
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 5 Training begins pt. 1

The battle between Death and the Hero went exactly has the man in the cell wrote. Once the Hero had let out that Draconic Roar, Death caught the Hero and returned him to the room in the 4 star hotel that they liked and locked the room on his way out. After that Death went to where his clone had taken the women.

After five minutes of flying, he suddenly was grabbed by the waist given a hug. He looked down to see who had done it and it was Dracula. Death smiled and said, "How long do you plan to have my waist for darling?"

Dracula did not hear what Death said and then Ariel comes over and says, "Mom, Dad I think you need to be more careful where you do that."

Dracula then looks up to see Medusa mad at what she had done. Dracula then goes behind Medusa ready to receive punishment. Death looks at them and says, "I made the Life and Death contract. I have to train you three, however for you Medusa and Dracula. I will be giving the same training to the both of you, just not together. Ariel your training will be different because you are the current Vampire Princess and future Vampire Queen. Is there any questions thus far?"

Dracula raises her hand and gets approval to speak, "Can I receive my punishment from Medusa before starting please?"

Death looks at Dracula and relpies, "Punishment?"

Medusa goes to say, "In her contract, see is allowed to you. If anything else were to happen without my permission before hand. She is subjected to punishment anything but death is allowed."

Death looks angry because of the contract. He then replies with, "Alright, as long as she is not hurt physically. I can withstand it. The reason being is because my training will break the both of you down mentally. Also, after her punishment I will be breaking the contract you two have okay."

Medusa looks angry about the breaking of the contract and replies, "You will only be able to break if we successfully finish your training. I can suspend the contract until then deal."

Death did not like what she said but for his new brother he replied, "I am doing this for my new brother. I will not and cannot allow the contract to go into training. Simply because one cannot get stronger fast enough before the other has either reached that level or simply to far ahead. The Hero is my new brother and he asked me to train you all. I cannot allow my brother's victory to be in vain."

The trio is shocked about what was just said. Ariel replies first with, "If we become stronger than what will happen?"

Death replies, "We will go home to different points in time. Something I can do very well, and your former grandfather could do to anyone in the universe."

Medusa looks at Death and replies, "I will trust you with this matter because of my husband. However, do not think I will not try to help him if he is in trouble."

Death looks at her and replies, "He is and is not in trouble. First, during the fight I could tell something was happening with the Hero. After the battle I used a little bit of my Father's power to truly realize what happened," Death sighed while thinking about what he had done, "First to completely tell you about my Father's power. He was never the strongest nor the weakest. However, with his control over portals he could heal, kill, hide, or simply make anyone disappear. He had such control he could look into people's memories even without them knowing. There was a catch though with such control part of it was lost when I was born. I could read people's minds with his power. This always made my Father mad as hell. Then I told him one day what I could do, making him truly upset at my birth. He told me never to come or go anywhere within the castle without someone reading a piece of paper that he made for that very reason. So my entire time in the Vampire Castle was horrible until the night that I got Dracula pregnant. That night my mother also saw I had awakened my Vampire King's eyes but they could not last. So did her best to protect until I got her pregnant as well. By just being in her presence. Unknowingly, since she was the Queen. Once my eyes awakened, she also got pregnant. Then one day, both me and my mother were called to the throne room. I quickly realized she was going to be killed because for what I had done. My Father at the time demanded to know why she did not tell him of this earlier and she kept quiet. I did my best until a Royal Soldier nearly killed her. Unknowingly, I awakened my eyes again and slaughtered every single Vampire Soldier and Noble in the entire Vampire Race. My Father quickly glanced at me only to feel sorrow at what he had done. Because of what I had done, I made the entire Vampire Race weak and a pushover for everyone else. My Father hid my mother away I never knew where he hid her. Until he has killed by the Hero. Right before his death, I used his power to feel where she was. It was then I realized he had accidently lost control over his power that instant he looked at me and sent her into a Black Hole. That was why I always fought against the Hero to see why my Father was killed against him. I never could figure out why. Once my Father died, and a few years past. I gained all of my Father's abilities."

Medusa looks at Death with sorrowful eyes and says, "I can kind of figure out where this is going. Even the Hero did not know why he could kill your Father. Only that he was not fighting his fullest while the Hero gave his all to fight. I take it that the Hero has lost all of his memories correct? That is why you told us this story."

Death nods in agreement while feeling upset. Ariel goes and hugs her father and says, "I hope when you reincarnate yourself you give yourself enough time to punish all bad guys okay."

Death looks at her and smiles in agreement. Dracula looks at Medusa and Medusa gives the go ahead. Dracula then goes and hugs Death too. Ariel is now hugging Death's left side while Dracula is on his right. Then once the three of them hugged. Death's stomach suddenly hurt like something was burned unto it. Quickly taking off his brown shirt that everyone noticed after it was off saw nothing but a seal circling around a empty spot continuously. Only Death knew what that meant.

Death started laughing that something that happened to his clone actually ended on him as well. Death told them what had happened. Only Medusa was not shocked but extremely happy that her husband could get stronger.

After the talk Medusa made Dracula into a flying chair and they found a cave, it had bears inside of it. Not a single one came close to the bloodlust that Medusa gave. Medusa then asked Dracula what the deal was with their contract.

Dracula responded, "If I ever go to my Husband without your permission in your presence. I am to completely strip and play with myself in front of you."

Medusa nods and tells her to start. That night neither one of them rested. Once the sun rose and Dracula came for the last time, Medusa told her to keep oozing bloodlust so the bears did not get close. Dracula set her magic up to release a small amount of bloodlust to keep the bears away. Medusa went to find Death only to find him 100 feet away behind the largest tree.

Death looked very upset with Medusa and this punishment. However to Death's surprise, it was Dracula who set the contract up like that. Medusa told Death that they should wait three days before starting her and Dracula's training and start Ariel's first since she would have a harder time starting. Death then went to his daughter only to find his clone had already started giving her small magic lessons. Then Death told his clone to disappear.

Death spoke to Ariel saying, "Small magic lessons will help you in the future but not now. I have a more interesting lesson for you."

Ariel smiled and begged to know what her Father meant.

Death continued after his daughter begged, "You will be honing your bloodline. Making your portals stronger and perhaps awakening your eyes."

Ariel was a bit confused how that was training. Death told her, "By awakening your eyes it proves you are my daughter. Secondly, once we reincarnate in our world you would become much stronger much faster. It is a weird affect of training on this world where magic is only at 5 spots." Death holding his hand up, "First one is on the highest peak here in this world. Second one is in the deepest part of the ocean, has this world calls it. Third is in a castle that I made, someone named King Arthur liked it from fairy tales for some odd reason, again from this world. The fourth one is in a lion's body with a human's head, ancient people from this world freaky. The fifth one is somewhere called Mt. Fuji, your mother and Medusa will be training in the first two for a long time. Simply because if they try to hard, like I suspect, it will hurt them. Secondly, doing small stuff for them is not worth it."

Ariel asked, "Small stuff?"

Death continued, "Finding a magic piece to not only increase your power but also your eyes. Doing it here increases the amount for magic can use and release altogether. With this as your training you will have two places to search. First of all you will search my castle there is a few pieces there and I will explain how to find it. Secondly in the lion's body with human's head. There will be more there and traps as well, I hope. To further your defenses, reflexes, and eyes."

Ariel flew with Death after leaving two clones for Medusa and Dracula. Once their three days were up the clones grabbed both of them and sent their separate ways. Medusa went towards the deepest part of the ocean, while Dracula went to the highest peak. Their instructions were both the same, travel slowly to reach the (top/end) and stay there until you feel magic entering in. Then slowly go back to wear you came from and wait for the clone to come pick you up.

Medusa failed a couple of times first because her magic would run out quickly. While Dracula fainted pretty often. Then the two of them were called to Death's Castle.

Death knows how bad it has been on the both of them already and does not get angry with them. He explains why they both failed.

Medusa remembers why he wanted to cancel their contract. Medusa tells Death they need a moment. Death a little upset at this lets them outside and does not hear what they say.

Medusa looks at Dracula and says, "Dracula, have I been a good master to you and Ariel?"

Dracula stunned at this replies, "My lady please tell me what I or my daughter have done to anger you. I will accept any punishment for it," scared to what Medusa would say after that.

Medusa looks at Dracula and replies, "You and your daughter have done nothing wrong. Death told me that he should cancel our contract to make our training easier. I refused him at the time but now, I think I should have answered different. That was why I asked."

Dracula looks at Medusa and says, "I will always be there for you anytime. If not for you and the Hero, my daughter and I would have never met the man in our lifetime."

Medusa looks happy and they return to Death seating in a office like room with Ariel on a couch. Medusa goes up and says, "Death, I want this to be clear. Dracula and I have come to an agreement. We are willing to allow you to break our contract, however you cannot destroy it and destroy where we can make a new one in the future if Dracula wishes to."

Both Death and Ariel were shocked at what Medusa said and Death replied, "Okay. It will take a huge amount of time and energy to fix because once I break the contract it will make it almost impossible for the two of you to make a new one. That is of course you are willing to stay master and servant like this for the future."

Medusa looks at Dracula and smiles, "If you want to stay has my servant you can. However, I want another contract where we spend moment not with our husbands but with each other."

Dracula looks at Medusa and replies shocked, "What kind contract is that?"

Medusa looks at Dracula already smiling from one ear to the other and says, "Friendship contract."

Death and Ariel were both shocked because that is not a contract but something deeper. Dracula looks confused and accepts. Death then breaks the contract between them. Before they started again, they made it their mission to say each other's name before starting. After a month of forcing themselves to the brink of death Medusa says Dracula's name and shortly there after Dracula said Medusa's name. Shockingly they hugged each other and Ariel and Death were outside the office where they stayed for the past month. Ariel looked confused, while Death was shocked at this revelation.