in such a hurry before." The guardian was shocked.

Back to Drake

"Remember this you piece of shit. I am Drake the best version of US!" Drake shouted.

The Lightning Fairy just looked up seeing all the lightning and could see it on the outside as well.

"He truly is the reincarnation of the Half Blooded Dragon." The Lightning Fairy spoke.

"I want him to use my power." The Grand Wind Fairy was getting upset.

Drake and Hero Unknown clashed again and Hero Unknown got beaten that time. The Grand Wind Fairy went up and kissed Drake.

Drake's eyes became clear and the wind around him circled him at such a high speed that nothing was spared.

Inside of Drake's house

The bed looks like a cat and dog got into a fight and shredded the entire bed.

The walls look like a murder had happened a long time ago with all the slash marks.

All the other furniture became splinters. Any clothing that was in them was none existing. The closet was completely full of cloth that could not be made heads or tails of.

Back to Drake

"I will make that Snake Medusa remember to never mess with me again. I will make my wife remember why she loves me." Drake declared.

The Grand Holy and Dark Fairies kissed him on each of his cheeks.

Drake making his Dark Magic and Destruction Energy circle his right hand and his Holy Magic and Blessing Energy circle his left hand. He went and punched the ground. Once it did it ripped opened a portal and sucked them out into the outside world.

Above Drake's house

"A Holy Portal?" Everyone looked up.

In the village of Ritoco

"A Holy Portal what kind of Angels are coming out?" The Pope yelled while running through the streets.

By Drake's house

BOOOOOOM Drake's house suddenly exploded.

Everyone looked and saw the Grand Fairies standing by Drake. They knew he had Fairies but seeing him now with Grand Fairies. The female Elder Dragon was excited. Everyone else did not know those were the Grand Fairies.

In the Village of Ritoco

"The Grand Fairies are out." The Pope stopped running.

He just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Pope what is wrong?" A small child asked.

"We are in grave danger and I cannot stop it." The Pope did not sugarcoat it.

Back to Drake

"Come here you Asshole." Drake saw Hero Unknown running away.

Drake circled the Lightning around him and chased after Hero Unknown. Drake punched him and sent him straight into the Pope.

In the village

"What happened?" Everyone suddenly saw the Pope crash into a house.

Everyone then heard another crash that resulted in the ground shaking. There was dust everywhere and lightning crackling around.

The Pope threw the person off of him and realized it was Hero Unknown.

"Why am I?" The Pope did not know what to think.

A strong wind finished the house they crashed into and blew all the dust away.

The Pope looked up and saw Drake with the Grand Fairies. He was now truly dumbfounded. He saw not only one but two more of him.

Drake walked up to Hero Unknown and grabbed his shirt and looked deep into his eyes.

"Say whatever prayers you need to Hero Unknown. I am sending you into oblivion." Drake was being dead serious.

Drake focused all of his power into his right fist. A minute later, Drake punched Hero Unknown and made a hole into the center of the planet. The hole circled nearly the entire continent. Unless people lived at a place, the entire continent had disappeared.

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