
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Kỳ huyễn
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199 Chs

Chapter 4 Ariel's gets new strength

As Ariel was wanting the best for her father. She knew he was most likely dead. She wanted her father so much she went to the Hero.

Medusa and Dracula both yelled at her for minutes however she never heard them. Then has she made up her mind. She looked back giving a smile that one knew that it was not good. Then she turned quickly and left.

Dracula cried in Medusa's arm. Medusa just wraps her small arm Dracula's head saying, "I am sorry you witnessed the death of your family."

Medusa looked back and feeling this power was not good for either one. She used what little power she could to pick up Dracula and carried her inside.

Ariel slowly makes it to the Hero and he turns around and there was only dread in Ariel's eyes. As see is looking to see only destruction and a winning destruction there was no life in there what so ever. She thought about her father and called out his name several times with no answer. She began to cry, the Hero looking at her and not wanting to incur her wrath now. He allowed to cry.

As Ariel is crying a sweet and calming voice entered her mind, "What do you wish for?"

Ariel realizing this voice was most like the voice of the previous god of Blessing and Life replied, "I want this battle to come to an end with my father on top but this person is too strong."

The voice replied, "I cannot give you your entire wish but I can grant you your wish of your father. However with this power you must promise me this. Do not make them enemies ever. I do not want a repeat of what happened last time okay. Do you understand?"

Ariel's reply was a stunning one of pure strength as if something awakened from deep within her, "I do not care if they become enemies I will always straighten them up."

Feeling this power from within Ariel, the Hero knew she just unlocked her true potential. If it was her Vampiric Bloodline, her god of Blessing and Life's power or something new he did not know.

The voice was also stunned by this new power and said, "What is this power young Vampire?"

Ariel did know but then suddenly said, "My father declared himself has the Vampire King. I guess that makes the Vampire Princess or Vampire Queen. I guess this is its power."

The Hero hearing her suddenly declaring what she said replied, "Awesome show me what power you control now."

Even though Ariel did not know what power this was she tried focusing on it and not knowing how to use it she quickly gave up. Then she went back to the voice and asked, "What is the power you were going to give me?"

The voice said, "Under my name all Life is under my control no Death or Balance can stop if I want life. I want this Life to bring the most out of everyone in the universe. All bring Life to me, I'll bring Life to all. Life Shower."

What Ariel did not know was that the voice controlled her to say this. Once that was said, all life around the universe was restored. Any planets that was destroyed was renewed. Then Ariel started to pass out when Death caught her. Death looked at his passed out daughter and began to show his true Death power. When no life was dying, he looked at the Hero only to see both Destruction and Life power flowing out of him.

The Hero was not only impressed but happy that he could become that strong as well. When suddenly a voice told him, "You are already stronger than her. The only reason you are impressed is because you did not have Life Power."

The Hero did not know who told him this. However, he knew the voice was right. The Hero replies with, "So who are you?"

The voice did not reply only told him, "I am and always will be with you."

The Hero immediately knew that whoever this voice was, it would be his true awakening.

Back to the man in the cell, "I cannot believe even now he can still overwrite my ability. What a joyous day this is. I shall read what happens after this battle and then allow the new god of Balance do what he wants instead of constantly making his a living hell. I will read to see what he does," the man said while laughing the entire time.

The Hero felt chains fall off and his power greatly increase so much so that even though all the Life power that was used by Ariel. It was nothing in front of him.

Then the voice that spoke earlier said, "Your name is," before fading away.

The Hero had started his true awakening only to it be still be unable to know. With this new person standing in front of him. He asked, "Are willing to mend your deal with my strongest clone?"

The Hero suddenly looked at him and said, "Only if you call me brother once. Since I did kill him and get the victory."

Death looks at him and replies, "Okay, Brother I am ready for round two whenever you are. However, since you have gotten much stronger this past few minutes I will continue to get stronger to try and stop you. If you can make me reach 75% of my true strength I will call you brother no matter what. If you make me reach 50% I will give you one wish. Anything lower than that is a disappoint for me and you."

The Hero looks at him and says, "Alright however, you will start at 45% of your true power and quickly raise it for each hit I land on you. The only thing I ask is that no matter the victor you help those women get stronger here before sending them back home."

Death looks at him and says, "Do you want them to watch this battle? If you do then I will lower my expectations but become more ruthless. If you want them to watch this battle then I shall not be ruthless and keep our deal."

The Hero looks and replies, "If you start going toward 70% of your power then stop and get them out of harms way. I am sure our defense will not stand if we are giving nearly everything in this battle."

They both agreed to the deal and went to explain the deal to the trio. The only upset was Ariel. Ariel did not want them to fight.

Death looked at her and replied, "I know you truly liked my clone has a father. I know there is nothing I can do to ever fix that. I promise that once we get back home, we can and will find the Hero and Medusa and travel with them okay."

Ariel looks at her father and replies, "Okay, only if mother comes and you help get more women for the Hero."

Medusa looks upset at what Ariel said but quickly looks at Death to hear his reply.

Death was stunned at what his daughter said and thought about his reply. Then he spoke, "I cannot promise to help him find women, however if any lady likes him. I will do my best to persuade the Hero to look after them okay."

The man in the cell reading what Death has said. Is instantly stunned and wishes that when he and the others went on their journey they could have a journey like this.

The Hero looked at Ariel and replied, "Ariel is it possible that you like me?"

Everyone looked at the Hero and was upset and Ariel spoke up, "I do like you, however I do not know if it is a love or like a friend."

Everyone looked at Ariel and Dracula hugged her.

The Hero said, "Alright we will be friends and if you feel something deeper. Please tell me first so we can move our relationship forward okay."

Ariel said, "Okay. Whenever you first learn your true name let all of know at the same time small finger promise," she told him with a very stern voice.

The Hero made a fist and replied, "I do not make small finger promises because they can always be broken. They are always easier to break then making a blood contract," the Hero had a piece of paper and found a pen to write with, "I, the Hero, make a blood contract with Ariel that my name shall only be spoken with this group first. If I cannot remember this contract then my mouth will never be able to speak my name until Death, Medusa, Ariel, and Dracula are together. If anyone wishes to change anything with this contract do so now."

Everyone looked at each other and then looked at Ariel who was extremely happy. They all pricked a different finger and placed it on the paper. Suddenly the contract entered the Hero's mind.

With that Death and the Hero went away to start their battle.

The man in the cell reading this knows he has to make the Hero in this book lose his memory of everything he can before the finally of this match. He quickly looks for a certain feathered pen. It was under his mattress with a cut out for it so nothing would ever happen to it. The man began to write, "When the Hero and Death reached 45% power there was not much difference in their power. They suddenly start punching each other accepting the other's punches. After about 5 minutes of fighting they both reach about 60%. There was a difference in power now because Death had total control of both Death and Destruction power. While the Hero could use both Destruction and Life power. When this next battle, the Hero was getting more punches in but with every punch that Death hit made the Hero slowly erase his memory. After a fifteen minutes, they both reached 75% both of stop realizing that there was a huge power difference but neither one gave up. Ariel, Medusa, and Dracula had left with a clone of Death. With this next battle it was a completely one sided battle with Death beating the hell out of the Hero. Before completely losing his memory.

The Hero said, "Make sure you train the ladies well, and once they are strong enough send us back home. Make sure that each person gets home at the time they want too. I know that is selfish of me but no matter what I want to travel around Ritoco again. This time I want to have fun and travel with friends to gain new heights."

Death looked at the Hero suddenly realizing that he his for some reason becoming a lot weaker replies, "I will keep our promises even though you will not remember. I will make a Life and Death contract." Then suddenly the entire sky become blood colored and a single drop of water that looked like an entire ocean was in the sky. Death made the trio listen, "I, Death the Vampire King and former Vampire Prince, make a Life and Death contract these names. I will train on this planet and no one shall ever disturb their training: Ariel, the Vampire Princess and future Vampire Queen, Darcula, the current wife of the Vampire King and former Vampire Prince, Medusa, the first wife of the current Hero. I shall make sure that once they are strong enough they return to the planet Ritoco. With the memories and power they have, to any time they want to return to."

The Hero smiles at Death and Death smiles back then the final clash happened, after the skies cleared. With that the Hero had lost the final punch but not without punching Death has hard has he could. While the Hero is losing consciousness suddenly, his energy gives off a Draconic Roar that shakes everything. Not a single living or non-living matter in the universe knew why this shaking was special. However everything in the universe gave respect to what made this shaking." After that the man in the cell looked scared because of the pen he used was one that the future happen according to Ariel's wishes.